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About dnomad333

  • Birthday April 1

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  1. In the 1st Mission text for Orpheus ('Investigate haunted warehouse' 4th Striga Rogue Arc contact), In the first sentence of the second paragraph it says "It is strange that the ghosts are lingering in this warehouse instead of seeking for you, the accursed one." It seems it should either say "Instead of looking for you", or "instead of seeking you". Thanks, - Vagabond
  2. Hi gang, As per the title, the 3rd Rogue Striga contact Night Widow Ragana is clipping into surrounding geometry on some of her animations. See pic below. Thanks for all the hard work! - Vagabond
  3. I ran Dr. Francois Striga Rouge Arc today (Insider - 27.91). On the second mission (Clear out 5th column base) it took me about 20 minutes solo, because I couldn't find the last mob. Normally when this occurs a red indicator will show on the mission map of the last mob, but this time it didn't show. Because of this, I ran around the mission looking for a group of mobs that just weren't there and in the end found one mob hiding in a corner, but the entire time no indicator showed on the map to indicate this. Just a heads up. Thanks! -Vagabond Edit 3/11/2024 - This seems to happen on all the new Striga missions.
  4. I was in Atlas Park on my new Dominator (Wanted to check out the new power sets :D ) and was ready to level up to 6, but before I did I decided to click on the Long Range Teleport power to check which zones I had unlocked. Since I was already in Atlas and only had that and Pocket D unlocked I didn't select anything, leaving a red circle around the Long Range Teleport power. Then when I clicked on Miss Liberty, I was able to select my power and confirm, but instead of completing the process, it asked if I wanted to level to 6 again. TLDR - Clicked on Long Range Teleport before leveling, but didn't select an option. Now I can't level until I relog or leave the zone and clear the red ring from the Long Range Teleport power. Cheers! - Vagabond Edit - Tried to duplicate for lvl 7. Leveling worked fine when adding slots. Will check again at lvl 8 Edit 2 - Just confirmed that this only happens on lvls where powers are chosen.
  5. As stated above the high-end radio runs we experienced felt good, even mistakes made were for the most part recoverable. The challenge for the difficulty felt on par as well.
  6. Other than an short appointment around noon (MST) I should be around to help.
  7. Inside the 4th mission of the Vincent Ross Arc 'Old Friends, New Enemies and New Opportunities'. The clickable 'Coralax Artifact' objective from Vince Dubrowski's side mission is suspended in air above the 6 portals room, before the Demon Botis. Hope this helps.
  8. Nice!!! So many great goodies! Looks like I have my work cut out for me with the new salvage :P
  9. I see no insanity here. Well maybe trying to buy all the enhancements, but if it works for you, go for it. Even adding in the proposed abilities, I see nothing broken.
  10. These are good questions. Most of this would be looked at during the testing process, but basically, for that particular ability. It would be treated as normal. It wouldn't change mechanics like Mitos. It might give you somewhat of a boost against Reichmann, but that depends on how the damage is handled. If Reichmann has defense all/Resist all. The type of damage wouldn't matter, it's only 'Untyped', not unresistible. Now PvP on the other hand, I could possibly see a bigger impact. Since someone without a defense to it, is going to receive more damage, but at the same time, It can't be boosted. In the end, the abilities should be more, 'Nice to Haves' and not game changers. Remember more options is good. Creating OP options that take advantage of things, is bad.
  11. If this idea becomes a reality, the market will fluctuate, but that happens anyway due to the rise and fall of popularity of various items. The very essence of Supply and demand. The MLTF, LRSF, Hami, the upcoming Aeon Strike Force and to a lesser extent, the Abandoned Sewer Trial and Eden. Should all see more players and teams running them, increasing supply, as demand increases. We'll probably see that coming soon from the ASF and it's different Special Enhancement types. But when when the point is to offer more options, things will rarely remain the same and isn't that the point?
  12. It seems there is some confusion regarding this idea. Let me break it down a little better. First, the abilities we propose are stand alone and are based on the number of enhancements types that you have in a build. For example. In the case of @arcane who has 16 to 18 hami O's in one of their builds. They would get an 20% (For now that's 1.5% x 16 for a max of 20%) minor Special/Untyped origin enhancement proc on all their attack powers, for this character. The enhancement types do not change. Nor does this effect ED in any way. A single level 53 Nucleus Hami O' would still give 38.3% bonus to Accuracy and Damage and two of those in a power would be affected by ED as normal. In this case the origin ability would be separate. Like set procs are separate.
  13. If you mean 16 different 'Hami O's', for instance, then yes. Hence the cap. But it's per origin. Example. 5 Hami o's, would then give a 5% proc for untyped dmg. and 7 Titan Origin enhancements, would then give a 7% resist and so on. Since all but the DSO's/D-Sync enhancements (they have more types) have the same types of enhancement. It doesn't limit you to just Acc/Dmg or end/Travel power enhancements and you can mix and match. The idea is to give more options overall.
  14. Part of this idea is to add future possibilities, with this ability there could be future uses for that dmg resistance. Also, here are a few thoughts, right now when hit by those attacks there is no way to defend yes, but with that ability there might be. What if you forget an EoE/Ambrosia or ran out. It has uses. Also, I wanted he abilities to match the origins thematically and not be too overpowered. I feel these abilities need to be unique from what is in the game already, for flavor and utility. In the end, this is what I and those that put this together came up with. It's not set in stone, just a suggestion.
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