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Posts posted by Puma

  1. 8 hours ago, ScarySai said:

    I would agree if energy melee weren't the worst possible thing to make this case with.


    Dark Consumption as an AoE DoT nuke? Sure. Dramatic nerfs to mid-tier sets? Sure.


    Energy melee? No shot. You're going to have to log into beta before I even think about respecting your opinion, as I know for a fact you weren't playing and mastering EM before this year. You need experience, be it with the old version of the set or the new one to make a case, here you don't have either.





    I have a level 50 Energy/Energy stalker so what are you even talking about?  I have a 50 energy/WP tanker, too.  And I've tested energy melee on a scrapper with the changes. 
    But again, energy melee was simply an example. I don't have a major beef with it since the changes that were made in alpha.  I don't think it's great, but not bad either, and an improvement over what's on live for all but stalkers. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, ScarySai said:

    I would agree if energy melee weren't the worst possible thing to make this case with.


    Dark Consumption as an AoE DoT nuke? Sure. Dramatic nerfs to mid-tier sets? Sure.


    Energy melee? No shot. You're going to have to log into beta before I even think about respecting your opinion, as I know for a fact you weren't playing and mastering EM before this year. You need experience, be it with the old version of the set or the new one to make a case, here you don't have either.





    For the record, I didnt just log in to beta, Ive been testing energy melee before that.   I was using energy melee as a random example.  This thread isn't about energy melee. It's about beta testing in general, and saying unless you've tested a set your opinion is worthless. That's simply not correct and is hyperbolic. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Monos King said:



    The example above, which I'm sure is intended to be an extreme, is characterised as very different type of situation than what is detested here with EM.... If not, your comment above is irrelevant hyperbole. Even if you successfully demonstrate an objective departure - surprise!


    Thinking that your opinion is so significant that it can weigh in against the perspectives of those who have played through a change will never fly on a game. No ifs or buts. 

    First...yes it was obvious hyperbole to point out the hyperbole of Sai's claim.  I was being tongue in cheek. 
    Second, I would actually disagree. You're placing the burden on people who want to maintain the status quo as opposed to those who proposed changes to do the work.  The burden should be on those proposing the changes, be they devs or other players. 
    So if, say, some players wanted blasters nerfed because they were too controllery, it isn't up to people who like the current state of blasters to prove why they should be left alone.  They have ALREADY tested what they desire and have said they like it.  And they don't need to "Test" how much they would like having their controls nerfed.  They are, as I said, already happy.  They have spent time and effort to build around the current state.  So the onus when someone is suggesting change that would alter that is on the person suggesting change to show a)why the change is needed, and b)come up with a proposal for change that is acceptable or interesting enough to make people want to test it.  

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/3/2020 at 6:05 PM, ScarySai said:

    I get it, you read about a change you didn't like, maybe you're like me and are very...for the lack of a better word, 'reserved' with keeping Paragon's legacy alive in the wake of a new team's changes.


    But that being said, there's something important people should probably know, as I've seen a lot of people confessing to not actually testing the sets before running their mouth about them lately.




    If you've mained energy melee or whatever since 2005, that's one thing, but commenting on the state of a set without even testing it is just an idiotic thing to do. Stop that.

    Actually, gotta disagree here.  
    I propose changing all of Energy Melee's attacks single target attacks that do pure lethal damage that do negative HP on the caster and add a chance to grant invis to teammates. 

    What? You dont like that? YOU HAVENT EVEN TESTED IT YET!!!
    Sometimes you dont need to test something to say you disagree with the direction it's going. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Bopper said:

    You might be thinking of experiences from playtesting an early Beta version, not what currently is on the HC Beta server. The Knockback was removed from Sound Cannon and is now a Knockdown. Also, Sound Booster's buff to your chance to Hold effects was increased making the migraine mechanic (or is it SoundBoost mechanic?) much more reliable. Sound Booster also now buffs your chance to knockdown in Sound Cannon, which is nice for targets that are protected the Disorient effect. Overall, the mitigation in Sonic Manipulation is far improved from early versions of the set.

