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Posts posted by MTeague

  1. Mind/Kin is a nice combo but it can be will be slow to start. 

    • It works best if you're fully willing to use Confuses to protect yourself and your team.   
    • Levitate is some team-friendly knockup damage mitigation (boss ain't attacking while flung into the air or getting back up)
    • Terrify (the Cone-Fear) is really more of a personal damage vehicle than much else. But it is nice to apply damage to a crowd after Mass Confuse to ensure exp will be had by all. 
    • Transfusion
    • Siphon Speed is easy to stack and the +20% recharge you get from it stacks.  Very nice for unleashing lots of mags of hold for EB's / AV's.
    • Increase Density will give hold/stun/knockback protection to everyone else and smashing/energy resist.  But it's not nearly as "noticeable" as the rest of the /Kin powers.
    • Speed Boost / Fulcrum Shift  <mic drop>
    • Thanks 1
  2. I really think Caltrops is wildly underrated by a lot of people.  It doesn't do a ton of damage, but it slows the heck out of mobs and they take time trying to get off the caltrops and that's FREE HITS on them.  At the very least it's a period of no incoming damage from them.   No, you don't want to use Caltrops on the pack that a tank just pulled for AE nuking, but if a group of melee has gotten past to your squishies, toss those bad boys on the ground!


    I would like to see Triage Beacon become Triage Drone however.... something mobile that could follow you. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 10/15/2019 at 8:49 PM, Shoulung said:

    I’m sure we’ll be fine, just takes out my biggest damage boost to the group.

    Just finding this thread, sounds like a blast. I'm just picturing an entire Amazon Jungle of Carrion Creepers causing chaos galore.


    But for your Plant/Sonic's -Res toggle - drop it on a Dominator. They tend to have a fair number of melee attacks and will probably be least shy about getting up close and personal.  Esp if you tell them, you're going to put the toggle on them, and if they've got Sonic bubbles up to make them much less squishy.  My Plant/Psi dominator usually lives in melee (Drain Psyche, and all...)


    • Like 1
  4. I cry a little bit when I see "Does not do the Confuse route".


    Confuse, is frickin' AWESOME.  Confuse = completely free hits on the confused mob, and it's not hard to keep a mob perma-confused. Plus, the confused mob will help your team fight.  "But you lose xp", not really.  If the confused mob does 100% of the damage to an enemy and kills it solo, then and ONLY then, do you not get exp.  If people deal at least ONE SINGLE hp of damage to the target before the confused mob kills it, you get like 50% of the exp you would have gotten if your team killed it outright.  And the Exp you get scales up the more damage your team does to it.  And you kill FASTER (and safer).   It's not about XP per kill, it's XP per TIME. 


    Levelling, Confuse is great.

    At 50?  Confuse a Sapper.  Watch and giggle as it saps the Malta Zues Titan instead of your friends.

    Same with Carnie Ring mistresses. They'll toss their Mark of Vitae on an enemy, not you or a teammate.

    Rikti Guardians?  They'll bubble you and give you Accelerated Metabolism.

    Knives of Artemis?  Their caltrops instantly stop hurting you and start hurting and slowing them, and they run away all slowly and it's free hits baby.


    Mass Confuse is every bit as good. 

    a) stacked with regular confuse, it's a one-two-whammy to confuse any boss.

    b) one cast and your squishes are safe to alpha strike whatever. 

    c) just got jumped from behind?  Mass Confuse / Terror, they're all beating each other up, you've damaged all of them, group will get plenty of exp for the kills without turning to focus on them.


    And with good +Recharge, yes it possible to Confuse EB's and even AV's.   It's rare that you would need to, true, but i've saved groups where we didn't have a tank and the big bad would whomp down the squishes too fast.  Popped Hasten, got good confuse rotation going while the rest held back and sure enough, confused, then everyone UNLOADED on it during free hit and we wins.   Most of the time though, for EB's /  AV's, you're better of with Hasten, Dominate (with Lockdown proc), Mass Domination (with Lockdown proc), and Telekneisis to rapidly dump mags of Hold.


    My main is a Mind/Kin/Psi. 

    For Mind, I took every power. Every last one of them.  And use them all.  Not in every fight, the right tool for the right job. 

    For Kin I skipped Siphon Power and Inertial Reduction. Took everything else. 

    He's a blast to play.

  5. 16 hours ago, 3333053222 said:

    Listen, continuity is great. But on a sincere note, not everyone enjoys the backpack. I as well as others have voiced over and over again that it is wrong to force a person to have an (semi-objectively ugly) crab backpack with only 2 customization options. People shouldn't be forced to have this. I understand that yes some of their general animations are tied to their backpack, but for example, this principle of "everyone other AT that has a weapon has to actually use that weapon" is true, however, there is a LARGE sweeping difference between a backpack YOU LITERALLY CANNOT GET RID OF EVEN IF YOU TURN OFF EVERY TOGGLE YOU POSSESS AND USE NO HITS versus TW/ or /Shield where you HAVE to toggle to see the shield and fight or click an attack to see your weapon. 


