{ "name": "Full_Auto", "full_name": "Mastermind_Pets.Commando_2.Full_Auto", "type": "Click", "display_name": "Full Auto", "display_fullname": "Mastermind Pets.Commando.Full Auto", "display_help": "Opens up your assault rifle on Full Auto to lay down a massive spray of bullets at your target. Although very slow to reload, damage from this attack is massive, shredding all targets within the narrow cone of effect. There's a chance you may land a lucky shot for extra damage.

Full Auto is unaffected by Recharge Time changes.

Damage: Superior.
Recharge: Slow.", "display_short_help": "Ranged (Cone), Superior DMG(Lethal), +Special", "icon": "assaultweapons_arfullauto.png", "auto_issue": false, "auto_issue_keeps_level": false, "message_caster": null, "message_floater": null, "message_attacker_hit": null, "message_target_hit": null, "message_target_confirm": null, "message_float_reward": null, "message_defense_avoidance": null, "attack_types": [ "Area", "Lethal" ], "requires": "", "activate_requires": "", "accuracy": 1.35, "number_allowed": 1, "caster_near_ground": false, "target_near_ground": false, "cast_when_dead": "AliveOnly", "cast_through": [], "toggle_ignores": [], "ignore_level_gained": false, "works_on_untouchable": false, "works_through_vision_phase": false, "target_untargetable": false, "interrupt_like_sleep": false, "notify_ai_when": "Always", "effect_area": "Cone", "max_targets_hit": 10, "radius": 80, "arc": 0.3491, "range": 80, "range_secondary": 0, "activation_time": 2.5, "root_time": 2.5, "interrupt_time": 0, "recharge_time": 60, "activate_period": 0, "endurance_cost": 15.6, "cancelable": false, "self_confirm": false, "confirm_requires": "", "time_to_confirm": 0, "chain_delay": 0, "chain_effect_expr": "", "chain_forks": [], "chain_into_power_name": null, "vec_box_offset": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "vec_box_size": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "number_of_charges": 0, "max_num_charges": 0, "destroy_on_last_use": true, "power_lifetime": 0, "max_power_lifetime": 0, "power_lifetime_ingame": 0, "max_power_lifetime_ingame": 0, "stacking_lifetime": false, "toggle_on_time": 0, "max_toggle_on_time": 0, "toggle_detoggle_time": 0, "toggle_droppable": "Sometimes", "ignore_toggle_max_distance": false, "target_type": "Foe (Alive)", "target_type_secondary": null, "target_visibility": "LineOfSight", "targets_affected": [ "Foe (Alive)" ], "targets_autohit": [], "target_requires": "", "proc_allowed": "All", "boosts_allowed": [ "Reduce Endurance Cost", "Enhance Damage", "Enhance Accuracy" ], "allowed_boostset_cats": [], "exclusion_groups": 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