    That's entirely the case.  Honestly, I was so unpleased with everything I was testing in early Beta I haven't even been logging in to the server lately.  Everything new felt off and lackluster, and everything that is being changed felt like a nerf (except some of the QoL changes).  It really has turned me off.  I'm not interested in feeling less super than I did before in the game.  I get it's a different design philosophy, but it has kept me from playing here.  I'll give it another shot early next week.   

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Draeth Darkstar said:

    Sounds like a flawed team comp 🙂


    I 100% stand by my opinion that Sonic needs better single target damage output, regardless of where the tweaks come from. As a set with only one AoE, it can't also have bad single target output and still remain competitive, especially as a set that is almost melee ranged and has a weak sustain power.

    It's a schizophrenic set. It wants you in melee, but gives you very little in the way of melee survivability compared to other sets (weak sustain, the one crowd control power knocks them AWAY from you). I think it WANTS to use the migraine mechanic as its survival tool, but its so unreliable and unnoticeable that it doesn't work, and its one crowd control power is...not a good one, especially for a melee set.   
    They really need to move the KB from Sound Cannon and put it in the -res power, then make it an Ice Patch clone that does -res.  Call it "Vibration Field: You create a field of sonic waves on the ground around you that so powerful that the vibrations lower the resistance of enemies nearby and have a strong chance to knock them of balance briefly." Make the KD ticks 1.5 slower than those of ice patch in exchange for the -res component.  Its just enough to lower some of the incoming melee damage you receive.  


    Bam.  Then you have a set that still does the sonic -res schtick, adds some survivability to the melee nature of the set, and your main crowd control power doesn't knock foes even farther away when you're trying to fight melee. 



  7. 5 hours ago, Captain Powerhouse said:

    The reason Whirling Hands got the double damage with focus was to compensate for the lack of a cone (second AoE.) Double damage was simply too much for this, since it suddenly allowed too much AoE damage in too quick a burst. Given the goal was to make up for a second AoE, having it auto-recharge allows it to be chained with itself, and delivers the initial result in a much more balanced way.

    Too much AoE damage is subjective. 
    Were we seeing a sudden glut of Energy Doms being created?  Or more appropriately, were we NOT seeing other doms being created suddenly because this was somehow so overpowering? 
    "battered back to mediocrity" should be the name of issue 27.  

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Heraclea said:

    This is my impression as well.  The sustain of /Electric is now in an aura that does paltry damage, and that I had specifically avoided in my current build.  Force of Thunder is my current opening attack on the character. I am already in the Force pool for Personal Force Field and Repulsion Field, and I think Force of Nature, which I use as trouble bubbles.  If I keep the character, the way to go would appear to be to drop Force of Nature and pick up Repulsion Bomb and use it instead as the opener.  Repulsion Bomb hits more targets, does damage, apparently does not need anti-knockback slotting for even level targets, and has half the recharge.  It will likely be available to use as an opening move every fight, or at least likelier than FoT, which would probably be banished to that special hell for powers with too long recharge that can't be used regularly and so end up forgotten. 


    My build philosophy is to prefer primary/secondary powers over pool powers, but so it goes. 

    This pretty much sums up my problems with the entire change to blaster secondary, and specifically their crowd control powers.  I think it's a major mistake for the archetype and honestly,  it makes the crow control powers in most sets not worth it.   
    I honestly dont know that Ive ever been so unhappy with a patch as I am with i27.  Like...not even playing as much level unhappy.   

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  9. On 10/8/2020 at 4:23 AM, Jacktar said:


    The Enhancement screen!

    Firstly to be able to see the chat box whilst I am using it so I can moniter my private messages and LFG shouts.

    Secondly to be able to select multipe slots to delete/ replace new enhancers. (like selecting non contiguous items in windows)

    Being able to then drag those selected to the delete bin or to replace them with better enhancers.

    Thirdly be able to “order sort” slotted enhancers in a power by drag and drop same as our power trays.

    Fourth to sort the powers in primary and secondary specifically for PB’s and WS’s into form groups so Nova or Dwarf and Human only powers are seperated so selecting a new power choice is much easier when levelling up. Similiar to the Veats pages with seperate sections for the build process.