    I mean personally, if it just simply appeared purely for the animations, OK. However, the ENTIRETY of a Crab's villainy? This is where I think this is comparing apples to oranges.

    Something like this might be easier to rationalize too, if there were more "styles" of crab-pack.  Maybe a translucent energy crab pack. Maybe a boney / spikey organic crab pack (I'm thinking Kerrigan Queen of Blades here).  It could also make it easier to justify Crabs with different origins, or even make a crab-pack appealing to a NON crab as a costume choice, if it didn't come with an Arachnos logo and have two choices that are both high-tech instead of something that might be psionic/natural/magic/mutant. 


    It would be controllable to have it appears vs not, same way there are Auras that are always on or Combat only.


    That said.  I am a programmer. (NOT with homecoming, or any game company, i do medical software).  I know full well this could be a VERY large undertaking, in terms of artwork, in terms of code invasiveness, etc.  I do not beleive this can qualify as "Best use of limited man-hours" anytime soon.  But I think it's entirely reasonable to put the idea on an "It would be nice if..." list, as long as we don't form expectations.

  6. I have zero problems with AE existing, though I have not and will not ever use a designated Farm mission on any character, ever. 

    I will use AE to surf for missions with actual story content.  Some of those are disappointing, some are truly amazing. 


    But my characters, mostly I level doing normal story arc content. Not AE at all.  Not even TF's.  Just talking to contacts and doing a variety of street sweeping or door missions.


    Please do NOT take this option away from me or trivialize it into a speed-levelling experience. 

    If you touch story arcs at all, please make them more like Praetoria, where the arcs are exceptionally well written and it has a greater feel of your choices impacting the world.  

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/12/2019 at 3:50 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

    Yeah, it's always struck as a bit silly that you can't see me, I'm standing right behind you, taking three full seconds to aim my weapon or fist at your back aaaaand.... wiff!


    But overall it probably is too much to ask.  I mean, then Snipes shoudl auto-hit too if the target's not in combat - you know, like real life snipes do pretty much, you don't know you've been hit from nowhere until you're already dead.

    Just because they can't see you doesn't mean it's completely impossible that they decided just as that moment to start walking to the coffee maker. 

    Or maybe they DO know you're there and are just trolling you by pretending to not notice you and just by chance move out of your way at the last second.

    • Like 1
  8. Keep in mind the amount of coding, and artwork, needed for any new powersets, much less characters based around entirely new mechanics. 

    Keep in mind resources vs man-hours. 


    I mean, OK,, on one hand, sure, Dream Big.  Nothing wrong with having an "in an ideal world" list out there.

    But I would temper expectations around reality, at LEAST until they can manage to get formal "you're legit" papers from NCSoft.

  9. I like the idea.  Especially if could toggle for the kind of enhancement you're protecting.  Maybe I don't give a rat's behind about Training Enhancements, Dual Origins, Single Origins, or even Basic IO's.  But I do want to protect my Hami-O's, my set IO's, my ATO's, etc.


    I do suspect it would be "non-trivial" to make the change though.  

  10. 20 hours ago, MunkiLord said:

    I was not aware it said this. Good suggestion, I agree. 

    Agreed.  It's certainly not the only text description that's flat wrong.  The "Recharge Intensive Pet" set IO's still say they cannot be slotted in MM henchmen powers, which I believe was true on Live, but is not true on Homecoming.  I'm guessing it's a matter of "bigger fish to fry" or "keep forgetting to slam that into the code before next patch".

    • Like 1
  11. I'd like to see this happen.  /EA could be rough on a brute back when CoV first launched, but with IO's in play to patch up all the gaps?  I think a tank could rock it plenty fine, without even having to change the nature of any of the powers at all. 


    My EM/EA is still staying a Brute, though.

  12. I don't think Trick Arrow needs or should get a heal. You're using a frickin' bow and arrow.  That doesn't heal, unless you're shooting suppository medical arrows.

    But several sets don't get a heal, and are fine.  Sonic Resonance, Force Fields, Cold Domination, etc.  At MOST perhaps you could have a Triage Arrow that sets up a Triage Beacon (from Traps) at the target location. But keep in mind, that's useless for any fast-moving group, becuase no one stays near it for long. 


    If you want to be a healing archer, the Medicine tree is available, and is honestly a better solution for heals you can use even on teams that move, and top off people as needed.


    I think efforts are far better placed in strengthening some of the early weak arrows.   

    • Entangling Arrow - give it a small fire/toxic dot ("caustic"?) and would allow it to set off Oil Slick. 
    • Flash Arrow - I agree the To-Hit debuff is not strong enough as is.  I would be fine with a base 10% (or more!).  Yes, it's an AE power, but Poison and Radiation get better -To Hit powers at comparable levels in their respective trees.  If boosting the to-hit much above 10% would be considered too OP, perhaps add a strong -Range effect, so things have to try to get into melee range with you before they can attack.  It wouldn't change much for a "Standard" team with tanks and scrappers and MM minions, but it would make a huge quality of life for anyone soloing if they could use Flash arrow and kite for some free hits.
    • Glue Arrow - I'd look at the -Recharge effect.  I don't know what it is right now, but it should be right up there with Snow Storm for -Recharge.  I don't know that it needs more than that, except perhaps a faster recharge.  Mobs try hard to get OUT of the glue, meaning they move slowly and don't attack.  This already mitigates a ton of damage / gives your team lots of free hits.
    • Poison Gas arrow - I think entirely reasonable to give it a -Regen comparable to Poison Gas Trap in Traps. 



