City of Heroes Praetorian Clockwork dictionary. ----------------------------------------------- Written up by Ceana@Nixce on Homecoming [Everlasting] for roleplaying purposes. Last Edit: January 8th, 2024 Version: 0.3 Feel free to use and modify for your own uses, wiki articles, whatever. =========== Dictionary: ----------- ADJ = Adjacent ALG = Algorithm ALL = All, Everybody ALV = Alive [Description] ALY = Ally, Friend ATK = Attack [Action/Description] ATM = Anti-Matter [Noun] BAF = Behavioral Adjustment Facility [Location] BBQ = Barbeque BER = Neuron (See PRA.BER) BLU = Blue BRK = Break BUF = Buffer CIT = Citizen CLN = Clean [Description] CLR = Colour CMB = Combat CMP = Complete CRA = Crate CTK = Contact CUR = Current CWK = Clockwork [Description/Group] DEF = Defend/Defense [Action/Description] DES = Destroyers [Group] DIA = Diagnostics DUN = Dominatrix (See PRA.DUN) EMP = Emperor (See EMP.MCL) EMP.MCL = Emperor Marcus Cole [Noun] END = End, Stop (See FIN) ENM = Enemy EST = Estimate FCL = Facility FIN = End, Stop (See END) FIX = Fixing something [Action/Description] GHU = Ghouls GRN = Green GRS = Grass IC = Imperial City [Location] INI = Initiate INT = Initialize LOC = Location MCL = Marcus Cole (See EMP.MCL) MEM = Memory MGS = Magisterium [Location] MSG = Message NOP = ? OBJ = Object PPL = People [Group] PPD = Praetoria Police Department [Group] PRA = Praetoria [Location] PRA.BER = Neuron [Noun] PRA.DUN = Dominatrix [Noun] PRA.SNC = Chimera [Noun] PRA.TIL = Mother Mayhem [Noun] PRA.WHT = Marauder [Noun] PRC = Process PRD = Procedure PRT = Protocol RCN = Reconnaisance RCP = Reciprocate RES = Resistance [Action/Group] RFT = Rift RPG = Reprogam RPR = Repair RSP = Response RTN = Return RUN = Run SAF = Safe SDN = Shutdown SEE = See, Observe SKY = Sky SNC = Chimera (See PRA.SNC) SPL = Special SRC = Source SRH = Search SRV = Serve SSP = Suspend SYN = Syndicate [Group] TGT = Target TIM = Time TRF = Traffic TRR = Turret TSK = Task UGR = Underground [Location] Modifiers: ---------- True = True [Boolean] False = False [Boolean] = = Set VAR == = Compare VAR1 to VAR2 != = Is NOT x = Multiplication ! = NOT (!CWK.FIX = Don't fix.) !! = Double NOT (!!CWK.FIX == CWK.FIX) + = Addition - = Subtract ? = Why > = Greater than Known Error Codes: ------------------ er570 = String mismatch ============== Examples used: ========================== Homecoming City of Heroes: In-World Examples: ------------------ Praetorian tutorial mission: ---------------------------- [NPC] Resistance Clockwork: !RES; !saf; atK.!R#% // repeL outSi#%^ [NPC] Resistance Clockwork: #bzzzzt# [NPC] Resistance Clockwork: tGT=ReS.CTk // coNTaCT fouN^ [NPC] Resistance Clockwork: Please sp-sp-speak to me, [name] [NPC] Resistance Clockwork: LoA.din.G[pRE.rec.MSG] // reLAYing Me$$*&! Greetings, [name]. I am a-a-a-a Clockwork programmed t-t-to aid the Resistance. The ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-person you are to meet is currently on teh r-r-r-run from the PPD. I have been se-se-se-sent to sp-sp-sp... buF[msg]; nop; mSg=buf // buffERinG meSS^%1 Please use the supply crate to retrieve a-a-a-a-a... some inspirations. [NPC] Resistance Clockwork: PrS(Que.rY[TgT.cuR]) == ErRRor // miSMat[- er570 Errror. P-please re-re-re-re-re buF[msg]; nop; mSg=buf // buffERinG meSS^%1 REstaTE youR stateMeNT as A QuesTION, plEASE. Player: ?CWK.SPK != CIT.SPK [NPC] Resistance Clockwork: LoA.din.G[rDa.taB.aSe] // enCylopediA M0!]