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Posts posted by carroto

  1. On 8/18/2019 at 2:22 PM, Vanden said:

    If there was an option to only light up powers after use when this message is received from the server, the client should stop getting ahead of the mapserver when depicting power recharges.

    If that message gets lost or delayed then the client would never allow you to use the power again.  I'm not sure there's an easy answer that won't cause your access to powers to be delayed in certain situations relative to what happens now.

    • Like 1
  2. It's been a long time so maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but my impression is that AV soloing stories / vids were a factor in a number of nerfs, including EM.  It seems like eventually the devs got used to the idea that people would be soloing AVs and GMs, but when it first started happenning they seemed to be horrified.  Nevermind that sets like EM took longer to do it and more specialized builds than other ATs with specific debuffs available.

  3. Regarding snipes the more I think about it the less I like the damage being tied to +tohit.  I know that the fast snipe was like this on live beta but I have my doubts it ever would have made its way to the regular servers.  It was just an experiment.  Different ATs have different modifiers to the +tohit they get from powers, and many ATs/powersets only have access to the Kismet unique and Tactics.  So the ability to get full benefit from quick snipe varies by AT.  ATs with lower damage modifiers will generally be able to get more damage from their snipes due to receiving higher +tohit from Tactics.  Is that intended?


    Does the endurance cost scale with the damage?  Because if not it seems like the current setup is a trap for newbies.  They will get a ring around the power icon screaming "Click me!" without any understanding how it works or why their blue bar is being murdered.  Maybe worst is that since +tohit starts high at low levels and slowly scales down, it may be gradual enough that it won't be obvious that the power is getting increasingly weak and inefficient as they level up.  Requiring an IO and a pool power to keep the performance they had when the got the snipe seems like a high bar if IOs and diligent reading of the forums are not meant to be requirements for play.


    I'm not sure what the answer is, but in my opinion it should have nothing to do with +tohit.

  4. 4 hours ago, MunkiLord said:

    Vigilantes and Rogues can go to any zone. But Vigilantes use Hero contacts and their missions, while Rogues use Villain contacts and their missions. So you can join either team, but only ever have access to Hero or Villain contacts yourself.

    So you're saying it's a bug that I was able to talk to and do missions for Haley Philips as a rogue?

  5. I had a hero switch and become a rogue.  I had Haley Philips as a contact and ran all of her missions trying to get the Spelunker badge mission.  She eventually ran out of missions and moved to my inactive tab.  I never got the badge mission.  Then I switched back to hero and she gave me the mission.  Is this working as intended?  Why would I be able to run all missions except badge missions?  Are those missions unavailable through flashback to members of the opposite alignment as well?


     I'm trying to figure out what the restrictions are based on alignment.  The paragonwiki page doesn't specify.  Are there any other gotchas I should know about?


    As an aside, I hope we can get a copy of paragonwiki or something that can be updated.  It seems like I keep running into incorrect / incomplete / outdated information on there.

  6. With regard to Dominator secondaries, I have to say I mostly love the changes.  Especially the animation time reductions.  It's regrettable to me that animation times are in any way tied to performance in this game.  I like fast animations because combat flows so much more smoothly.  The longer the animations are, the more it tends to feel like I am an observer rather than a participant.  I've come to realize that I like sets that feel dynamic, and that mostly (but certainly not completely) comes from animation time.  So I look at that first and foremost when I'm considering a power set.  If it has too many clunky powers I have to pass.  I know I won't enjoy it.  There are a number of Dominator secondaries that are a hard pass for me in this way.


    But it looks like if these changes go through it might open up some previously unplayable options.  That's pretty amazing.  I always wanted to play Earth Assault but I tried it back on live and it was horrid.  I haven't set up beta, and I'm on Linux so I'm not sure how easy that will be, but I may have to figure it out so I can try these changes.


    Some specific things I'd like to call out:


    Psionic Assault -> Telekinetic Thrust: You know I just made a /Psi Dom and looked at that power with regret yet again.  I've never understood long animation times on melee-range "Get out of my face" powers.  I want to send that baddie that's beating on me away NOW, not in a few seconds after I do some fancy posturing.  So this is wonderful.  If there's anything to complain about, it's that /Psi, which previously had the dubious advantage of having the most skippable powers, now has one less (for me anyway).


    Martial Assault -> Spinning Kick: I'm a little disappointed by this.  As others have said it was the second melee attack in the set, one I could use as a single-target attack as needed.  Now it will mostly only make sense to use it when I can hit multiple enemies with it.  So there's just one single-target melee attack in the set now.  The lack of targeting on this power is an overall negative for me.  With other melee cones I can target the guy in the back, position as needed and fire the power, and if I'm not in range it won't fire.  With Spinning Kick if I misjudge I will just miss.  It is an interesting mechanic and I do like variety, but as I said, it is overall inferior to other melee cones.  Previously it had other benefits that offset the negatives, but now it will just be a worse version of other melee cones.  I suspect this was not lost on the original designers and they made it what it was intentionally.


    Thorny Assault -> Ripper: Another minor disappointment.  Specifically the reduction of the arc of the cone.  I always liked the wide arc on that power on Spines characters.  It seemed to fit the animation, and it made the power easier to use and somewhat unique.  It set it apart from other melee cones.  I'm curious what the change is meant to address.


    Overall I love the changes.  Opening up the possibilities for Dominator powersets is hugely positive for me.  I'm sure others will feel the same way.