  13. I won't say I don't ever play any other games.  there's days I just want to go for world domination and fire up Civilization.

    There's days the sandbox itch hits me and I fire up one of the older Bethesda titles.


    But you can count on seeing me on Excelsior 3-4 nights a week, and most every weekend.  

    I don't care who comes and goes. I don't care who obsesses that the population is above or below a certain threshold. 

    for SEVEN YEARS, I would have been perfectly fine and dandy with a SINGLE PLAYER version of CoH, just to have my fix back.

    So long as Homecoming exists, *cough* <Ahnold voice on>  "I'll be back".

    • Like 5
  14. I wouldn't refuse it if Instant Healing became a toggle again.

    But do I think it *needs* it?  Not really. 


    Then again, I'm making no effort to tank LARGE spawns with Regen. And I have no interest in doing so.  So my expectations may be very different.  My regen is a Spines/Regen stalker.  Teaming, I let the Tank tank, and I'm in a half-step behind him critting out the wazoo and tossing in instacast Assassin's Strikes everytime that glorious orange circle appears around it.  If I catch aggro on a few stray mobs it simply doesn't matter.  I can easily out-regen them.   When I solo, I run +2 with bosses, and everything falls before me.  Ya, a couple of bosses I've gotta pop a few inspirations before the boss, and use my clickies during the fight.  But I win, they don't, unless I'm just sloppy.


    If you want Regen to be tanking soloing +4/x8 well....  can't advise you there.  The set was originally designed only for Scrappers, and later Stalkers.  Brutes were a much later afterthought.  I don't believe it's design intent ever included solo tanking +4/x8

  15. On 9/15/2019 at 8:08 AM, boggo2300 said:

    Are Brutes still needed? Scrappers? Stalkers? Corrupters? Dominators? Controllers? Defenders? Blasters? Masterminds? Epics?


    No none of them are


    All of my most fun teams, TF's and Raids have however included a good tank, every single one of them...

    I can't say my most fun team ever included a tank.... but that's because it was an All Defender Task Force (1 Storm, 1 Rad, 1 Dark, 2 Empaths, 1 Trick Arrow, 1 Sonic, 1 FF) flexing our Defendy muscles and showing the awesome power of Defender pewpewpew.  


    OUTSIDE of such highly specialized cases though, yes, I love having an actual Tank on the team. 


  16. Okay, I have stumbled and fumbled a bit, and managed to upgrade my plot, add three rooms, learn how to adjust floor and ceiling height, and set the cieling to open sky and choose the kind of sky I want.  So far, so good, for a complete newbie as base building. 


    I would like to have one room that looks like a public park, etc.  As if you'd just walked from a cave out onto a grassy hill.

    Under "Place Objects" and the category of "Nature", I found Grass Valley, but it looks like it's 24x24 or something and won't place. I also find Grass Transition #1 and #2, but those only make small patches of grass that don't actually even fill their whole cell... they just sink into the cobblestone floor. 


    You get some grassy look, but I'd like a Wall-To-Wall grass/dirt/hill base for this room's floor.

    How would you go about doing that?


  17. On 9/12/2019 at 5:10 PM, Ukase said:

    Actually, Abe didn't say that first. Unless he's older than I thought. 
    It's from Proverbs 17:28 

    Well, see, after he got into the phone booth with Bill and Ted, they kinda got lost back in time, so Abe added some proverbs to the ol' Torah before Rufus brought them back to their proper time.

    • Haha 1
  18. Mostly?  I just want the opportunity to sign up for an subscription payment of some kind to help sustain the servers and game.  You guys aren't making a dime for your efforts right now, and you have real lives and other obligations just like the rest of us. Some ability to support what you do only seems fair, and would feel like we're doing our part to KEEP this incarnation of Paragon City going for the long haul.

    • I'd like to see more well written story arcs.  Whether that was done as part of new issues relating to the Battalion, or more stand alone items, does not matter to me in the slightest.  The Praetorian arcs are pretty much pure gold in my book.
    • I wouldn't mind an option to prune some of the "busywork" missions on Blueside.  (Having the Security Chief sending you on Street Sweeping missions for Council when it's hard to FIND enough Council because the 5th Column have replaced most of them, etc).  It can be tedious to chew through 4-5 busywork missions before you realize, OK, this contact simply isn't going to give me a story arc.
    • If there were some way to recover some classic story-driven AE Missions from Live, that would be awesome. I still miss the Moon Base Laser mission.  And AE is so very full of farm missions these days.  OTOH, I'm not real sure where ownership of those actually stands, so if it's not in the cards, I get it. If they cannot be recovered, maybe I'll fumble around with the editor and try my hand at a tribute mission. 
      • Maybe just an option to search AE missions excluding certain words? (ie, a way to filter out anything containing the word "farm")
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