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GM Capocollo

Retired Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Capocollo

  1. I've heard that he seems most likely to appear right after the server comes up after a restart, so there might be some issue with the strike event not ending cleanly.  If this is the problem, I'm not sure how high-priority it is to fix, but he's definitely on the list of unreliable giant monsters, along with Lusca and Jack-in-Irons/Eochai.

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  2. Ghost of Scrapyard has an unusual spawn condition compared to other giant monsters, and it has a lot of moving parts where the process can get stuck.


    From looking at the code, this is how I gather it's supposed to work:

    • At a random time, the game checks if another strike is occurring; if not, the script continues
    • The game picks a random rally point for the miners where miners will congregate
    • The game spawns more miners in various points around the zone and directs them to the rally point
    • The game waits until enough miners arrive at the rally point, then spawns Scrapyard there
    • Scrapyard leads the miners, as well as any other miners who spawn nearby afterwards, towards the speech point

    This means the following can cause the event to break:

    • The event didn't terminate cleanly for some reason, so a new one can never start
    • The rally point is at a place where the miners can't path to
    • The miners' path takes them past hostile mobs that tie them up
    • Players defeat the miners before they can arrive at the rally point
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  3. This is an issue with the way that the editor handles autosaving.  It'll hold onto your post if you, say, close the tab or accidentally click a link, but it naively assumes that when you click Submit, you don't need the cached post any more and deletes it, even if IPB rejects the submission because you're not logged in.  This has been reported as a bug to Invision but it doesn't look like there's a resolution yet.


    The main workaround is to click "Stay logged in" if you think you're going to be doing some serious posting.  If you want to work in an external editor, use something that supports rich text like Microsoft Word or Pages or LibreOffice Writer; that'll preserve the formatting when you come back to the post editor.


  4. Fun Capocollo fact: I played Wildstar for like a week at launch and bounced off it because attunement sucked and the gear treadmill was nonsense, and then forgot about it.  A year later after the Wildstar subreddit’s mods self destructed over the game going F2P, the remaining couple mods put out an open recruitment thread for new mods, and as a joke I posted there saying that as someone who doesn’t play the game, I’d be able to remain perfectly objective compared to everyone else there who was biased towards their archetype or play style 


    I expected to get downvoted or banned from the sub but they called my bluff and made me one of the new class of mods instead 

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    • Haha 5
  5. I don’t see anything that rings a bell in the discipline logs, so I’d need more information to look into this.  First of all, what name was it? Did you transfer it to another shard?

  6. 18 minutes ago, duane said:

    I will go with 8/8/19, but very likely something in the middle between the 4/24 date and this one as discussions progressed.

    I do find it curious that we had the update to enable cooldown numbers but no further development.  Just my opinion.



    There's been one bigger update, a few small updates, and continuing progress on the beta client since that update you mentioned.

  7. At this point, I don’t know what the problem would be beyond these:

    • You’re connected to the wrong WiFi network and you’re actually on a corporate, academic or hospitality network that filters or blocks gaming traffic
    • There is some other security software running on your system that you are overlooking which is preventing the client from connecting 
    • You’re trying to log into a private server other than Homecoming 
  8. What you call “challenging why people think what they think” is riding dangerously close to what I call “needling people for no reason”.  If someone is resistant to playing along with your Socratic questioning, take the hint and drop it instead of pretending derailing a thread to perform some amateur psychoanalysis is actually for everyone’s edification.

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  9. 10 hours ago, Omega-202 said:

    Good for them to find out player count to help calculate damages.  Or get information regarding who is hosting the servers so they can pursue them for damages because they have deeper pockets than the HC team.  Or to findout who their contractor was at Paragon who handed over the stolen IP.  


    There's a ton of info that they could gain under the pretense of a negotiation that's not readily available.  And for the stuff that can "be gotten legally of their own volition", why bother when you can accept an offer to "chat" by the guilty parties and let them hand you said information.  Do you think investigations of this kind are cheap and quick?  Like you said, the servers were underground and unknown for 7 years.  Better to fi d out from the horse's mouth what other secrets there might be, especially if the horse asked to speak with you.


    In regards to "foaming at the mouth" to hand out a C&D: how fast do you think legal departments work?  Especially if corporate is debating how to best handle the situation and they didn't have names, addresses or contacts to properly serve said C&D.  Do you really think the legal department caught wind of this in late April and dropped everything to work on shutting down a pirate server for a 15 year old game?  It's been 3 months.  Their docket is probably 6-12 months deep with shit to do.  


    This may all shake out.  Maybe you're right.  But I'd put money on this going south.  I'm done debating this, see you all on the other side.

    The fundamental basis of this theory (that NCsoft is engaging in bad faith negotiation to get the contact info and incriminating evidence necessary to start C&Ds and lawsuits) doesn’t make sense to me because all of this information you believe NCsoft could only get from closed-door talks is available publicly on this very website.


    Every month the admins have posted the receipts from their hosting company, who is OVH.  Anyone could confirm that the NA servers are in the Montreal data center, and OVH is aware of Homecoming because they’ve been working closely with HC on trying to fix routing issues.  Concurrent player stats are published and graphed in multiple public places. The name and registered state of the LLC have been mentioned here multiple times. Most critically, if they were desperate to find out who originally passed along the code, they would do that by filing a lawsuit and demanding that info from a witness under oath in a deposition, and not just hope it slips during friendly talks.

    I don’t think that NCsoft is simultaneously underhanded yet hapless enough that they’d go through the whole rigamarole of pretending to negotiate just so they can get information that anyone could get from thirty seconds on these forums and a traceroute. 

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