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Posts posted by carroto

  1. 23 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    your Defense and Resistances and you have absolutely no DDR or RDR to speak of


    Resistance inherently resists resistance debuffs.  It's not something special that armor sets get.  So if you can built up some resistance on a Regen character, regardless of source, you get the same resistance to debuffs that a resistance set gets with the same amount of damage resistance.



  2. On 9/12/2023 at 8:11 PM, srmalloy said:

    you still get XP and drops for defeating mobs, but they don't count toward defeats for badges.


    Thanks for this.  It might explain some strangeness I've seen when I'm hunting for "defeat X mobs" missions.  I like to do this when I can in zones with groups that are hostile toward one another.  So I can find a group fighting one another, do some damage to the mobs I need and get kill credit without getting too much aggro.  Helpful when the only mobs I can find are well above my level and hard to fight.


    There have been times that I'll tag some of the mobs and leave them to be finished off by the others they're fighting, but even though I see the xp message show up, my "defeats required" count doesn't go down.  This must be the reason.  If I run off too far I don't get credit.

  3. 1 hour ago, cranebump said:

    I fall over a fence and just die


    Yeah kind of similar story on my first character ever on Infinity, a Grav/Energy Dominator.  I was in Port Oakes doing newspaper missions and got this one door that's at the far end of the map in a deep red area.  I was really new and probably had managed to avoid trouble with street mobs by just blindly running past them.  However that didn't work with a large group of purple-conning Family mobs I ran past just before I got to the door.  It was quite a hike and I'm sure I didn't have a travel power, but finally there it is, the door is in sight, almost there....and I get hit with a barrage of gun fire and face plant just before getting inside.

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  4. Ah the good old days.  People intentionally being annoying and spamming powers at the popular auction house locations, the complaints about which led to the indoor auction houses with the power dampening fields in Praetoria.  /ah may be the best feature of Homecoming.

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  5. Off the top of my head I abandoned my Grav Dominator.  Been so long I'm not sure of the secondary power set.  I might have taken him to 50 or quit in the late 40s.  Even with the last set of changes Gravity Control just isn't good.  Wormhole is really hard to use well on teams.  It seems to always position mobs poorly or cause scatter, but that's really the only every-group tool the set has.


    I abandoned my Rad/??? Stalker because I really didn't like Rad Melee.  Took him to 50 though and fully IO'ed him.  The animations are slow and wonky.  I was also disappointed by how unreliable the Contaminated effect was.  I picked the set in part because I thought I could leverage the heal from Radiation Siphon, but when I needed a heal I could never find a Contaminated enemy.  On teams it was hard to tell which ones were under the effect, or when I could find one someone would often defeat it before I could take advantage.  Quite frustrating needing a heal and corpse-blasting and missing it.  Plus the animation for Radiation Siphon is one of my least favorite in the game.


    I had a bit more wisdom and quit my Staff Melee Stalker somewhere in the 30s.  The set looks decent (but not great) on paper but in play somehow it just feels weak.  I think it's the combination of the animations and sound effects.  Doesn't seem like it's doing much.


    I took a Widow to 50 but never specced into a final build.  I can never seem to come up with a Fortunata build I'm happy with.  I guess I'm trying to do too many things with it.  Maybe it's the paradox of choice.



  6. On 8/21/2023 at 3:14 PM, Mezmera said:

    Ice and Energy Melee/Bio


    This if you're going for a damage-focused hard target eliminator.  I've been amazed at how quickly my EM/Bio Stalker can take down AVs.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm with Betty on this one.  I bet that's what's going on.  It may seem inconsistent because in my experience the "untargetability" of spawned (or self-rezzing) mobs is inconsistent.  Sometimes I can target them immediately, other times it takes a few seconds.  More often the latter.  I can always attack them through pets though.  Not helpful in chaotic situations with lots of targets though, since you can't guarantee any pet will select the target you want.

    • Thanks 1
  8. I almost always take a travel power, usually Super Jump since Combat Jumping is included by default in all of my builds.  I can get by without one but they are noticeably faster.


    There might have been a super tight build somewhere along the way that I made work by skipping a travel power.  But usually the only time I'll skip one is if the build includes a +speed power from the primary or secondary, like Quickness from Super Reflexes.  Those give me the extra boost that allows me to be satisfied with the speed of Athletic Run + Sprint.

