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Goblin Queen

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Posts posted by Goblin Queen

  1. 6 minutes ago, Kaipto said:

    LOVE this. Also love the idea of a genderless character.


    TBH, I’m surprised we can’t change our gender/body type when visiting the costume creator. I’d love to create a trans character as part of a progressive storyline.

    You can! Just at special ones. The one in Pocket D allows that.

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  2. 10 hours ago, krj12 said:

    I wish they'd take this to the next level, and just lets us customize the pets as we desire them.   You've already shown proof of concept that they can exist based on another costume.


    9 hours ago, Coyote said:

    Well, they've shown proof that they can model pets based on your currently active costume. I would assume that they could model pets based on costume1 through costume6. But, other than dedicating a costume slot to a power, I don't know that they have a way to store full costume information for a power to summon a customized-looking pet. Treating it as a weapon customization pointing to a particular costume (the currently-active one) is probably a lot simpler code than writing code to store a customized character appearance for a power that's not stored in the costume slots.


    I assume the same as Coyote and suggested as such here 



    Not sure how suggestions get reviewed by the powers that be but if more "love" and "bumps" help at all, feel free to give the suggestion some. The poor thread is languishing on page 7. 😛


    Seriously though, would be great to get at least one of our own 1-6 costume slots or a custom costume slot dedicated to applicable pet powers.


  3. I've been doing that with some goblin minions. I started a suggestion thread about letting us have a dedicated costume slot for custom pets. Either a current one we have, like #6 maybe, or allow us to pick any given slot from the basic starting slots.


    With the 15 second cool down for the costume change, it's a bit messy to do it the way we're doing it now so having a slot for it would be amazeballs. 


    Also, if you zone while you have these cool custom pets out, they'll revert to whatever costume you have active.



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  4. Now that PA Customization is out, something I've noticed is that if you do the "creative", i.e. janky, way of making different costume minions by switching to a new costume while the PA is out - they will change to your currently active costume if you zone.


    Not a huge deal but just a heads up. If we got something like what's proposed in this thread, I would imagine the above wouldn't be an issue (hopefully!).

  5. A few bugs notwithstanding, I love that the new patch is out. I can't wait to play around with the PA changes!


    Hopefully one day we can have further customization where we can point to a predefined costume slot (slot 6 for example - or a brand new slot just for pets) that would allow us to summon something other than our own image.


    I'd imagine it'd look like this for the Power Customization:

    • Original
    • Bright
    • Dark
    • Mirror
    • Mirror Custom
    • Phantom Mirror
    • Phantom Mirror Custom




    I *can* pull the below off but it's clunky and awkward - I have to change to the male goblin form, summon the PA, wait for the 15 seconds to pass for the costume change, change back to my other costume.




    Until then, awesome change! Love it!

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, Replacement said:

    I would only be in favor of this if it were an option to assign a costume slot.  I like the idea of the duplicates in power customization saying, for example, "Mirror Slot 1" and "Phantom Mirror Slot 1" in addition to the ones currently there on Beta.


    And yeah, i have a feeling/hope this will lead to a similar rollout to other pets and minions.  


    Yep! That's what I had suggested a couple posts up. 


    On 1/13/2020 at 7:51 AM, Goblin Queen said:

    1 dedicated costume slot would be simplest for sure. I'd imagine it'd look like this for the Power Customization:


    • Original
    • Bright
    • Dark
    • Mirror
    • Mirror Custom
    • Phantom Mirror
    • Phantom Mirror Custom

    The Custom options would point to Costume Slot # (whichever deemed by the Devs)

    I'd gladly "lose" a costume slot in this situation that was only dedicated to my Decoys and not something my character would wear around (in this specific example).



    So the original, bright, dark and what you see on Beta now would still be intact + a Custom/Slot for Mirror and Phantom Mirror. 🙂


    If this gets squared away then I totally agree, has great future implications for other pets.

  7. 12 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Maybe I'm missing something here, but how do you change to a male costume on a female character?  Could you pull off a Ranma 1/2 character using that method?

    Some of the Icon NPCs can do body type changes (male, female, large). The one in Pocket D is the one I go to for that stuff. It's pretty handy for stuff like this or say, changing from a normal sized guy into a large werewolf or some such. 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 dedicated costume slot would be simplest for sure. I'd imagine it'd look like this for the Power Customization:


    • Original
    • Bright
    • Dark
    • Mirror
    • Mirror Custom
    • Phantom Mirror
    • Phantom Mirror Custom

    The Custom options would point to Costume Slot # (whichever deemed by the Devs)

    I'd gladly "lose" a costume slot in this situation that was only dedicated to my Decoys and not something my character would wear around (in this specific example).