    (I am aware the the Khelds were originally special and needed the player to have at least one lvl 50 alt to unlock them and so perhaps more wise in build power selection) but now a shiny new player can roll one from day one a little clarity in power usage when in differing forms would be a huge help even for the more experienced player base.



    And get RID of the "combining" screen for enhancements, and just make it happen instantly. I HATE how long it takes to combine enhancements.  It's ridiculous. 

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Oh horseshit. It's not a case of X being able to solo Y. It's a case of X being able to solo Y at the max diff, with no inspirations, with enemies buffed with +50% acc and damage and ZERO deaths.
    It's a prime example of the ridiculous power creep that this game suffered from for years BEFORE the shutdown.

    I mean, you still haven't convinced me why that's a problem.  


    You just don't like it, and keep saying "balance"...but what the hell does that mean? 


    I could argue It's "balanced" because it allows me to run more content without having to waste half of my play time finding the right mix of a team to complete it. It balances "doable" with "fun".  


    Or I could argue it's balanced because it required me to get a toon to the highest level I could, plan out a build, invest in the slots, and the pay off is that now my character can play the hardest difficulty without dying. 


    If I have to do all of that and still can't play much better than me being on SOs, then how is that balanced. 

    Lets face it...when stuff is new it's hard, even with our power creep.  Look at the new Hami, or Reichsman, or iTrials like Magi and Mother Mayhem.   But as we figure out the mechanics it gets easier.  That isn't because of "power creep", it's because we figure out the tricks.  We know what works.  The power is the reward as much as it is the tool.  Hami's reward is a powerful enhancement.   iTrials reward you with more power to make them easier. That's the nature of the game. 


    The main problem right now is we're stuck with less new challenges coming out, so the whole game is easier.  But honestly, it's easier on an Emp Trick Arrow without Destiny, too, because I know how to do the missions faster, smarter, and better. 


    • Like 4
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  11. I have some very real concerns with the direction I see powers and "balance" heading in this game, but they are based on a different design philosophy. 


    Personally, if I were in charge, the way I would approach "rebalancing" is akin to what they did with Defenders but across archetypes.  When solo, each archetype has a more rounded approach: Blasters controls and sustains are stronger, controllers and Masterminds body guard mode is stronger and their end use is greatly reduced, scrappers and stalkers have stronger armors, etc, Defenders do more damage but with slightly lowered buffs/debuffs, etc.  As you team, the set rebalances where Blasters do more damage but their controls and sustains slightly decrease, controllers controls become less resistable, Defenders and Corrs buffs/debuffs become less resistable, Mastermind pets do more damage, etc. This would make logical sense from an in character perspective because as you team you can focus on your specialty, where solo you have to try and do it all.  It would also help with content we most team with more: TFs, trials, etc.  


    And no one would feel nerfed, NOR would any archetype really feel like it isn't any good without a team, or, vice versa, like they get lost on a team with nothing to contribute.


    If controllers always had a few unresistable holds, even on AVs, when teamed, and Defenders had a few unresistable debuffs/buffs, even on AVs, and tankers always had an unresistable taunt, even on AVs, when teamed, it would make teaming more attractive, without hurting them when solo at all. 


    This change was already done with Defenders and it makes the archetype fully able to solo really well for the first time in a long time, in my opinion, without changing how they function on a team.  


    In my opinion, on a game this old, nerfing things and trying to force players or archetypes into a certain playstyle is a bad move.  


    Of course, when I instituted the above, I'd also increase the reward for teaming in one way, and for solo in another.  Say teaming gives greater chance for rare drops in content, the larger the team the more the chance, while solo gives greater influence, XP, and merits for content.  Each has a benefit. 

    • Like 1
  12. I would love to see Hero Patrons linked to the TFs you need for Task Force Commander.   Below are just examples of pools for Blasters to give you an idea. 

    If not for doing the TFs, then it would be an awesome reward for completing "Free Positron" mission from Maria Jenkins.  They are so appreciative that the Freedom Phalanx takes you under it's wing.  
    Positron: Radiation Mastery
    Lingering Radiation: Foe -rech, -speed, -regen.

    Radiation Syphon: Melee High Damage, foe -Def, self heal. 
    Alpha Barrier: Self +Res  Smash/Lethal/Energy/Toxic. 

