## App ## - Conditionals form: center form to parent on load - Show duration expression in effect text if present (while editing only) - Only show zero duration effects in the dataview if they are either Teleport, Knockback, Knockup, Repel, ToggleDrop - Set up keyword/token selector in expression builder - Add `caster>modifier()` and `caster>modifier>current` as keywords for expressions - Allow importing a build from a datachunk - New share menu: datachunk, standard/(very) long export format with complete stats breakdown, output formats allowed: BBCode, Html, Markdown, Markdown+HTML, plain text, build download link, infography - New loading screen - Fix importing a build from .txt file when using Level Up mode - Fix a glitch in the incarnates window where powers would shift to the left - Adjust 'Interruptable time' label box in the edit power window so text don't overlap - Fix total mag calculation on aggregated effects - Offload ServerData to JSON - Add ability to enable/disable incarnate buttons via server config controls - Reactivate speed/distance units change in totals (movement + perception blocks) - Fix grouped effects for DamageBuff, Heal, ToHit missing x100 multiplier - "Enhancement" or "Debuff" now only show for when grouped effects contain more than one effect. If not, affected effect will be shown instead. - Entity details: rework form border to avoid glitches when moved off screen, add a border panel instead on which you can click to move it, make the 'Top Most' button visible - Adjust position and size of the "Damage" label in the dataview so letters don't get cut - Fix some edge cases where variable and non-variable effects with same magnitude would be merged (e.g. Energy Drain at 2 targets) - Better handling of SilentKill effects in the DataView - Fix crash when editing realm-specific powersets, ensure even if a powerset icon doesn't exist, it doesn't throw an exception - Powerset comparison: fix damage display of powers with redirects or ExecutePower effects - Fixed a bug in the loading of a character file where a build can continue to try to load on subsequent loads even when telling it not to. - Reworked patch generation to be more streamlined and include progress. - Updater: files extracted from updated are no longer directly replaced, removed the exclusion of the updater itself in updates, added a small custom cleanup utility for removing residual files. - Fix parsing of Gymnastics/Oil Slick Arrow (Blaster) from `/buildsave` exports, do not add .txt builds to auto open on launch - DataView: sync display of duration/effect/mag, hide Afraid Mez from the info tab - Add expression keywords to check against character archetype. Single: `source.owner>arch()`, Multi: `source.owner>archIn()` (separate with commas) - When selecting an enhancement, show for unique if used in main or alternate slotting, prevent selecting it again if used in main - Hide DesignerStatus effects in the dataview - Hide StealthRadiusPlayer in the dataview when in PvE mode - Prevent crash when checking for App/DB updates and manifest host is unreachable - Prevent display of blank ToWho when set to none - Always include for calculations click powers without a green toggle button - Fix click, non-toggleable powers getting ignored from calculations after removing an enhancement - Fix potential crash when loading a build made with a different database, then choose to auto-switch database - Fix possible crash when switching to Level Up mode - Fix crash when hovering pool powers (Rebirth DB only) - Fix Defense(All types) detection - Import Temps, Accolades and Incarnates when using Build Recovery - Fix crash when using build recovery on incomplete builds - Set default stacks value when importing builds through build recovery - Propagate grouped effects system to PetView - Fix PowerCombo dropdown overlapping border control (PetView) - Auto size entity name to fit (PetView) - Show build modified status in titlebar - Edit power: fix updating numeric values - Set finder: fix icons in set list - Add filter by primary/secondary powerset to the Set Bonus Finder - Fix enhanced color marker for mez, fix duration display, add tooltip - Enhancement Picker: Added missing control arms to switch statement which was causing an exception when attempting to remove an enhancement from a slot. - Fix enhancement check mode control overlapping the dataview for Epic ATs (note: only partially working) - Fix dataview blank/cut initial state on load - Fix loading mxd builds on Rebirth DB - Build recovery: fix detection of Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets - Build recovery: fix parsing of VEAT trunk sub-powers - Border and titlebar of the main window will change depending on character alignment, add normal and dimmed styles (can switch in the config) - Suppress flicker on info texts when selecting an enhancement (Enhancement Picker) - Fix enhancement picker variable level box height glitch - Lock power lists when enhancement check mode is active - Do not show duration for Max End set bonuses (in popups) - Grouped effect: Modified tooltip to state how to open pet view when applicable. - Allow AND/OR linking keywords in conditionals - Grouped effects: also group by PvMode (Any/PvE/PvP) - Fix Accuracy AutoHit detection for powers with summons - Fix effects showing as enhanced when power is not picked - Show effect name as Movement/-Movement when a grouped effect contains more than one source effect - Fix Updater not working if App path contains spaces - CharacterBuildFile: Fixed erroroneous assignment of alternate slots to primary slot entries. - Properly parse power requirements when it contains missing powers - Removed the DPS calculator - Implemented "sticky mode" for the enhancement picker: the picker won't dissapear if you move mouse outside of it, instead you can click a button on it to cancel or hit `ESC` (if the pointer is over it). This behavior can be changed in Configuration > Drag & Drop tab. ## DB / HC ## - Experimentation > Corrosive Vial: pseudo pet attributes updated, def debuff set to non-stackable, set disallowed modes - Sorcery > Arcane Bolt: Restrict taunt effect to Brute and Tanker - Update effects for Experimentation > Corrosive Vial, Experimentation > Toxic Dart, Flight > Air Superiority - Fix Fly value/duration for Flight > Fly - Adjust Defense effects mag and modifier for Energy Drain (Brute) - Update Kuji-In Rin (Sentinel) allowed enhancements and sets - Added Demons Lore pets (nobody paid me extra for it !) - Move Lore Pets to Incarnate_Pets group, create missing entities - Set initial stacks for Follow Up (Widow) to 1 - Mark Resurgence (Sentinel) as a click-buff - Replace Resistance enhancement with Defense on Force Shield (Proterctor Bot) - Fix Invincibility (Brute) defense when no foe is around - Changed Invincibility (Brute, Tanker) default stack value to 1 - Disallow jump enhancements, running and universal travel sets for Shinobi-Iri (Sentinel) - Updated Storm Cell recharge time (All ATs) - Fix inherents where Hurdle displays before Health - Fix Hemorrhage variable damage (Tanker) - FIx Stone Skin granting Psionic defense instead of Toxic Defense - Remove Null, NullBool, DesignerStatus from enhancement set bonuses (e.g. Brute's fury) - FIx Sorcery > Enflame not showing any damage - Update defense debuff resistance value for Foresight (Widow Teamwork) - Update short and long descriptions for Crystal Armor and Minerals (Brute, Tank) - Add Toxic Defense Buff/Debuff to Incarnates - Fix Radiation Therapy self-damage, variability, -regen to target, inherent taunt (Brute, Tank) - Add Superior Invisibility, Phantom Army, Spectral Terror (Dominator) to Cryptic power names translation table - Remove override scaling limit from Inherent.Inherent.Critical_Hit - Fix Bone Smasher (Scrapper) PvP critical damage - Updated Cryptic Power names translation table (round 1) - Add Knockup protection to Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Protection, Karma: Knockback Protection - Fix Incandescence incarnate powers messing with self Knockback Protection - Added Targeted AoE sets on Ignite (Sentinel) - Update Melee_Debuff_TYoHit modifier table for Class_Minion_Pets - Disable AbsorbSummonAttributes everywhere - Fix MaxRunSpeed effect on Blizzard (All ATs) - Updated requirements for Disintegrating Inherent (Defender) - Fix Storm Blast > Hailstones endurance cost (Blaster, Corruptor, Defender)