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El D

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Everything posted by El D

  1. It makes sense with the lore and expands on the Nictus updates that Requiem and Arakhn have already gotten in fun ways. Sounds good to me! Always in-favor of updating older AVs like that. Okay, a Nictus-ified giant wolf for Requiem would be cool. Heck, at that point give Arakhn a warped bat/vampire-alien form and make them mesh with the whole Warwolf/Vampyri transformations. Bring the whole transformation aspect of the villain groups full circle.
  2. No - account data from when the game was originally live is not accessible by Homecoming (if it even still exists at all by this point). You'll have to recreate characters/bases/supergroups from scratch, but HC has implemented a lot of tools that make advancing through the game easier than it was pre-sunset.
  3. Going to second the 'worth a watch' comments - the art style is vibrant, the fight scenes are solid, the music and voice acting are great, and frankly, it's just nice to have a Superman who feels hopeful again. The new takes on the classic villains are fun and the broad utilization of Krypton's alien technology makes Supe's opposition feel a lot more organically interconnected.
  4. As OP mentioned in the initial post, I'd rather not have chat windows more cluttered than they already are. That's real estate taken up by something entirely unnecessary in local channels, and in global channels you already go by the global name as is. I don't oppose the idea of this being a 'toggle on' option in the chat settings for folks who really want it, mind, but I also don't see much point in it - if someone wants or needs to know another player's global name there's already tons of immediate options. Click their name in the chat window and hit Get Global Name. Right click their avatar and use 'Add Note' (though 'Get Global Name' could definitely be added to that menu, too). Or type /getglobalname "character name"
  5. Yeah, this has been one of the more common issues with CoH as well - or perhaps most notable? There was a pretty hefty series of threads on the original forums about Sonic Resonance provoking migraines and headaches in numerous players, for example, prompting the power FX to be changed back in Issue 10. The only modern set with similar issues I can recall off he top of my head is Electrical Affinity's intense strobing when combined with a bright color palette. In-general I'd say CoH is pretty solid, if not necessarily due to baked-in options but from how modular the framework is. Don't jive with a certain sound? Players are free to replace or remove the sound file for it. Need adjustments to the UI? Tweak the colors or replace various icons with more user friendly symbols. The game is lacking against the 'modern standards' of user accessibility but the freeform modding approach makes up for some of it (and for a 20 year old MMO, it's certainly not awful). Though, those options can also require player initiative beyond 'search in menus' and information that's gradually becoming outdated in modern gaming, but that's a whole other can of worms... As for letting people know, aside from stickied threads on the forums, wiki entries, and mentions in the in-game Options I'm not sure what else there is. Get CoH onto a list of 'Accessible MMOs' or something and list what modifications it's good at handling? An op ed piece? It'd get the word out more, but that'd still require investigation.
  6. My supergroup treats it as the modern year (as is seemingly hinted at via the new history plaques and zone details) and the out-dated technology is just a stylistic choice for the narrative/time capsule from when the game was first published. Similar to how Gotham in Batman The Animated Series was deliberately retro but set in the 1990s timeline-wise. If you need an in-universe handwave, all the villain groups and massive, world-shaking events that have continually disrupted the most important city on Primal Earth (and in many cases, the rest of the globe) is as good an excuse as any why tech in some places has seemingly stagnated. There's plenty of agencies and institutions in the real world that still run on increasingly outdated computer and electronic systems after all, and we don't have Nemesis or the Council or the Rikti invading every other week. Alternately, perhaps the CRT monitors, brick phones, and old school cars are just 'retro-themed' but containing modern technology inside them. People love that kind of stuff IRL too.
  7. What @Greycat and @huang3721 said. Also, regarding Prometheus lashing out because he had a bone to pick with Zeus - there's some pretty important context around that exchange, in that Prometheus is falsely conflating Statesman with the actual Zeus. That's the entire reason the Freedom Phalanx even go in the first place, being 'random mortals' to Prometheus who he won't be predisposed to hate. They're there solely to work around the Not-So-Jolly Blue Giant because they know he won't hear Statesman out. There's also the even more relevant context earlier in the same comic where Statesman himself says he isn't Zeus and isn't a deity. Incarnates are certainly god-like, but they aren't literal gods. Not even the main 'My face gets put on the game's box art' ones. Which I'm glad about, honestly. If Statesman had been equivalent to actual, full-on 'block my texts from Hera, I'm turning into a swan' Zeus, that would have made Darrin Wade's arc even more obnoxious than it already is.
