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Posts posted by Linea

  1. The Corruptor offensive advantage is strongest from level 20 to 41, or when teamed with significant +damage buffs.  Once you get to 50+3 with full Tier 4 Incarnates, assuming mirrored builds, the offensive difference falls into the +/- 5% range while solo.  That small damage gap does increase while teamed due to the -damage debuff* defenders suffer while on a team.  Meanwhile the Defender builds are much easier to build and much more flexible overall.  On the negative side, most people do not build the Defender the way they would build the Corruptor, which in turn creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of Defender inferiority.  Lastly, don't forget FF now has , at least some, debuffs.


    * Losing a buff is the same as being debuffed.

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  2. This is the closest I'd have.  

    • You'll have to adjust the build for recent changes.
    • I expect this version could manage a solo +4x8 ITF.   However, it may need to use Daggers and/or inspirations and/or Lore Pets to kill the AVs.     
    • On the other hand it should be nearly as durable as many tanks you'll come across in the wilds.

    FF Water Dark - Soul Drain - Overwatch 1 - [i25].mxd




    Context:  All of my builds solo a +4x8 ITF as proof of concept, but most of those only do so once and only once, and I'm not at all averse to using Inspirations and Lore Pets, nor any other resources as needed.  Even the "almost"-petless MM soloed a +4x8 ITF, but used Lore (Hence the "almost") and Inspirations as needed. 

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  3. This subject comes up from time to time.  "I'm a tank and I have better stats than you, how do you not die?"

    The short answer is that Angel plays 4 dimensional chess.  So long as she doesn't blink AND doesn't make even one tiny mistake, she lives.


    I thought maybe graphing stats over time would help, but, ... The analysis didn't turn out well.  It's such a complex question.  You'd really need a couple dozen of these, and I don't have that many dozen free hours, so you get one.


    Angel Hornet Time Graph-Model.jpg

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  4. On 3/8/2024 at 12:14 AM, Ultimo said:

    The idea is that each mission should become harder and harder, and I wanted to figure out what power sets are the most difficult to fight against.  It might depend on the class of the character, but in general terms, what are the four most difficult to fight power sets?

    tldr: Primarily, just be careful and conservative in what you add until you find the balance you want.

    • +4x8 MOSTLY, but not always, as each map has it's own definitions.  But MOSTLY, the maps will spawn ... 2-4 Bosses, 4-6 Lts, 8-12 Minions.
    • MOSTLY, but not always, they spawn as: Random Starting Index, then Linear.  so make sure to use random placement, and account for that.
    • Use a large enough pool of mobs that you don't get too much overlap, if any, in the debuffs.  If you make 4 mobs, and 1 is a debuffer, you'll end up with at least 4 debuffers in that +4x8 spawn, and frequently twice that, and if two or three spawns are close together, 6 or 10 times that ... it'll get out of control very very quickly. 
    • Typically limit debuffs to only 1 mob, but preferably not a minion.  Even Lts trend toward dying to easily.  A mix of one Lt, one Boss often works well.   But that means you need at least 10 Lts and 10 Bosses in the pool to pick from, and only ONE in each pool that has debuffs.  You also want to make sure that in the end spawn list, that any debuffers are separated by several normal mobs on both sides of the list of them.   I used groups of up to 150 mobs, and a balance ratio of 1 in 4, but I was also aiming for maximum achievable challenge.  I'd recommend you run some 801s, up to about 801.5 or 801.6 difficulty before you decide to put more than 1 in 10 debuffs into a mission.
    • Particularly avoid things like Sonic and FF ... it's very very easy to get wall to wall FF or Sonic bubbles in a +4x8 situation, and end up with something completely unplayable.  But if you keep it 1 in 10, it should work out more reasonable.
    • That means if you wanted a /Rad Debuffer and a /FF Buffer, you'd want 20 mobs in the LT group, with 10 on each side of both, in the final spawnlist.  you can manipulate the spawn list by editing the mobs, external tools, or reloading them files alphabetically. 
  5. most likely.   just play around with it.  I'm too busy IRL to do any play-testing.  It's all just a matter of what fits for you.

    I really wish they'd fix the domination issues, this is a long standing issue with other powers and sets, as well.

    And maybe wiggle the endurance knob a bit from what I'm hearing.

  6. I overlooked that.   The original build that was built on the idea:  Someone is always dead in hard-mode, so I was aiming for 65 ranged defense with vengeance, but also aiming for 168 global recharge. ... and this fell short of both marks.

  7. 1 hour ago, captainstar said:


    Why there is no IOs in the ITF version?

    I just downloaded the copies from the forums and they loaded fine for me.

