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Posts posted by carroto

  1. Mobs will commonly run when two conditions are met: They've taken damage (may require a certain % of their health bar), and one of their allies gets defeated.  Taunt seems to override this but I'm not sure exactly how they interact.  Sometimes the mobs will begin to run away and then turn around and come right back due to taunt, but other times they will just stand there without ever trying to flee.


    I'm not 100% sure on this but I think I've observed that there are rank interactions with running too.  So if a minion is damaged and his boss ally gets defeated, he'll run for the hills.  Instead if a minion is defeated, his minion ally will return sooner if his boss is still in the fight.  I'd love to get confirmation on this somehow.


    Mobs seem to also run if they are too heavily debuffed.  I don't remember which one but one of the Dark Miasma toggles can do this.

  2. I mouse with my left hand (not left-handed though) and use that for turning and manually selecting things.  I have the numeric keypad set up for movement and power activation.  Top numbers are for movement, bottom and the rest of the keys are powers (Zero is jump).  The arrow keys next to the keypad are for toggling my travel powers on and off.  PgUp and PgDown are target next/previous enemy.  Home is target nearest enemy.


    I have left Ctrl+numeric keypad keys bound to the 3rd tray so I can have access to more powers.  I can hit that Ctrl key with my mouse-hand thumb without issue, so I can do all of this without ever needing to look down.


    On characters with a lot of powers where all of those are not enough, I will typically put more rarely used powers such as Vengeance elsewhere in my power trans to be activated by the normal 1-9 keys.

  3. 5 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

    Grab Mids and start hacking away at it.


    It can be overwhelming at first but take a chance, make a crappy build, and you'll get better at it faster than you expect probably.  Then look at some other builds in the Controller forum and get ideas from those.  Other peoples' builds are great for inspiration, but it's nice to be able to create a build that's tailored just for your preferences.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, tidge said:

    I usually don't go out of my way to take the Leadership pool


    It's pretty much required on ranged characters with a snipe if you want your quick snipe to do full damage.  Kismet + Tactics is enough to get close (but not quite there) on most ATs.

  5. 12 hours ago, Spaghetti Betty said:

    It's very slow with not great return. Also, since it's both a single target attack and an aoe in one, its math gets pretty weird. Not very worth it.


    I think Thunder Strike is a good candidate for procs.  There are a bunch of different versions of the power out there across power sets and APPs, and I think at least one of them does decent splash damage, but for most of them it's so weak it almost might as well not exist.  Even so given the recharge, cast time, and relatively small radius, it should provide good proc chances.  Haven't run the numbers but that's my guess.  Could be a good proc bomb against packed enemies.


    If I were going to take the power I'd try to franken-slot it to squeeze in as many procs as possible.  I'd bet it can be turned into a worthwhile AoE.

    • Like 1
  6. /Rad can be made sturdy but with a level of investment and build sacrifice not required by other sets.  IMO you're accepting lower survivability for higher AoE damage.


    If you want to get the most out of Elec/ then for me an armor set that helps with recharge would be nice.  A number of the best powers have high recharges.  So /Energy would fit the bill.  I'm not a fan of the set personally but if you don't mind its shortcomings it seems like a pretty good fit.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Darkir said:



    I'll have to give this one some thought.  I have a Fire/Time with perma-Chrono Shift with a decent amount of defense and it does work as a sort of ghetto mez protection because at least most of the defense doesn't shut down when mezzed, so I can usually safely wait out any mez that does get through and I'm unlikely to end up chain-mezzed.  Although that's a fun and powerful character, playing it gets a bit tiresome after a while having to keep up with multiple clicks all the time to keep my protections up, and if they wear off and I get mezzed I have no recourse.


    IIRC Rune of Protection can be used while mezzed as a mez break, so I suppose I could include that in the build but I suspect that at that point it would be getting incredibly tight.  I'll play around with a build in Mids' but I suspect it will require too many sacrifices to include the necessary tools to make the concept work well.

  8. 8 hours ago, Troo said:

    Rad / Dark


    I appreciate the suggestion but FS is a cone which doesn't work well in melee range.  Sure I could fire it off as I move in, but I have a decent amount of experience with Dark Miasma and I don't agree that it's suited to this application.  Toggle debuffs are subject to cascade failure if a mez gets through and FS alone isn't enough.  Been there, done that.  On top of that I'm not a fan of DM in the current meta.  The slow animations make it poorly suited to keep up with fast-moving teams.


    Additionally there are too many situations where there's a second group or an ambush or the mobs are spread out, etc. to where debuffs cannot be applied evenly.  That can be workable if I'm hanging back and blasting from range, but I don't see it working in melee.

  9. 1 hour ago, Darkir said:

    can we use clarion destiny instead for the mez protection?


    I wouldn't rule it out.  I generally like my builds to exemplar well but my existing one doesn't degrade as gracefully as I'd like.  Below level 35 without the epic armor and Rebirth the survivability is significantly reduced, but at least there's still Tough and Sonic Dispersion (plus IOs)  for around 45% S/L resistance, plus the regen, so it's still at least decent.  Plus the mez protection goes down to level 15.  If I rely on Clarion for mez protection I'm losing an important part of a melee build any time I exemplar.


