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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Reminds me of the one time I had to go to the Imperial City In ESO just to make a suit of armor. One guy was camping the entrance and killed me about 4 times before he got bored of it. I knew what might happen when I set out.
  2. That's sort of a gray area. Now, if I sit down and the seat is wet someone is getting a whooping.
  3. The comments on this trailer did not disappoint.
  4. Bosses give better XP and Inf rewards and have better recipe tables to award from.
  5. "A serious problem in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine.” – Soviet observation during the Cold War
  6. I finished the last half and it was great. Kind of surprised at the way they wrapped up the first season so well. Also, note to self: Never take space short cuts to try and save a little time. i hope Netflix does something good with any further seasons. To quote one of my favorite moments in cinema history:
  7. Doom Patrol is up to four seasons now.
  8. Interesting. I dropped Netflix a few years back so I wasn't aware it was on there. I remember that movie but it's been ages since I saw it. Usually horror stuff isn't my bag.
  9. After having this one recommended to me and sitting in my watch list for awhile I sat down to watch an episode or two last night and ended up watching six out of twelve of them. This is an animated series that was nominated for an Emmy in the Outstanding Animated Program category this year. It definitely has my stamp of approval. Set in the distant future a deep space colony mission encounters some serious malfunctions near an unknown habitable planet. An unknown amount of escape pods are launched to the planets surface and the ship goes dead above orbit. The survivors find themselves stranded, alone and separated on a very, very strange world. And when I say strange, I mean the world is so strange that it is it's own character. Not only is nearly everything hostile but bizarre as well. One of those you'll have to watch it to see what I'm talking about situations. I highly recommend this one, unless being horrified is not a thing you're into.
  10. I watched the first episode (currently suffering from working too hard and having too much to catch up on) and it's basically a new season of Harley Quinn, but Kite Man instead. Same writers, same team, same everything. Picks up where the last season of Harley Quinn left off but now you have Kite Man. And he's still a loser. A loser with a girlfriend that may or may not flip out and annihilate everyone who pissed her off. (I like her). Being a show about Kite Man we're deep into the third stringers, Bane included. I enjoyed the first episode and will give this a full watch once time slows down and my work load lessons.
  11. Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part 2 This one was better. Not a lot better but still much better. More exposition and the plot was easier to follow now. Still have no idea who quite a few of the characters are though. Hopefully part three will tie everything together.
  12. I would like some of those pieces in game. I think their uniforms look pretty good. Somehow America's formal uniforms have ended up looking like they're all going yachting for the last two Olympics.
  13. It's already better than Madame Web just by having Nicholas Cage. As for being actually good, who knows? Add a little dash of Dick Tracey, a little dash of Detective Comics Batman and it certainly has possibilities.
  14. First it was DC Online, then it was HBO Max. Now it's just Max. DC Online split off from the comic subscriptions service. It's had a rough existence.
  15. The trailer looks pretty damn good. I'm a little disappointed that they chose Amazon for this though. Is DC struggling for a home or is Amazon struggling for good material?
  16. The other problem with spandex is the people with muscles don't actually look that good in it. Most men with muscles are barrel shaped. You have to have a very specific diet and routine to get that dorito shape.
  17. It's probably going to get the post production CGI pass. But yeah, they could at least take the wrinkles out and tighten the fabric up.
  18. From what I know of Star Wars the movies and all the Disney shows are all in the same universe. The books and other works are no longer canon.
  19. Sorry friend, you don't get to claim you want a nuanced conversation and then drop out when you get your own viewpoint challenged. That's not nuance.
  20. When you chase away the largest audience for an established franchise, laugh at them and tell them if you don't like it, don't watch you also can't blame them for following your advice.
  21. Certain enemies just reward experience oddly. A good example is Red Caps in Croatoa. Find a group of three and the third one you kill will reward more experience than the other two.
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