    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, Carnifax said:

    Id hope thats where it will end up. Wont be "choose a costume file" because those are local on your machine but "choose a costume slot" should be possible (allowing for the standard code rant because there might be weirdness serverside).


    Agreed - not files but slots would work. Someone in my official feedback thread on the subject said that it could even be a pre-determined slot, like Slot 1. Then we select Mirror or Mirror Custom for example (or Phantom Mirror Custom in order to get the FX attached). That would work as well as a limited implementation of the concept

  10. 11 hours ago, boggo2300 said:

    maybe the easiest way is to have it pick a set costume slot like 6 or something, so you don't need to swap slots and you get the right customisation on the PA?


    10 hours ago, VileTerror said:

    That method was also brandished around back when Henchpet Customization was first discussed in this forum; and I like it!  And as I understand it, there's already work that has been done for this on OuroDev and on other servers.  I haven't seen an update in a while, but the progress I saw back before December looked like they were just around the corner over there.



    Also?   You remind me of the babe.


    Yeah - either just a pre-determined slot that's hard coded into the Customization selection or if we're thinking pie in the sky then, I think selecting a Costume Slot 1-10 in the Customization menu for Phantom Army be best. If you point to a Costume Slot that has no data stored (you haven't earned it yet) then it defaults to your primary slot as it probably does now. Something like that would be ideal.


    Also, I'd do the Magic Dance every time I played my Goblin Queen if I had proper goblin minions. 😉


    Here's a better image.


    • Like 4
  11. The new customization options for Phantom Army are *amazing* and have gotten me to play my original concept for my toon at launch - Goblin Queen, as an Illusion controller (granted, I'm doing Darkness as a secondary, so that's new). The tights guys always bugged me on my concepts for immersion.


    I'd love it, if one day, we can progress this feature further and assign ONE Costume Slot at the power customization level for Phantom Army. Currently, I can do a lot of steps to make a little goblin posse for my Goblin Queen but I have to make a male goblin critter costume - change to that costume first, then use the Phantom Army ability, then change back to one of my Goblin Queen costumes. The end result is great but it'd be ideal if this could by streamlined by assigning a Costume Slots instead.


    Of course this functionality would be great with certain other pets - like Thugs for example for Masterminds but I'd be super happy with this anywhere we could get it. 🙂




    • Like 3
  12. 12 hours ago, Goblin Queen said:

    This is amazing. I hope one day we can assign costume files to that power. So say, a Goblin Queen, could summon a bunch of little male goblin minions. 😛 This is leaps and bounds better than the tights however and will make me start playing Illusion again!

    As an example - it took a lot of doing to make this happen and even so, I have to costume change to the form I want, then cast Phantom Army, then change back. It's cool but it's a lot of setup. I hope we one day are able to assign the costume slot to the pet power (great for certain Mastermind pets too, where applicable).




    • Like 3
  13. This is amazing. I hope one day we can assign costume files to that power. So say, a Goblin Queen, could summon a bunch of little male goblin minions. 😛 This is leaps and bounds better than the tights however and will make me start playing Illusion again!

  14. 1 hour ago, Tahquitz said:

    Things to check:

    -- Trying to play from School or Work?  Homecoming is starting to be added to services that offer "autofilters" to stop gaming at workplaces and K-12 schools.  Put simply, they do that for a reason.  Don't get in trouble over us... wait until you're home.  (If it's a College dorm, then talk to your IT Dept.  Most College IT groups are laid back enough to allow gaming use afterhours.)

    -- Certain businesses such as hotels block uncommon websites as a method to get incidental fees from guests.  (Free Wi-Fi in hotels these days means Gmail, Facebook/FB Messenger, and Instagram and that's about it.  Want to do anything else like Netflix, Hulu, or Gaming? Charges are around $5-15 a night, otherwise it's blocked.)

    -- Using a plug-in from your Anti-Virus to stop unknown websites? (Common with "suite" providers such as Norton, Kaspersky, etc.)  If the plugin allows exceptions, add homecomingservers.com and savecoh.com to your whitelist.

    -- Regional outage?  I'm able to reach the manifest from where I am in the Central Time Zone, so the server is online.  Try it again later.  As a general check, do a Google search for a service like "is it down or just me?"


    If none of the above apply, might be something to ask your ISP.

    None of those things but I did just patch again and it's automagically working. I'll take it! Thanks!

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