    Still, if there was a build that would really scratch that itch with the limitation that it only worked at 50 I'd be willing to try it out.  What would you recommend?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. I wanted to build a Corruptor that fights in melee with mostly melee attacks, although any attacks that can be used in melee range are acceptable (so no cones).  The idea was to have a melee fighter with buffs and debuffs.  I knew the damage wouldn't be great but I thought it would be a fun project.


    My first attempt was Rad Blast/Sonic Resonance.  I got the mez protection that is required and the Rad Blast T1 & T2 (and to some extent T3) attacks are so weak that two of the Fighting pool attacks are actually better DPSA when you take all three.  So there was no regret in skipping those attacks.  Rad Blast has a PBAoE and a TAoE, so two AoEs that can be  used in melee range (plus the nuke).  Seems like a good combo for a melee Corr.


    I took Electricity Mastery for Charged Armor and Thunder Strike.  That allowed me to cap S/L resistances and get pretty decent Energy resists.  Roughly 300% regen and the hope was that it would be enough against enemies doing those damage types.  This will probably come as no surprise to many of you, but it's still pretty dang squishy a lot of the time.  It's okay, not terrible,and with Rebirth Destiny can be pretty tough as long as I don't get locked into a long animation and fail to fire it off in time.


    Even so, I came to the conclusion that something else would be required in order to make this character play the way I hoped, if that's possible at all.  My first thought was that a heal would make all the difference.  So I looked at Water Blast/Sonic Resonance.  There's a self-heal plus the same number of AoEs usable in melee range.  Also pretty garbage T1 & T2 attacks.  Seems like it could work on paper, but I never liked the slow animations in the set.


    So anyway I started slowly leveling a replacement, but I'm not super jazzed about it.  So I'm soliciting any suggestions for either improving my existing build or some other power combos entirely that could make this concept work.


    I'm on Linux so I'm stuck running an ancient version of Mids', which means I can't do a forum export of a build, but I'll attach my existing build here and hopefully that'll work.

    Soul Mirror - Corruptor (Radiation Blast).mxd

  11. I think there are quite a few combos that would work with the right build.  Illusion on Controllers can do it with enough recharge, especially with the proper debuffs, so something like Ill/Traps or Ill/Rad.  I soloed a number of GMs on an Ill/Traps.


    A Tanker build with a strong damage-focused attack set would do great too.  I'm partial to Stalkers and my Energy Melee/Bio Stalker has soloed a number of AVs and GMs.  Really any melee AT can be built to do it with the right power choices and build.


    I'm sure it could be done with a Blaster but I've never liked the build compromises that were required.  It's fine if you only play at 50 but if you want to be able to exemplar and keep that ability it's tough.

  12. If you don't mind having some melee in the mix then an Earth Control / Earth Assault Dominator would seem to be a good fit.  Aside from the Earth Control powers you get two ranged earth-based ranged attacks plus a close-range AoE.  There are also the hammer melee attacks and other goodness if melee is not completely off the table.


    I can't comment much on how good it would be.  I gave up on Earth Assault pretty early on when I tried it.  Hurdle + Combat Jumping is a mainstay for me, and a big part of what makes combat fun, so powers that require me to be on the ground to use them are a no-go for me.

    • Like 1
  13. 10 minutes ago, Echo Night said:

    how much (if any) remains. Is it the +2.125% number at the bottom of the page?




    10 minutes ago, Echo Night said:

    does that also get lost when stunned, held, or slept




    10 minutes ago, Echo Night said:

    That, if true, would also mean all of the Def protection from stealth is lost when any of the conditions have been met.


    It operates like most defensive toggles in that it will stop providing its effects when you are mezzed.  You get a higher defense value when stealthed.  When revealed you get the lower value.  If mezzed you get nothing.


    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Techwright said:

    the Penny Yin Task Force, taking an extra minute or two to destroy all the jail doors would add up over time.


    I tend to hurry up to the jail portion and start on the doors before others get there, but unless I'm on a high-damage toon I rarely get more than one of them down before the mission complete.  So they're getting 1% badge progress whether they like it or not!

    • Haha 2
  15. 6 hours ago, biostem said:

    I doubt your entire account would have been locked.


    I was thinking the same thing.  I've never heard of that in response to using the likeness of a copyrighted character.  I thought they just got genericked.  Reading the OP I was wondering what one would have to do to get an account locked.  Repeated character copyright violations?  RMT?  Harassment?  Curious.


    Edit: Of course!  Jerk-hacking rares.

    • Haha 1
  16. On 5/28/2023 at 4:19 AM, brasilgringo said:

    it really doesn't make much sense to me, and I've run it a fair amount.


    Yeah that's one thing that separates ASF from all other content in the game for me.  Not matter how many times I play it I still have no idea what's going on.  Everyone rushes here and there and incan's the team so okay we're here now for some reason.  If I try to go slow and find my own way through on a squishy I guess some (or all) of the mobs have increased perception?  So I can't even look around without getting ganked.


    At this point I've just accepted I won't probably ever understand it and any time I join I'm expecting the pros to carry me.

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