# Player: CWK[TSK] = FIN. Player: ?INT(TGT.OBJ[SPL.CRA]) Resistance mission 'Kidnap' Dr.Marino ------------------------------------- [NPC] Sweeper: If PPL.ATK.PRA then PPL = RES? [NPC] Cleaner: LAB.SFE = False. ATK = True [NPC] Sweeper: PPL = RES. ATK [NPC] Cleaner: TSK = DEF. Random encounters: ------------------ [NPC] Cleaner: !ATK.CWK [NPC] Sweeper: CIT.PRA.TSK = RUN(); !SAF [NPC] Sweeper: CIT.TSK = Stop(ATK()) [NPC] Sweeper: CIT[ESC(BAF)]; CWK.TSK = RTN.BAF(CIT) [NPC] Sweeper: CWK.FIX(PPL.ATK()) [NPC] Cleaner: CWK.SEE[PPL.ATK(CWK)]; CWK.DEF(PRA) [NPC] Cleaner: EMP.MCL > ALL.PRA [NPC] Sweeper: If CWK.SRV(ATM) && ATM.SRV(EMP.MCL) Then CWK.SRV(EMP.MCL) [NPC] Sweeper: If CWK.SEE[ATK(ADJ)] Then CWK.RSP(RCP) [NPC] Cleaner: If EMP.MCL.ALV == True Then PRA = SAF [NPC] Sweeper: If ENM != ALV Then IC = SAF [NPC] Sweeper: If PPL.TRF(GRS) Then GRS != ALV [NPC] Cleaner: If RES.ATK(PRA) Then CWK.ATK(RES); If CWK.ATK(RES) Then RES = !ALV [NPC] Cleaner: MGS.SAF && MGS.CLN == True [NPC] Sweeper: PPL.ATK(CWK); CWK.TSK[DEF(CWK)] > CWK.TSK[CLN(PRA)]; CWK.TSK = DEF(CWK) [NPC] Sweeper: PRA == CLN; ?CWK.TSK == CLN(PRA) [NPC] Cleaner: !RES.MGS == True; ?CWK.TSK = RCN(MGS) [NPC] Builder: Stop CWK.TGT Then PRA = SAF [NPC] Cleaner: TRF x PPL x 2 - CWK.TSK[CLN(PRA)] == PRA.CLN [NPC] Sweeper: While !CWK.SAF; CWK.TSK = DEF(CWK) [NPC] Cleaner: While IC != BKN; CWK.TSK = FIX(IC) [NPC] Mender: While PRA != CLN; CWK.TSK = CLN(PRA) [NPC] Malfunctioning Unit: !!CWK.FIX; CWK == SAF; !!CWK.ALV [NPC] Malfunctioning Unit: CWK == !ALV; PPL.TSK = FIX(CWK) [NPC] Malfunctioning Unit: CWK == !FIX; CWK.TSK = FIX(CWK) [NPC] Malfunctioning Unit: CWK.SEE[GRS.CLR == GRN; SKY.CLR == BLU]; CWK.TSK = PPL.BBQ [NPC] Malfunctioning Unit: If CWK.TSK == DEF(CWK) Then CWK.TSK = ATK(CIT.PRA) [NPC] Malfunctioning Unit: If !PPL.ALV Then !TRF; If !TRF Then CWK.TSK != CLN(PRA) [NPC] Malfunctioning Unit: If TSK == FIX.PRA Then EMP.MCL = !ALV [NPC] Hacked Cleaner: reS.CwK != !fiX; REs.cwK.FIx(prA) // posITIve evaNG3/_%$^^ [NPC] Hacked Sweeper: rES.cWk.TSk = rTn(NT1/ /) // reTUrN & REpo|P215953542+ ======== OuroDev: From Guide text: ----------- The following was a dug up guide, but it seems that Early Praetorian Clockwork Missions did not follow this guideline. Salvaged pieces of Praetorian Chatter need to be verified for any differences between i24/i25 etc. (Dictionary section from webpage integrated in above dictionary section.) var UNDERGROUND_SOLOPATROL_DEFENSEMODE_ALERT_TEXT = "CWK.SRV(PRA.BER); If RES.ATK(PRA.BER) Then CWK.ATK(RES)", "CWK.TSK = DEF(PRA.BER)", "If SEE.REC.RES Then CWK.ATK(RES)", "If RES.ATK(CWK) Then CWK.ATK(RES)", "If CWK.LOC == UGR Then CWK.ENM = RES + SYN + GHU + DES && CWK.ALY = PPD; If CWK.SEE.ENM Then CWK.ATK(ENM)" // Translations: "Clockwork serves Neuron. If Resistance attacks Neuron, then Clockwork attacks Resistance.", "Clockwork's task is to defend Neuron.", "If Clockwork sees Resistance perform reconaissance, then Clockwork attacks Resistance.", "If Resistance attacks Clockwork, then Clockwork attacks Resistance.", "If the clockwork's location is the Underground, then the Clockwork's enemies are the Resistance, the Syndicate, the Ghouls and the Destroyers and the clockwork's allies are the PPD. If the clockwork sees an enemy, the clockwork will attack the enemy."