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Posts posted by Voldine

  1. 4 hours ago, sadflows said:

    I really like my demon/rad.  With all the MM uniques they are a good mix of 'hybrid' tankiness between def and resist and Rad which debuffs to-hit and damage.


    Rad also maybe answers the question of "how can I make the whip attacks not suck?" because of stacking -resist.

    Oh please. Other than Gloom in Necromancy, the whip powers in Demon Summoning are widely acknowledged as the only decent primary powerset attacks for masterminds.

  2. On 6/5/2019 at 2:19 PM, Rylas said:


    Those are the levels that those recipes will drop at. You can still slot a level 30 Eradication in your character at level 50. Its values will still be at the level 30 mark, but on the plus side, when you exemplar down as far as level 27, you'll still get their bonuses.

    Set bonuses stay unless the power goes unusable. Enhancement bonuses are always there, but with diminishing values the lower in level you exemp below them.


    Please use clearer language to avoid confusion.

  3. 6 hours ago, justicebeliever said:

    I'd like to see a bank/vault item for the base that can share influence...even if it's capped at 2 Billion...

    Coding such an item into the game would even give the devs a reason to add super group mode back in because then you could have people turn super group mode on and a portion of their influence gain would automatically go to the supergroup bank.

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  4. 3 hours ago, ryuplaneswalker said:

    "tanks" - "can't really boost their damage massively through IOing because most damage bonuses off IOs are not very good, and are hampered by Tankers low damage modifier."

    Not just a low modifier, either. Tanks have a miniscule damage buff cap as well.


    Tanks, at their maximum damage buff still deal less damage than a solo scrapper with only accuracy enhancements and no crits.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Sura said:

    As Sunsette mentions in the other thread, I think a lot of care has to be taken here.  Tankers are already feeling the burn, and making defensive secondaries better could make that situation even worse.  

    You're forgetting that this would make Tanker Primaries better, not just brute/scrapper/stalker/sentinel secondaries.


    Personally I think the devs need to look at a serious rework of Stone Armor so that those of us who play it aren't trying to push a boulder made of dung up a mountain made of dung for 31 levels as tankers before we finally get the chance to feel powerful. Conker's Bad Fur Day got that crap out of the way about 45 minutes in...pun very much intended.

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  6. I have an idea for a few...heavily themed masterminds and I was wondering if anyone remembered, or could point me to a document with, the various commands to make pets emote/speak.


    One example would be that I'm currently planning a character inspired by a certain infamous DotA hero and need some binds for having my demons 'argue' a bit about using a certain power from my planned secondary.

  7. 1 hour ago, Nayeh said:

    After years of avid gaming, I have often found myself gravitating toward characters that fall under a Support category.  The Support role shines where they can grant their team Buffs, Heals, and Debuffs necessary to secure victory. It's not about quick kills, it's about outlasting and adjusting to incoming assault. City of Heroes carries the roles of Defender, Controller, and Dominator that have the ideal Support lines I am referring to. These three archetypes all have something in common - They're all ranged roles. Where is the character that has been usually refereed to as something like a Paladin in other games?


    Yes, I am referring to a Melee variant to join frontlines. Unlike the Caster perspectives playing safe in position. Unlike the Tanks, Scrappers, Brutes, and Assassins. The Bulwark role will enhance combat whilst standing in the heat of battle. The damage may be sub-par, but that is the trade-off for being the Team-oriented Melee Support.


    Primary Lines:

    • Cold Domination
    • Dark Miasma
    • Empathy
    • Force Field
    • Kinetics
    • Nature Affinity
    • Pain Domination
    • Poison
    • Radiation Emission
    • Sonic Resonance
    • Storm Summoning
    • Thermal Radiation
    • Time Manipulation
    • Traps
    • Trick Arrow


    Secondary Lines:

    • Battle Axe
    • Broad Sword
    • Claws
    • Dark Melee
    • Dual Blades
    • Electrical Melee
    • Energy Melee
    • Fiery Melee
    • Ice Melee
    • Katana
    • Kinetic Melee
    • Martial Arts
    • Psionic Melee
    • Radiation Melee
    • Savage Melee
    • Spines
    • Staff Fighting
    • Stone Melee
    • Street Justice
    • Super Strength
    • Titan Weapons
    • War Mace


    As you see, the lines don't offer very much for the user of the Archetype themselves in terms of the Defense. It's not an expert in combat, nor is it an expert in tanking itself. The Bulwark could potentially provide a bridge between Supporting your team and bashing skulls in.