    • Maybe, Update mids again? ... This one is MRB, then Updated, Db Version 24.2.704 ... and there's another update ...
    • Maybe, don't load both in parallel, load them sequentially.  Load one, wait till it's completely loaded, then you can load the second beside it.  Double-Clicking and loading them in parallel tends to freak out one copy or the other of MRB.
    • After that I'm out of ideas?

    And there's another update ... so I'll have to redo them again.


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  8. Might as well share these here as well.


    You will probably need to update your mids before downloading.
    Standard Alpha First Pass Conversions, ... use with a grain of salt.
    Malinois is a standard all around build
    Foxhound is a more focused Ranged Defense conversion of a Hard Mode build.  Tranq is a place holder for ignite in this build since I don't know what I can or can't do with ignite yet.


    Updated below ...



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  9. If you're into Nature/ ... you should look up my old Fourcade builds.

    Let me see if this has them in it ... Nope that was binds.

    Probably one of these ... That build is at least 4? years old.

    Near-Perma self damage cap while solo, and with Linea approved durability.

    I likely ran it with Amps, Dampeners, and Base Buffs?

    Nature Fire - Fourcade 2td - [i25].mxd




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  10. On 1/27/2024 at 4:51 AM, PancakeGnome said:

    ...but a lot of people are super hostile to the idea of monetization in any way (rip). So it's just going to be a slow slog over the next 5-10+ years. ...

    The second they take any money beyond pure donations, this place will be gone due to legal reasons.  I have not read the new legal agreement, but I think it's safe to assume the same still holds true.  It has to stay 100% donations.


    ... and More Hardmode Stuff IS in the pipeline.

  11. On 1/26/2024 at 9:13 PM, MonteCarla said:

    .... but a badass Empath can solo +2 x0 missions easily enough ...


    Jilaiya (Emp/Fire/Souldrain) is offended.  She solo's +4x8 just fine. 

    Mindset, Playstyle, and Buildstyle are primary issues.  If you build it and play it like a squishie, it's gonna squish.  Ignoring your offense, defense, and buffs in favor of 6 slotting every heal power in the game will ultimately end in failure.   If you build it to be more durable and more offensive, emphasize buffs, ... .  Early on get all the temps you can to supplement both offense and defense.  Build your defense early, your offense will ramp up later, but once you get to about level 41 and can leverage souldrain, offense will take off nicely.  The worst part would be level ... ??? ... 28-35 probably, before you can run the ITF.  Even if you play to primarily be support, you still want to have at least minimal competence in defense and offense.


    Soloing a +4x8 ITF has been done by empaths with both support builds and offense builds.  I took the overwhelming force option with heavy armor, heavy offense.  Others have taken the support approach, buffing and supporting Incarnate Pets (and/or other temp or patron pets) to take out the AVs, while blasting and playing a more sedate pace between pet summons.


    Regardless of your approach, soloing missions of some moderate difficulty level should not be unreasonable.

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  12. On 1/25/2024 at 1:45 AM, PancakeGnome said:

    I don't know why people on these forums are so hostile / against the idea of adding more features and end game content.....

    I think the game could use more end game content and progressions systems and challenge settings..... and the counter to that is "nah nah, we got everything we need already, there are some hard AE missions!".

    Kind of not the same... and everyone knows that... but it won't stop you from insisting that the AE mission and turning off my powers is "really what you want". lol

    TLDR: At this time, if you want high difficulty high level content, (AE, the Existing Hardmode TFs, the newest existing Hardmode 1-star Story Arcs, and the standard 'Enemies Buffed/Players Debuffed' options), are likely the only viable options.  Expanding Hardmode is being worked on, but it's a very slow process.


    I don't know that it's so much 'against the idea' as it is there's only so much that can be done with the insane spaghetti code mess that is CoH development.  Once upon a time I spent 6 months just learning and looking into bases because I wanted to improve and expand the capabilities.  The Alpha tests went great, it IS possible to do.  Yay.  However, it was going to take 2 person-years and skill sets I personally did not have.   Project scrapped.   And THAT is CoH development in a nutshell.


    801 took 6-months to develop the alpha, and a year to develop the first version that only went up to 801.2 difficulty.  


    Each Hardmode TF is taking 6-months to 1 year to develop.


    I'm not sure how many Hard Mode 1-star Story arcs are in-game now, one or two probably, they also took 6 months to develop.


    There's a theme here.  With the resources and number of developers we currently have, it will take a considerably long time (years if not decades) to update the entire game an all it's content to a more flexible difficulty system.  The devs started at level 50 and are (most likely) working their way down through the TFs.  At some point, enough work will be done that it might not be impossible to add Hardmode to the general difficulty of an entire tier of CoH, most likely the level 40-50 or 45-50 range.  But I doubt that's even on the radar yet.  Maybe a year or two.