  9. For those who have been here long enough to build a stable of 50s, try most ATs and power set combos that ever interested you, do the incarnate thing for the nth time, and get as good as you're probably going to at Mids'-craft, where do you go next?  How do you stay interested?  Here are some of the things I've seen vets do that seems to fall into the "trying to find a new challenge or angle to stay interested" category:


    • Solo very challenging content.
    • Badge hunt.
    • Unlockable costumes (prismatics).
    • Challenge builds (petless MM, power-pool-only, etc.)
    • Specialized builds (pylon times, etc.)


    A number of those don't work for me because they are too grindy, and I just don't have it in me.  I do occasionally try an oddball build.


    I've found that I enjoy characters whose powers provide or require the use of interesting mechanics.  Active damage mitigation instead of passive, for example.  It's a lot of fun at times to play a really tough character that can wade face-first into combat with few concerns and just faceroll my way to victory, but it gets a bit bland eventually.


    This line of thought has led me to reconsider Placate on Stalkers recently.  Back in the day the conventional wisdom was that it wasn't worth the power pick.  Only some power sets even had a single attack that could be paired with it for a boost in DPS.  For others it was a loss.  The relatively recent trim of the Placate animation helped that situation greatly, but at a 60-second base recharge it still wasn't going to make a huge difference, and there was often another power worth picking for that slot.


    So I haven't taken Placate since pre-shutdown and hadn't reconsidered it.  It's easy to get locked into a "performance above all" mindset.  But then I remembered in the distant past, the early days of playing this game before I learned about what was "best".  Placate was a lot of fun.  Plus it makes combat more interesting.  There is some skill at play, some benefit from using it well.  So I put together a build that included Placate that I could live with and rolled up a new Stalker.


    So that's one way I'm keeping things interesting for myself.  How do you do it?

    • Like 2
  10. 7 minutes ago, Lusiphur Malache said:

    I would pair martial with Electric, Dark, or Radiation very easily.


    Mine is Rad/Martial and I agree with everything you said.  Martial is made for being in melee range and has a unique feel.  Anyone who likes Blasters and hasn't tried it is missing out.

  11. 6 hours ago, ZemX said:

    How much regen you need (whether that comes in the form of passive regen or active healing) depends entirely on how much damage you're taking.


    Exactly.  On a squishy character that isn't getting a lot of focused fire but may get the attention of various mobs on the fringe of the fight, even a modest amount of regen can do the job of offsetting that incoming damage.


    I wish Arcanaville had stuck around on HC, or that I had the patience and search-fu to find her posts on the old forums about regen.  IIRC she said that even the regen from Health was significant in her tests and simulations, I think in relation to her "immortality line".


    I can see how some people might not "feel" the difference unless they have regen in the 400%+ range, but I can say that I definitely notice the difference at 250%-300%, which is pretty easy to obtain without devoting a lot of slots to it.  I get to experience this difference with every character I take to 50 that doesn't have a heal, because I usually wait until 50 to slot my final build.  I have a mish-mash of stuff until then.


    Slotting my final build at 50 and getting that regen boost, then playing that character I absolutely notice the difference.  As I said before, of course it's not going to sustain me by itself if I'm under serious fire.  But in extended fights with lower levels of steady incoming damage it absolutely makes a difference in keeping me upright.  It also is quite noticeable how quickly I top off between fights.

  12. 3 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Not to be flip, but what about break-frees?


    Doesn't work with my approach to inspiration management.  I try to always keep a few slots open for drops, and convert to what I can use.  But in order for that to work I need to be able to hold on to one or two of a number of things until I get that third that I can convert.  On top of that I want to be sure I have the essentials in stock when I need them.  There's not a lot of room for all of that to work, and devoting a row to break-frees would probably break the whole system.


    If we had slightly larger inspiration trays I could probably make it work.  But even if I could manage to squeeze it all in somehow, that would still only work after I've reached level 40 and trained up to get all my inspiration slots.  From 1-39 there still wouldn't be room.



    3 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Alternatively, ranged defense.


    This is the approach I tend to take on my Hover-Blasters, along with a handful of others.  Works well enough when it meshes with the play-style of the character in question.


  13. 13 hours ago, biostem said:

    I could simply focus on upping my defense to the point where I simply don't get hit...


    I've tried many of the options given above on various characters.  For the defense route Time Manipulation is good here because it gives you a nice defense power to help avoid getting hit that will also remain active if a lucky shot does get through, unlike toggles.  Fade from Darkness Affinity could serve the same role.  I've been mezzed and been able to just sit and wait it out in relative safety thanks to that.