    Ground Zero: PBAoE Moderate damage Energy, Moderate DoT Toxic, self +Heal over time. 
    Summon Valkyrie

    Synapse:  Speed Mastery.
    Static Fences: (electrifying fences clone with -rech instead of -end)
    Rapid Punches: (Sands of Mu clone only -rech instead of -tohit)
    Heightened Reflexes: Self +Def Smashing/Lethal/Energy.

    Andrenal Rush: Click Self +rech, +rec, +status protection. 

    Summon Minx.

    Penny Yin: Psionic Mastery
    Mass Hypnosis:  Targetted AoE Sleep
    Dominate: Foe Hold

    Mind over body: Self +Res Smashing, Lethal, Psy.
    Mass Levitate.

    Summon Assembler Prince

    Etc Etc Etc. 


  13. 9 hours ago, Twisted Toon said:

    Have you actually tried to use a ginormous two-handed weapon and a rather large shield (not talking about a buckler) at the same time?

    Strength doesn't really have anything to do with the difficulty in with using both, if that's what you were going to go for.

    It wouldn't be long before you, either, knock yourself out with the shield, or rip the thing off your arm.


    No, but I've never ripped into the ground with my bare hands, pulled a boulder out, and thrown it into the distance.  I supposed that if I did I'd rip off my arm.  



    But Im not super. Our characters are. By the way, some shield options are elemental or energy.  Who says that things cant pass through them that I want to pass through them?

    • Like 1
  14. 9 hours ago, tidge said:

    There already exists Red Side content for this; I'm not sure what Villains and Rogues would be gaining by just going to another zone.

    I am thinking something more elaborate than that one contact (though he could easily be tied in) but if you're more comfortable, we could swap Longbow for Hero Corp, which I find to be underutilized anyway, or even the Freedom Phalanx.

  15. 9 hours ago, tidge said:

    So... radically overhauling the perception of players (who feel like they are missing out on content, but unwilling to experience that content or simply unwilling to accept that there is content they don't enjoy) is off the table? 🙂

    Im not sure if this is targetted at my idea, but  if it is, please explain how my idea "radically" overhauls the perception of any players.  Not a single player who wouldn't want to experience this is forced to, and if they don't, not a single aspect of the game would change for them, except occasionally they may see a villain in Steel Canyon and not realize it's a villain.  

  16. Three things:

    #1: Remove the barriers between Red and blue sides.  I want villains to be able to go to paragon, heroes to the Rogue Isles, etc.  To avoid the PvP thing, I'd make a temp power when crossing over called "blending in".  When toggled, it lets you appear as the correct alignment for that area to everyone.  Then I'd provide both a debuff and buff when in the wrong side.  The debuff would be a very wide aggro aura which draws more enemy NPCs, etc to you, because you're seen as a great threat, and a mild defense aura boost because that side isn't used to dealing with you on their turf.  When "blending in" isn't toggled on, you can expect everyone in the vicinity to to come at you to try and apprehend you, but you also have a slight advantage due to the surprise.  There would be contacts for you when you switch over in each zone:  Red side you'd be helping build a resistance to Arachnos, blue side you'd be working to infiltrate and take down Longbow. 

    #2:  Crafting:  This system needs to be simplified.  I dont enjoy having to constantly search through my inventory to find what I need, how to get what I need, etc.  I would LOVE the Wentworth's interface to altered so that you can click "find missing materials" and any materials NOT in your inventory currently pop up with a set "buy it now" price point, with an option to simply "purchase" each one. Then let me craft right inside that window. Players can place salvage in WWs with both a "starting bid" price like currently, and a "buy it now" price point like Ebay.  


    #3: More cut scenes, and with audio.   While the comic shtick was a creative way to deal with limitations in tech in 2005...it's 2020.  I want audio. I want voices.  You could always make it an option.  NPC audio: Text box or NPC Audio: Voice or NPC audio: Voice and Text.  

    #4?   Make Dev's Choice AE missions become ACTUAL contacts outside of the AE.  Even if it were at a select location:  say, the tiki bar in pocket D.  But this would make them feel official and truly "special" when a player achieves that. 


