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  1. i have made a report and the Devs have asked me to make a post to see if others are having the same problem wit Air burst. The Problem is when trying to convert an Air burst it does not have the tag to roll the same category it only has the uncommon rarity option. if anyone else has the same thing happen please post here so then Devs can figure out what's going on. Thanks
  2. Hi i'm looking for a Water/Nature build i didn't see any on my search so does anyone have one they could post please. also what powers if any are skippable ? thanks
  3. the name is StanceVillain2 so for a bind it would be let's use q for the example /bind q "em StanceVillain2" and if you wanted a macro it would be /macro nameyouwant emStanceVillain2 oh and for a list of all emotes try here https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Emotes
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