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Posts posted by Manholmes

  1. Some great comments here, thanks for chiming in. I do agree that Incarnate play is going to limit alt leveling, and that alone could be a reason I don't level many more alts. Getting that T3 or T4 incarnate ability is really impactful, and I tend to go that far on any alt I like. So with all the play at 50, inflation may yet become a thing again, with a pretty hard cap, due to the ability to exchange inf for merits and vice versa. 

  2. I know purples are not what you spend merits on if you want to make the most of your merits, but I am not sure why.


    In July, I could sell in-demand (Apocalypse/Hecatomb/Ragnarok) purples for 25+ million easily within a day, and I thought it was a good alternative to converters and boosters for using merits to get Inf. I also flipped, and kept one bid in profit range for each piece of these sets at all times. I still do this, and have kept a pulse on trends as a result. However, I put a pause on bids as I consider whether purples will trend up or down at the end of summer in North America.


    In August, I see sales at 22-23 for most Apoc/Ragnarok, and they are sitting several days.  No complaints, as everything on HC is so much better than live for prices, but I am interested in the factors behind prices. Just today I am seeing a long list of sales at 20m for a few pieces of Apoc/Ragnarok. A continued downward trend, but why? Slump before the weekend? End of summer downtrend?


    Hecatomb prices seem to hold stronger, I assume due to demand from farming builds needing these and keeping demand up. So a word of caution to any flippers who had a stack of bids at or above 18m, for anything but Hecatomb. As there are more level 50 toons running about, who are already kitted out, I think demand for purples may be dropping overall, and may continue. Does anyone care to speculate on Purple IO long term prices? Will there be a rebound and long term upward trend, or are we in a stable range for...ever?

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