  17. 8 hours ago, MsSmart said:

    Instead of weak to the player, let it be full potency to the player, who could "bubble" other players with psi protection in a way similar to sonic. But let this power not be a "Resistance Buff" which is useless, since it is capped to 95% and that does not quite reduce the "la la la" time by half; this needs to be status protection level like Clarion does, otherwise it will be a useles power.


    Keep in mind this is NOT meant to replace a defender or corruptor on a team, but just meant to be a unique aspect to give this set its flavor. 

    Fire's "flavor" is more raw damage with less direct protection.
    Invul's "flavor" is being REALLY survivable to most things but with a couple glaring holes. 
    Shield's "flavor" is boosting your own damage and giving a little support to your team.
    Bio's "flavor" is being able to adapt for more damage, or more survivability, or more endurance based on circumstances. 
    This set's "flavor" is offering more group survival tools in exchange for personal ones. 

    But just like Fire and Shield aren't "enough" damage to replace blasters on a team or make them obselete, this set's group buffs aren't enough to make defenders or corruptors obsolete.   They help your teammates in ways that "taunt and take all the damage yourself" just doesn't, but on their own wouldn't be enough to keep a team alive in extreme circumstances. 

  18. Psionic Armor: This would a psy based armor set designed around keeping not just yourself, but the entire team alive. It offers less direct personal projection than other sets in exchange for more "team" protection. The uniqueness of this set is that it is much more team oriented than just about any other set besides shield defense. While offering a variety of ways to protect yourself in battle, you can sacrifice your own safety at points to protect or empower your teammates. 

    Tier 1: Telekinetic Shields: +res Smashing/Lethal/Psy.    You surround yourself with telekinetic fields which protect you from incoming physical and psychic damage.

    Tier 2: Pyrokinetic Aura: +Res Fire/Cold  You manipulate the temperature around you to lessen damage from fire or cold attacks.  

    Tier 3: Precognition:   +Def Energy/Neg/Toxic/Ranged.  You can glance into the minds of your enemies, seeing their attacks before they're made.  This advantage makes you incredibly difficult to hit from range. 

    Tier 4: Mental Fortitude:  Toggle +Res status affect, def debuff resistance and moderate psy resistance.   Your mind is your strongest weapon, and it is difficult for anyone to overpower it. Mental Fortitude makes it harder for enemies to weaken your defenses and protects you from status affects while active.  


    Tier 5: Brain Drain:  PBAoE (Foe -end, stun, self +End/Regen).  A PBAoE power where you briefly stun nearby foes and drain their endurance, increasing your own endurance and regeneration.  The more enemies in range, the more endurance and regeneration you'll gain, but the weaker the strength of the stun.  So in a mob, you get lots of end and regeneration but just stun the minions. In a small group you'd gain less end/regen but stun the luits. One on one, even a boss could be stunned, but you'd only get a minor end and regen boost.  You tap into the minds of all nearby foes, using their brainpower to supplement your own.  This will stun enemies and rejuvenate your own endurance and regeneration.  

    Tier 6: Psychic Feedback:  Toggle Ranged (Ally heal over time, +DMG, self Damage over time OR Foe -max HP, self +Max HP). You create a psychic feedback loop with either an ally or an enemy. It's a toggle tic over time.  If connected with an ally, you transfer your own physical health from yourself to the ally, healing them and slightly buffing their damage output in exchange for minor damage yourself;  If looped with an enemy, you empathically steal the life force of your target, lowering their maximum HP, and use it to boost your own. The power's effects would reach their maximum strength after 15 seconds and your boosted HP will last for 1 minute after the loop is ended.  You create an ongoing psychic connection with an ally or foe, linking your minds.  If you connect with an ally, you can grant them your own life force, taking their damage on yourself and healing them.  If you connect with an Foe, you can steal their life force, making them weaker while making you more difficult to kill.  The longer the duration of the connection, the stronger the affects of your bond. 

    (Possible alternate mechanics option):  Change the concept to one where your feedback loop empathically sends damage you and your allies take back onto the enemy.   From a mechanics standpoint this toggle power just gives you an aura that does minor tics of healing to nearby allies and damage to nearby foes, the strength dependent on your HP level. At full health it does no healing or damage, then grows with each point of HP you lose, maxing out at a 5% HP heal tic and a damage similar to damage auras from other sets once you reach -15% of your HP.