  8. Statesman isn't a deity, though, and never was. He was Incarnate, yes, and possessed the powers of Zeus, but he was never referred to as god. Beyond that, assuming Zeus was also an incarnate is a hefty pull, given that's never stated anywhere lore-wise. The only Zeus-linked entities that exist currently in canon are Incarnates of Zeus (Statesman and Imperious), Zeus-class Titans (not relevant), and the Avatars of Zeus made by Pandora's Box (though the less said about the story fustercluck that is SSA 2, the better). Also
  9. Welcome back! Glad to have you around again, BaBs.
  10. ... huh. Well, Drew Goddard has a solid enough track record as a writer/director IMO, and with the advent of AI siphoning off actual human creativity in media and the AI-techbros fawning over the machine consuming the artist, there's definitely some 'real life writes the plot' potential here. Whether or not a film that actually says something vs a nostalgia cash-in will get made remains to be seen. I just hope they don't make the mistake the Star Wars sequels did and tie too much back to the original cast. A Matrix story that moves past the original cast or just has them as the backdrop for the story would work so much better than either rehashing what we've already seen yet again or twisting what ought to be their narrative legacy.
  11. As someone who grew up watching the original X-Men TAS (and playing the side-scroller X-Men beat 'em up arcade game and Marvel vs Capcom)... This is fantastic. This is exactly what I wanted and more. It's not just continuing where the original left off plot-wise, but honoring the spirit and style of it as well - with a fresh coat of paint and awesome fight choreography. This is what happens when a franchise is worked on by folks who aren't ashamed of 'what it used to be' but rather know how much better it could have been sans budget limitations, juggling TV ratings, and the tech of the time. The modernizations in the dialogue and character choices work excellently, and so far all of the returning and new voice cast have been great. Fully on-board with seeing where this goes given the storylines they seem to be adapting. More stuff like this, please and thank you.
  12. I support this idea, but only if the hostage NPC audio clue is someone imitating the 'Wooo-Wooo-Wooo' glowie sound effect
  13. They have a surprising amount of returning voice actors for this series. Wolverine, Rogue, Beast, Storm, and Mister Sinister are all played by the original actors from TAS, albeit with different levels of 'affected by 30 years of time.' The original voices for Jean Grey, Jubilee, Gambit, Cable, and Morph are all also in the show, but as new characters. Time will tell if adjusting the casting for some characters and not others was the right call, but still - respect to them being willing to bring back as many as they could. Definitely planning on giving it a watch. Maybe if it does well enough, they'll do a continuation of the Spider-Man TAS too (at least, that's what the inner child-nerd in me hopes for).
  14. We should, yeah. It doesn't require a mass inundation of reports every time someone spots another player wandering around as C$PT!AN 4MER!C4 or Kal-El of Kyrpton or whoever, but sending one off, urging folks to cut it out, and moving on with the rest of the day is the right call. With the new agreement with NCSoft, Homecoming has all the more reason not to let these things slide (not that they tolerated it before now), and not urging the same mindset within the community sets a poor precedent. Plus, frankly it's just lazy. If these folks would make characters inspired by yet distinct from a famous IP, the devs can't do anything about that - heck, they actively encourage it, precisely because there's no infringement being done. Players are free to be as Kryptonian-like or Iron Man-adjacent as they want, the just can't try to pass themselves off as literally Superman or Tony Stark. It's uninspired at best and dangerous for the future of the game at worst, and that deserves more investment from the community.
  15. Let me see if I've got this straight. Your objective is to implement the ability to deliberately target other players with PvP, in non-PvP zones, and allow attacking players the opportunity to possibly lock their targets out of accessing certain characters entirely? Then if the locked out character doesn't have a ransom paid the character gets deleted? And you want the playerbase and the devs to support this suggestion?