  7. 2 hours ago, kendo339 said:

    not sure if it makes a difference being hero or villain side as I seem to have issues with the base day job on the villain side incrementing whether I enter via the usual portal or the poof to base.  but definitely doesn't appear to increase on villain side using poof method

    Be aware there is a known bug with the base portal in Mercy not giving credit for the day job if you log out next to it.  You have to actually stand on top of it when you log out to get credit.  So if you log out while in the base I don't think you would get credit.  If you want credit villain-side I'd use the portal in a different zone.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Oneirohero said:

    All Absorb powers I've seen are Procs or Clickies so you will have to tell us which power(s) exactly are Auto/Toggles with Absorb for me to follow up on that question. 

    There are three powers in Blaster secondary sets that I'm aware of.  I mentioned Reaction Time from the Martial Combat set, and there's also Temporal Healing from the Temporal Manipulation set, and Wild Fortress from Plant Manipulation.  Each shows in the builder as granting the same value I mentioned above, 6023.8% absorb for 3 seconds, whatever that means.  All three are toggles.

  9. 23 hours ago, Beul said:

    It just works as temporary extra HP. Think of a Halo shield for an example.

    If I'm understanding that correctly, then a character wouldn't take any "real" damage until enough was inflicted to chew through the temporary HP.


    So how does that work on an auto or toggle power that grants +absorb?  Wouldn't that be constantly refreshing the temporary HPs?  Seems like it would be impossible to take any actual damage unless it was coming in at a rate that surpassed the absorb amount and refresh interval of the power.


    Looking in the character builder it shows the Blaster power Reaction Time as granting 6023.8% absorb every 3 seconds.  What does that mean?

  10. As the title states, I've been looking for a comprehensive list because I don't remember anymore.  Which special IOs can I get at any level, and which do I need to be concerned about exemplaring with?


    This page lists the special IOs and separates them into "globals" and "procs", and says with regard to globals "the one thing that will shut off a Global IO is exemplaring more than three levels under the level of that Global IO."  So is that accurate?  Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge, Steadfast Protection res/def?  -KB IOs as well?  I didn't remember -KB IOs shutting off when exemplaring.


    I'm trying to figure out what level to get certain IOs, or whether or not maybe to get them attuned, but haven't been able to find a comprehensive list that addresses this.

  11. So what's the argument for reducing the cooldown (and damage) on Dominator snipes?  Is it because the higher base damage would make them too powerful with the snipe changes?  Is it to allow them to fit more easily into regular attack chains?  Is it just so no one complains about the differences between Dom snipes and everyone else's?


    I'd prefer the cooldowns on Dom snipes remain as they are, but other than that I'm on board with the snipe changes.  I think this will be an improvement over what we currently have.

  12. I agree that for most AT/powerset combos there will be much better attacks available from a DPA perspective.  However that's not the only thing to consider.  I had a Rad Blast corruptor that used Air Superiority for soloing bosses.  I could fire the stun as I came in, hit it with AS, and hit the stun again before it stood up.  Sometimes the boss would get off a shot, but if I got it right they'd never have a chance to do a thing.  I couldn't keep the stun perma-stacked on the boss, but AS filled the gap so it was still unable to act.  I could keep it either stunned or knocked down for the entire fight barring unlucky misses.


    That one pool power allowed me a completely different play style.  I wouldn't have been able to stand toe-to-toe with bosses like that without it.  It enabled the scrapperuptor style.  That attack chain did less damage than others I could have put together, but it allowed me to do it in greater safety.


    It might be better to think of some of those powers as utility powers that also do some damage.  Not that I wouldn't like to see them brought up a bit.  It would be great if they weren't such clear losers from a damage perspective.  However I think the devs were always fighting FotM disease.  If AS did comparable damage to other attacks all you'd see on teams is mobs flipping in the air.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, GM Fiddleback said:

    I hope this is solved soon, but in the meantime, our apologies.

    Thank you for the update.  It's disappointing of course, but at least we know.  Not knowing what's going on is sometimes the hardest part.  I'm sure I don't speak only for myself when I say that I'm very appreciative of everyone's efforts involved in this project and I want everyone to get the rest they need and take care of their other business.  And then hurry up and get us access to the game we love.  😁

    I have to say the biggest surprise is that the problem is severe enough that a complete rollback is being considered.  I never expected that.  I hope we get the full story once the dust has settled.  All I ask from here is that continued updates be provided as allowed by requirements for rest and other life obligations.

  14. Is anyone else experiencing this?  The new forums require verification of new accounts via email, but those emails don't seem to be going out.  I've tried twice with different email addresses and nothing at all.  It's been many hours and nothing.  I'm surprised I haven't seen any mention of it.  Am I the only one who has tried, or is this problem just happening to me?

  15. Released (with a drop for possible mac compatibility). Hopefully all settings are saving now.




    I greatly appreciate the effort to help us non-Windows users.  Unfortunately I'm still getting the same error with this release.  I guess at this point I'll have to hope that someone comes along who knows more about getting this type of thing to run properly under wine.

  16. Would it be possible to get a build that targets a lower version of .NET?  I'm trying to get this to run on Linux under wine and having no luck so far.  My best efforts have gotten me from crash messages to "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."  I'm using HeroDesigner_Release_2.6_2019_07_18.zip


    Seems like I'm close but no luck so far.  The game itself runs okay under wine but not having the character builder will make things quite difficult.  If it would be easy to build for a lower .NET target I'd like to try that.  I can't say for certain that it would do the trick though, so if it's hard then I understand if you don't want to.

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