    Let us build the Robin Hood Trick Arrow and Dual Blades Bulwark. Perhaps a thunderous Kinetic and Katana Shinobi. Let us make our Empathy and War Mace Paladins!

    I will agree with this on one condition only: All Buffs Must Be PBAOE Powers so the player isn't instantly smeared on the floor.


    Ideally they'd be working with a team and buffing everyone, but a core tenet of CoH design is that EVERY AT must be capable of soloing. Defenders have range as their primary mitigation, and a melee class with buff/debuff sets as their primary are going to need to benefit from those buffs due to the higher risk situation of always being in melee.

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  8. 21 hours ago, Justisaur said:

    It works much better in aim/buildup now, you'll get it more often, and you're expecting to hit your big powers after hitting aim anyway so you get the benefit of both.  You also don't want to add recharge to aim so that the proc has a higher chance of going off (think it's 90% with no rech added.) Global recharge doesn't affect the proc chance.

    I see. I may need to revisit my thinking on my own crab build in that case, but at the same time she does already run all the leadership toggles twice over, with maneuvers and tactics/tt:l fully slotted for maximum team benefit.


    Why do options have to lead to hard choices? *pout*

  9. On 6/17/2019 at 6:09 PM, Dynamistress said:

    I've got a certain pink character from a certain series about ponies...


    But she's been disillusioned by broken promises (show ended), being kicked out of her home town, etc.  She's bitter and pissed at the world.


    She is...


    Middle Finger Pie

    You know what, I'll go there.


    Back on live one of my first Praetorian characters created was Rainbow Crash, with the costume patterned after a certain outfit in a certain season 1 episode that contained a certain memetic quote.

    Once Water Blast was a thing she was replaced with Rainbow Splash. Water/Ice iirc. Yes, every power was a specific rainbow color.

    I also had a Storm/DP named Cirrus Sam (short for Samantha) and I HOPE I don't have to explain the joke or the reference. Yes, she wore a white tanktop, shades, bluejeans... and had the bomb chest symbol.

    Rot That Walks was my first 50, a Necro/Pain with one costume that was made to look like Zoey from Left4Dead. All of her minions 'coincidentally' had the same names as the other seven survivors, with the zombies being Nick, Ellis, and Francis...

    Before abandoning Freedom for Virtue I had a Rad/Rad defender named Atomic Bombshell. Yes, chest sliders were predictably maxxed. She was reborn on Virtue as 'Abnormal Isotope' with a non-joke body.

    Suzanne Snyder was a Fire/Dark corr that I made as soon as powersets could be colored so I could make white flames and color dark miasma pink and blue to look like cotton candy. Jester/clown motif, named after the lead actress in Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Water blast didn't exist yet and fire still gets across the idea of an 'acidic whipped cream pie' attack far better than water blast would. I only found out after making her that Fire/Dark was considered an OP pairing.


    That's all I can remember off the top of my head.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Some Random User said:

    Background for readers who may not be aware:

    Because of the way Enhancement Converters can be used to speculate using the conversion system the players who work to make money at Wentworth's are able to hoard Enhancements that would otherwise be lowering the price on the auction house. This is likely to continue to happen, and as more Influence enters the economy (from defeating bad guys) this will drive inflation. One way the moderators were able to forestall a rapid runaway market was to seed the auction house with cheap common and uncommon salvage before opening to the public. (This is why there are ten million or so of every common salvage available for $1 000 each.)


    What happened earlier this month:

    As you are no doubt aware, there is consistent demand for the special Luck of the Gambler Enhancement that reduces global recharge. The price has been consistently dropping (to about $7-8 million), which was making them affordable for "regular" players. Then someone purchased all of them from the auction house and relisted them all for $12 000 000. This kept the market from making the Enhancements available to non-speculators.


    Problems in dealing with this:

    There are several things the moderators could do to address the issue. My personal thought is that there are fundamental flaws in how the Influence and Invention systems currently operate, and a larger conversation about how the in-game economy should work is merited. Barring that, just deciding to seed the "usual suspects" of Enhancements at some fixed market rate isn't going to do enough. Just like in real life some humans actually enjoy amassing wealth. I liked playing around on the auction house, then I found out that Enhancement Converters were being used to speculate. In a way this is a good thing, you know, since we don't have enough active accounts on 24/7 to fill the large demand perfectly calculated builds require.