  16. While I'm not opposed to this idea, there's already an established tradition of placing Memorial NPCs to honor players that have passed on. IMO having their characters actually in-game as an eternal part of CoH feels like the better option. Like @Clave Dark 5 said, they're still there, getting ready for their own adventures.
  17. I'd say luckily. The whole 'Normal Hero -> Incarnate -> Dimensionless -> Primordials' progression chain the devs revealed in the AMAs was going to be a massive headache at the very best. Totally understand it as a 'promoting continual subscription grinding mechanic' to give players The Next Thing To Do for their max level characters but given how many arguments the HC forum gets right now about power creep/progression just with IOs and AE (and the added Hardmode content)... I'd really loathe to see a version of CoH that has multiple tiers of endgame OP nonsense further beyond what we've already got.
  18. Can't really find much to argue with in that video. I tried Champions Online for a bit after sunset, as many other CoH alumni did. It was interesting enough at the time but the overly cartoony cel-shaded graphics and the extremely stylized settings never really hooked me. Champions always seemed like a Saturday morning cartoon writ large and I just found myself missing CoH's more realistic take in style and presentation. It was akin to going from the original Teen Titans cartoon to Teen Titans Go (and seeing how one was cancelled while the other continues to astonishingly live on and on, is more than an apt comparison...). Champions always felt like a missed opportunity to actually grow from CoH. Its costume creator and powerset concepts did things we, as players, would have paid through the nose to have while the game was live (and in some cases, are only getting now due to concentrated dev efforts). Except Cryptic never really seemed to capitalize on any of that and now they just slap more and more stuff into the Zen Market and lootboxes. Neverwinter was a number of steps up for a long while and filled that MMO void, but they also sent it tumbling down that same lootbox hill years ago.
  19. @Oubliette_Red is correct - the mini-mode activates its own unique set of scales that ignore/supersede the scale sliders in the costume creator. It's effectively using another model with the same costume pieces/color selections as the currently activated costume, which is part of why you can't edit or change costumes with it on. It'd break things or at the very least be extremely wonky. That said, it would be nice to have a variant without the Baby New Year sliders. Just a really tiny character, or one to be like, Nemesis Automaton height but with your own costumes. Those would be fun alternate versions.
  20. She is still around - if the player takes the 'stab both deities' route it states Tielekku 'vanishes back to the spirit world.' Also they use the God-Killer Sword to do that bit, not the Dagger of Jocas. I'm not even sure deities can be killed in CoH, but speculating on that gets into the mix of how Tielekku, Ermeeth, and Hequat work VS how the Banished Pantheon works VS how the Well of the Furies/Pandora's Box stuff works, and that's just a headache. Mostly due to the Well of the Furies/Pandora's Box stuff and the fact that a bunch of the lore for the original gods and the Banished Pantheon never actually comes up in-game.
  21. Still not quite sure what RP scenes folks in here are doing where the continual sounds of vomiting are considered a benefit but hey, Pocket D takes all kinds. Except, apparently, anyone afflicted with repeated puking. As per the devs, they can get right out.
  22. Nope, he's still gone. Granted, with Pocket D being Pocket D, those sounds you heard could have been... well, any number of things. Especially if you play on Everlasting.
  23. The first one - the Prismatic costumes and effects deactivate when the player dies and have to be turned back on after being rezzed. It does break the immersion a bit, but everything detoggles when the player dies so it's just following the same rules for active powers.
  24. Honestly it seems like what would happen if an AI were asked to generate a 'CoH Forum Argument.' Most of the replies in this thread are the most token forum kvetching I've ever seen or just trolling, which is basically the same thing at that point. Not a knock against trolling, mind. That's as much an age-old pastime on CoH forums as arguing about stuff is. Frankly, a farcical back and forth about Puking Guy is a lot better than the nonsense that gets tossed around in Powerset threads (or the massive dumpster fires that were the AE threads). >.>
  25. I realize the Middle Ages were different times but we've evolved beyond the need for 'John the Pukesmith' to be the town's entertainment in the last couple hundred years, my vampiric friend. 😛 If your CoX is flavored like vomit... I seriously don't know what to tell you. See a doctor. See an exorcist. See... actually, @dtjunkie's Omega Mop might be able to help. He is in the market for a new nemesis after all.
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