    Tier 7: Psionic Field:  Click Self +absorb.   A telekinetic field that gives you a nice Absorb layer.  You increase the telekinetic force around you, adding a layer of protection that absorbs incoming damage. 

    Tier 8: Astral Projection:   Location targetted AoE.    You send out a psychic version of yourself that draws aggro briefly then explodes in minor damage. It's like a single soldier, stationary version of Phantom Army with no attacks, just aggro, or a much less damaging but longer lasting omega maneuver.   This power could be used to absorb unwanted alphas (like Sappers, etc) or placed when a team really needs the tanker to be two places at once (MLTF when you're facing Recluse and the towers, or during the final fight in Reichsman's TF, etc).  It's a way for the tanker to, briefly, take more aggro than a single tanker otherwise could, essentially doubling your aggro cap briefly and helping take incoming enemy damage from the team.  You send an astral projection of yourself to a targeted location which draws enemy fire until it's destroyed. Its attacks do no damage but will draw aggro onto itself.  When it is defeated it releases a psychic burst of energy that does minor psychic damage to nearby foes and slows their recharge time.

    Tier 9: Psychic Empowerment:  PBAoE Team (+Res, +tohit, and HoT, self +dmg.)  You are surrounded by a close range field/bubble that gives strong protection to yourself and allies within its radius.  Like old school tier 9s this would have a long recharge and leave you exhausted. Personally I would lower the recharge to something mid range but add a psy damage over time affect to the user once it wears off alongside the end crash.  You unleash your full psychic potential in an area, surrounding yourself in a psionic bubble that gives resistance to all damage, increases your chance tohit, and gives healing over time to all teammates within close range. The psychic field also adds additional psychic damage to your own attacks. When this power wears off, you are left drained of most of your endurance and will suffer some psychic damage over time. The recharge of this power is very long.  



    • Like 4
  19. Thought of this in the weekly discussion thread and liked it so I thought I'd post it here for additional feedback.


    New Blaster Secondary:  Illusory Combat

    You manipulate light, creating complex and convincing illusions, blinding and confusing your foes, and even healing yourself.  You can focus your illusions  offensively, or defensively.  Offensive illusions will have a chance to deal additional "illusory damage" that is so convincing foes will truly suffer damage, but the wounds will heal over time if the enemy is not defeated.  Defensive illusions will have a chance to instill brief fear in your enemies as you attack.  You can only switch the focus of your illusions when not in combat.  Certain powers help your illusions become more potent, and the more potent your illusions are, the stronger the effects of your focus.  


    Tier 1: Spectral trap:  Foe Immob/Moderate Psychic damage over time.  You convince a foe they are being wounded with each step they take, locking them in place and inflicting psychic damage.  Builds one stack of potency.

    Tier 2: Blind:  Foe hold/Moderate energy damage. You painfully blind a single foe, rendering them helpless and inflicting damage. Builds one stack of potency. 

    Tier 3:  Illuminate: Self +dmg, +tohit, Grants 3 stacks of potency. You gather the light from around you, making your attacks appear even more powerful.  The damage of your next few attacks is increased greatly, as is your chance tohit. 

    Tier 4: Master of illusions:   Self +Stealth, +def (all), +special.  You are able to bend and focus light around you, making you virtually undetectable except in very close range, and also harder to hit once detected. You will be detected if you attack. Even if detected, you will retain some of your defense.  This ability also grants you the ability to focus your illusions, choosing to use them offensively to boost your own attacks or defensively to weaken your foes. Grants the Offensive and Defensive focus modes.   

    Tier 5:  Deceptive Flare: Targeted AoE, Moderate dmg smashing/psychic, for Knock down.  You channel your illusions tightly, making them appear to erupt from the very earth around your target, blasting all foes within radius and having a chance of knocking them off their feet.  (This is basically Solar Flare from Khelds)  This power consumes all stacks of potency, and the amount of damage it will deal is increased with each stack consumed.


