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Caulderone last won the day on March 11 2020

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  1. I very much like this. Getting the secondary tier 8 and 9s earlier is awesome.
  2. Any chance of the Nuke's 10'/20' AoE split, the only Nuke with this split that I'm aware off, being revisited? Target limit is already lower, so this just feels like a double penalty.
  3. PPM calculations seem to be off in 3.4.6. Noticed it in several powers, the % is too high. Example.: Sentinel DP Executioner's Shot, 59.62% slotted recharge, Bopper's CoH Tools & Formula's spreadsheets shows 59.5% proc rate (63.737 avg damage). Planner shows 75% chance for 80.32 avg damage) [on a 4.5ppm purple proc, for clarity]
  4. Found on the Discord that you can do Ctrl-Shift-Alt-A to enable the editor. It then shows up in the Options->Advanced dropdown menu.
  5. Was just coming to post this. I noticed it because with Sentinel->Electric Armor->Energize isn't set as a "click buff", so I can't turn it on and off. I have always made that mod, but now can't due to the missing editor.
  6. You can use the dropdown menu in the top bar of the main window to set "enemy relative level" to +4 to get that effect.
  7. If you turn off Tidal Forces and remove (or turn off) the Chance for Build Up, you'll see that your accuracy on Dehydrate is quite bad. I would say you should replace the Chance for Build Up (very unreliable) with an Acc or Acc/End. Otherwise, it looks perfectly reasonable to me.
  8. Always interesting to see the different way people go about slotting. Some small ideas for tweaks: You don't need the 6th slot of either SMotT or SGF. You could drop the D/R from both and add a Dmg Proc or move the slot. Mental Strike is not terribly usable. You could drop that slot and add a 5th Unbreakable Guard and get more T/P. You could drop a slot from Grounded and move it for another 5th Unbreakable Guard (moving the +HP UG) for more T/P. Static Shield is pretty cheap already, and with high-uptime End-Discount from Energize, you could get 7%+ more Psi from a Resist enhance. OR you could move the Glad +3def here and use the empty slot in Grounded for a KB Prot in case you left the ground. Winter's Gift in SS would be nice for more Slow resist. Lightning Field could take 2 L50+5 A/D/E and barely cost any more and do way more damage with a good accuracy, too.
  9. /SR is very good on Sentinel /Regen can be built to be pretty ok, but frankly you can get a more robust, similar setup with /Elec. You end up with slightly less regen/heal, but way more resist to assist that regen/heal.
  10. The + and - keys can be used to do this. Mouse over the enhancement you are about to place and use those keys.
  11. I'm all for it. It gives back actual +4 regular content from 45-50 without having to remove Alpha.
  12. Not that you can tell in-game by easily. The wiki covers most. Asking on these boards will usually find someone who knows if the wiki didn't help.
  13. Procs don't care about level. If it is slotted in a power that you have access to, it will work. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Invention_Origin_Enhancements#Procs "Unlike the Globals, Procs depend on the power they are slotted in to be activated in order to work. If the power isn't activated, then no benefit from the Proc. Consequently, exemplaring lower than the level of the power means the power is greyed out and can't be used (even passive powers follow that rule), which means the Proc won't work. However, the upside of Procs is that if the power is active, the Proc always works, even if you exemplar way below the level of the Proc. Procs don't follow the -3 level rule that Globals and Set Bonuses do. "
  14. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Enhancement_Set_Bonuses Pertinent section: "When a character exemplars down to a lower level access to set bonuses (and Global IOs that function as set bonuses) is based on the level of the Enhancement and not the power they are slotted in. Exemplaring more than three levels below the level of the Enhancements renders the set bonuses non-functional. However as long as the character does not exemplar more than three levels below the level of the Enhancement the set bonuses are retained even if the power they are slotted in is unavailable. Very Rare IOs and PvP IOs are exempt from this rule and their set bonuses function regardless of the character's exemplar level. Attuned Enhancements change their level based on the character's current Combat Level so the set bonuses will only shut off if the character exemplars more than three levels below the minimum level allowed for the Enhancement." Very Rare = Purples.
  15. Psionic Mastery (Mind Probe, Dominate with procs) is the best DPS set, regardless of primary you combine it with. It says something weird that the best DPS is an ancillary pool. Fire Blast and Electric Blast are, generally, considered the best Primary sets. Most are serviceable, though. Most of the secondaries are workable. /SR, /Rad, /Inv, and /Ninj all seem to be very popular. I currently favor /Elec, myself.
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