    Because of the way CoH was designed, simply buffing enemies (much) beyond 54 doesn't really work out well.  Scaling up or down, much more than +/- 4 of what an enemy group was designed for introduces issues.  I do think we could get away with +5 to +7 once we reach incarnates, but that's really the reasonable limit for general game play, and that's about where the 'Enemies buffed/Players De-buffed' settings in all the standard TFs will put you.  Adding that setting to standard contacts difficulty might or might not even be possible given the spaghetti code that is CoH, but if it is possible, it's likely the only 'low hanging fruit' available to the difficulty settings tree.


    Once upon a time there was a bug where the ITF would spawn 54 while the team level locked at 45.   Great Fun, at least for me, but not something I would put into a production product.  That bug was eventually squashed because it was also used to do the opposite, spawn the TF at 45, while the team sat pretty at 54, ick totally boring.


    It's been a long time, so this won't be 100% accurate.   There are at least 2 types of standard missions, maybe 3 now that we have the WoW style low level contacts, and the phasing tech.  Then there are 2 or 3 types of TaskForce / Trial Missions, then there are a couple of different formats for Incarnate Trials and Missions, and then there's the AE hack missions.   Each it's own different format, and none are effectively compatible with each other, but instead have to be completely re-written. There are even multiple internal scripting languages or types.  Each with it's different capabilities.  As an example look at the differences in Zone Pylons vs LFG Pylons, aka don't do your pylon testing in the LFG version.  Same thing, written two different ways in two different systems.  It's a maddening mess.   You'd have to get one of the (I only know of two) high level devs that generally don't post in public to give you a more precise answer. 

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  13. Here is the 5-6 year old build.  DAB means I was running it with Kinetic Dampeners, Amplifiers, and Base Buffs.  That means it not only costs a small fortune to build to the build, but that it also costs a small fortune per hour to run the build (solo).  You can also add the Kinetic Shield Badge, and Wedding Band.  You can probably swap Hybrids and such around too for better durability.  Something similar should work for any primary with a snipe.

    Beam Energy Sniper - Devries LRM NR DAB 1 - [i25].mbd

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  14. 19 hours ago, Ringo said:

    Triple Snipe Build?

    Alpha +Range, Power Boost, Clarion +Range, Boost Range, ... Primary Snipe +Range +KB, LRM Snipe/Nuke, Judgement Snipe/Nuke (Range Boosted Fire), Primary Snipe, Range boosted Nuke. 


    You hit your target, KB/KD it, LRM nuke the area, about the time it tries to stand up another snipe or nuke hits .. it starts running toward you and you snipe or nuke it again, then as it gets about half way there you nuke it again.  It and it's buddies are mostly dead, so you snipe the left overs KB/KD them ... and it's done.  Then you let it all recharge, and start stalking your next target and calibrating the various ranges so you can do it all over again.  I have a list of ranges written down somewhere for when I was playing with this one.


    The hardest part was figuring out the various ranges and the fire order (which is probably incorrect above as it's been ages).   Your range ends up exceeding maximum entity draw distance, and even exceeding maximum pve targeting distance.  You can literally shoot stuff from so far away you can't even see it.  A fun but otherwise pointless build.

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  15. *shrug*

    DP takes a proc build nicely.   No idea what the current state of proc builds is.  Raw DP is/was middle-tier at best, but is still good enough to solo a +4x8 ITF.

    I had a DP/Nin I ran a great deal "Just for Fun", she soloed a +4x8 ITF.   /MC is also a good pick for this one.


    AR has been improved over the years. 
    Also did a triple snipe build, but I think that one was Beam/Eng. However, AR would work too.   I'd do this one /Eng or /Nin.  /MC just doesn't "feel" right with AR to me.




  16. 10 hours ago, akodorokku said:

    I'm currently leveling time/pistols, would you be interested in sharing your build?

    You'll have to dig around the forums for the original threads and updated versions, these are all very old.   Bopper's and Dahkness' builds are more offensive and probably where you want to look.  Kiski builds are heavy tanks that I take solo into hardmode content.


    Time DP - Kiski - STF SLE Malfactor 2 - [i25].mxd



    Time DP - Quarterback 2d - [i25].mxd   Time DP - Kiski - Sorcery 4i-b - [i25].mxd   Time DP - Kiski - FoN SLE 1a+ - [i26].mxd


    Time DP - Bopper Proccer 1 - [i26].mxd   Time Dp Power - Bopper 1 - [i26].mxd   Time Dp Soul - Bopper 1 - [i26].mxd   Time Dp Soul - Bopper 2 - [i26].mxd


    Time DP Defender - Dahkness 4-Star ITF v4 - [i27].mxdTime DP Defender - Dahkness HMITF v7 - [i27].mxd




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