    Another option is to shorten the duration of the mezzes to the point that they are not as troublesome.  I'm only aware of one power that can do that effectively: Accelerate Metabolism from Radiation Emission.  I have been surprised at how well this approach has worked for me.  YMMV.


    There are a number of clicks that can help like those above.  Personally it gets old after a while having to keep up with them, and if I forget and get mezzed then I'm still in trouble anyway.  Still they're better than nothing.  Passive protection is nice to have though which is one of the reasons Sonic Resonance has gotten played so much by me.


    Edit: Oh and I'll disagree with the person above about Acrobatics.  It will protect you from one hold, which is usually all you need.  It is great for that, but stuns tend to be more of an issue for me, so while Acro is great it's only a partial solution.

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  14. 4 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    I wonder if that can be changed,


    It would be nice.  As it is rain powers have mostly disadvantages relative to powers that apply their effects all at once.  With the latter you get the full benefit of any boosts including toggles, as well as often being good vehicles for procs.  On top of that the rain pseudo-pets often have lower damage caps than the ATs using them.


    There are some nice things about rains but you're definitely giving up a lot with them.

    • Thanks 1
  15. On a character without another heal or +recovery power I 6-slot Health and 4-slot Stamina.


    Health gets all the procs.  Panacea, Miracle, Numina's, Preventive Medicine, and Regenerative Tissue.  Then the Numina's Heal in the last slot.  That gets me maxed out on health regen in the power.


    Stamina gets two procs: Performance Shifter and Power Transfer.  Then the End IO from each set, boosted to 50+5.  That gets me maxed out recovery slotting in the power and both procs.


    That way I have about the most health and endurance recovery I can get on that character.  If I want more regen I'll try to squeeze in the Impervious Skin resistance unique.  With all that and whatever incidental set bonuses I get in my build without trying I usually end up with around 250%-300% regen.  I can get closer to 300% or over if I can target a few set bonuses toward that goal.


    With that much regen plus the two heal procs it really makes a noticeable difference in my ability to recover from a bit of incoming damage.  It obviously won't sustain me when I'm taking heavy fire, but it's nice to know that I'll usually top off pretty quick once the incoming damage dies down.

  16. 55 minutes ago, Frostbiter said:

    It will however last as long as the psuedopet does.


    Is there some way to confirm this?  I've always presumed that the powers don't benefit from Tactics at all and only get the first 10 seconds of Aim/BU and the 5 seconds of the BU proc.


    Edit: and because of this require *more* accuracy slotting, not less.

  17. On 8/10/2023 at 12:01 PM, Frosticus said:

    IMO defense on a build with no innate defense or ddr is not a productive path.


    For doing specific challenges with no inspirations for example I could see this, but my thinking for more general-purpose builds is quite different.  Having any kind of base of defense means that a single Cold or FF on the team pushes me into the range where it starts becoming meaningful.  Ditto for inspirations.  The more defense I have, the fewer inspirations I need to soft-cap, and therefore the longer my tray will last me.  I always grab the low-hanging fruit, even when not building for defense.

  18. On 8/14/2023 at 4:16 AM, Spaghetti Betty said:



    I wonder if you have any thoughts as to what make the power sets work of your two Doms you've stuck with that separates them from the others you've tried?  Obviously Mind Control is a uniquely powerful soloer, able to do so in safety that no other primary matches, but for me a lot of that comes from Mezmerize and Confuse, both of which you skipped.  I might have thought the commonality between Ill/ and Mind/ primaries that made them work for you is the confuse, but since you skipped it maybe not.  I wouldn't know how to even begin to guess at other power set combos to recommend based on those two.


  19. Putting up a build for analysis and suggestions tends to work better than asking for builds.  No one but you knows what your goals are, what travel powers, etc. you like.  Giving people a starting point will usually inspire them to engage more.

  20. Only about halfway through the video so far but it's a fun watch.  Two things jumped out at me.  First you took Subdue, which I usually skip due to the low DPSA, but I presume that's because you just wanted another ranged attack.


    The thing that most stood out to me though was how tanky your pet is.  I'm curious how you pulled that off.  I'd have to go look at my Earth Controller's build but I think I recall that I tried to make the pet pretty tough but I'm pretty sure it would be taking more damage than that in a situation like that, and I'm not sure it would survive at all.  IIRC psi is one of the stone's strongest resistances, so maybe that's just a challenge he's well suited to.

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