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  1. LOVE the hard Work thanks to all thoses giving there time for this. question about , not pic > Energy Mastery > Focused Accuracy (Brute/Scrapper/Stalker/Tanker) - End Cost reduced from 0.39 to 0.195 Leguy cost is 0.78 , unless there was a recent change I missed. (and Mids too :p) so reduce from .78 to .39 would be ok reduce from .78 to .195 seems unbalanced Did I say i LOVE the work done? well No I'm sure I did 😄
  2. Edit : 😅 oups, edit with the wrong account, original post was with kazrack35 I haven't play mind control for the last past year, so I wasn't sure. I seem to remember that sometimes sleep applied on boss without containment, sometimes not. I figured it was some twist between the sleep application vs the damage application. The global intent here was to assure a sleep on the boss (if there's no interference betwen sleep and damage on application), but to prevent some kind of abuse by killing them stacking only sleep. So the first mezmerize would do : damage then sleep the boss the second, IF the sleep was still active would only apply damage, ie awaken the boss And also as I said first, I'm mostly okay with mesmerize, this was just a slight buff intended
  3. trick arrows - controller - disruption arrow -max end seems irrelevent AND bugged : à 50 cimeroran lieut has 140 end. applying Arrow he now has 140 of 145, quickly rising at 145. Back at 140 after effect ends🤭
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