    In another way this leads to levels of wealth that the system was not designed to accommodate. This game has an Influence cap and experience with other games says that seeding high end useful items will just turn those items into a different way to store any Influence you earned in excess of the cap. The hoarding will get worse as the items now have a guaranteed value they can store long-term in abundance. (For an example, see what happened on Team Fortress 2 with buds. Though in that case an economist actually suggested adding them so that exact thing could happen.) Trying to seed the auction house with Recipes instead seems like a practical idea, but that just shifts where the distortions happen (onto Rare Salvage), although this sort of stopgap is practical, and helps to influence players from speculation on those Enhancements, other recipes will be affected because they happen to share the same Rare ingredient.


    To summarize:

    Allow players that aren't trying to speculate on the auction house to buy what they're trying to buy. That means altering the @#$%^&*~! economy.

    There's really only one surefire way for inflation to be eliminated, and that's to set a maximum price cap for selling things that is, at most, 110% of the seed price for said item.


    This allows for both consistent pricing and for market players to at least profit a little for being vultures.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Sunsette said:

    I understand that normally, a proc basically gives a hidden auto power that grants a passive global bonus. This would be the first set bonus that applies a proc to the power itself, and I'm not entirely sure it's workable, now that you mention it -- but I intentionally wanted it to be tied to the set bonus as a limiter on the effect.

    I'm pretty sure that it's not possible to make the proc part of the set bonus, because set bonuses are global effects. A proc bonus would thus trigger off of ANY power that could possibly trigger it versus a proc-hancement being specifically tied to the power it is slotted into.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Leogunner said:

    I was mainly talking about basic enhancements and basic IOs. 

    My bad. Nearly seven years later and my first instinct is to consider io bonuses before anything else with Stone to make up for the massive shortcomings and drawbacks to the set.

  13. 3 hours ago, Sunsette said:

    Opening post updated to reflect some new thoughts I've had.

    I think you have a slight misunderstanding of how procs work with your suggestion of a KB to KD ALSO giving a better version of the force feedback recharge proc.


    The recharge proc isn't a set bonus for six-slotting with the set, it's the active property of the 6th enhancement itself. This one enhancement can be slotted by itself and the proc would still function just fine.


    Of course, I did just finish working third shift, so there's a chance I've misunderstood your addendum to the first post. In that case I offer an apology, but would appreciate further clarification of your addendum in a response either way.

  14. 24 minutes ago, Leogunner said:

    You right, I think the only main advantage of it would be slotting.  As is, your Stone Skin only takes resist enhancements but if it also gave +def or +health with another armor toggle, you've got 3 more slot opportunities if you decide to put extra slots into the power (assuming you only put 2-3 slots in the power currently).


    One extra slot is all you need for the resist set +def uniques right now, unless you also slot it to mule the other resist set pieces that give psi resist...but that's what Brimstone is currently good for too.

  15. On 7/29/2019 at 7:10 PM, Rebel231 said:

    Personally think it's bad ass

    I remember the last time players got a new clothing options for an enemy faction and resulted in a drastic change in how the enemy faction looked before the players got the new assets. Circle of thorns used to be very cool looking and then lie completely remade the costume sets that they used specifically so that they could be used on players and I remember most people at the time on the Forum saying that the new circle look was not as good as the old circle look but because the old circle look was specifically big in assets on a character model that was not a player model this was the only way they could do it that those specific assets for circle of thorns would end up usable in any way by the players. Now granted I'm not one of the Developers for homecoming I'm not even the programmer at all but I would think that it would be similarly difficult for them to break down the hero one model to give the players usable versions of it and even then personally I wouldn't want them to do it Hero 1, the honoree, is a signature character not a generic mob from the circle of thorns; he's not even a generic mob from the Rikti faction; he is an archvillain.

  16. 2 hours ago, MageAgainstTheRegime said:

    Ok, so can we all agree that the storage management for in-game items is limited? Before when players were running only a few alts it was no big deal, but now everyone is running tons of alts, and the only known way to share recipes amongst your alts is by way of email. Plus it doesn't make sense why only salvage can be stored in your base but not recipes, not to mention you can't even run a /ah command to at least grab recipes out of the auction house while you're in your base - I tried and it's not allowed. Yeah, the game's 15 years old, I get that, but under no circumstances should anyone be emailing themselves anything. We're way past the days of Yahoo. 

    Dude, emailing stuff to an alt was something added WAY late on live. Like, final year of development late.


    Hell, I joined the game right before i14 dropped and I remember being used as an inf-mule for a guy so he could transfer funds to an alt from his farmer because 'email to alt' simply didn't exist yet.

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