    Tier 6: Light Therapy:  click Self +Res Status Affect (all), moderate heal, +Endurance.  You use the power of light to energize yourself, heal your wounds, and even free your mind from the influence of others.  When you click this power you heal yourself of damage and gain a moderate boost to Recovery for 2 minutes.  If activated when under the control of any status affect power, you trade half of that healing and recovery boost for strong status affect protection for two minutes. 

    Tier 7: Kaleidoscope (or alternately, Vertigo):  Single target Stun (vomit emote)/High psychic damage.  You trap a single enemy in a kaleidoscope of light, rendering them so dizzy they become sick and unable to attack you momentarily, and dealing psychic damage.  This affect has a slight chance to spread the dizziness to up to two nearby enemies, causing them to momentarily become ill as well.    This power builds one stack of potency if the user has less than 3 stacks. If they have three stacks the duration and magnitude of the illness, and its chance to spread are increased by 50% and all stacks are consumed.  

    Tier 8:  Abject Terror:  You create a cloud of illusions at a targeted location so horrific it instantly terrorizes enemies within range, and leaves their chance to hit and attack speed diminished.  This power grants one stack of potency. AoE Foe Terrorize, -tohit, -recharge speed.

    Tier 9: Radiant Explosion:  Melee AoE Superior dmg, Foe KD.  You strike a foe with a burst of light and sound from your first so powerful, the target is knocked to the ground and suffers superior energy damage. The illusion is so effective that nearby foes will also be knocked down and both they and the primary target will suffer illusory psychic damage over time.  Radiant Explosion consumes all stacks of Focus.  The strength of  this illusory damage will increase with each stack of focus consumed.  


  20. New Blaster Secondary:  Illusory Combat

    You manipulate light, creating complex and convincing illusions, blinding and confusing your foes, and even healing yourself.  You can focus your illusions  offensively, or defensively.  Offensive illusions will have a chance to deal additional "illusory damage" that is so convincing foes will truly suffer damage, but the wounds will heal over time if the enemy is not defeated.  Defensive illusions will have a chance to instill brief fear in your enemies as you attack.  You can only switch the focus of your illusions when not in combat.  Certain powers help your illusions become more potent, and the more potent your illusions are, the stronger the effects of your focus.  


    Tier 1: Spectral trap:  Foe Immob/Moderate Psychic damage over time.  You convince a foe they are being wounded with each step they take, locking them in place and inflicting psychic damage.  Builds one stack of potency.

    Tier 2: Blind:  Foe hold/Moderate energy damage. You painfully blind a single foe, rendering them helpless and inflicting damage. Builds one stack of potency. 

    Tier 3:  Illuminate: Self +dmg, +tohit, Grants 3 stacks of potency. You gather the light from around you, making your attacks appear even more powerful.  The damage of your next few attacks is increased greatly, as is your chance tohit. 

    Tier 4: Master of illusions:   Self +Stealth, +def (all), +special.  You are able to bend and focus light around you, making you virtually undetectable except in very close range, and also harder to hit once detected. You will be detected if you attack. Even if detected, you will retain some of your defense.  This ability also grants you the ability to focus your illusions, choosing to use them offensively to boost your own attacks or defensively to weaken your foes. Grants the Offensive and Defensive focus modes.   

    Tier 5:  Deceptive Flare: Targeted AoE, Moderate dmg smashing/psychic, for Knock down.  You channel your illusions tightly, making them appear to erupt from the very earth around your target, blasting all foes within radius and having a chance of knocking them off their feet.  (This is basically Solar Flare from Khelds)  This power consumes all stacks of potency, and the amount of damage it will deal is increased with each stack consumed.


    Tier 6: Light Therapy:  click Self +Res Status Affect (all), moderate heal, +Endurance.  You use the power of light to energize yourself, heal your wounds, and even free your mind from the influence of others.  When you click this power you heal yourself of damage and gain a moderate boost to Recovery for 2 minutes.  If activated when under the control of any status affect power, you trade half of that healing and recovery boost for strong status affect protection for two minutes. 

    Tier 7: Kaleidoscope (or alternately, Vertigo):  Single target Stun (vomit emote)/High psychic damage.  You trap a single enemy in a kaleidoscope of light, rendering them so dizzy they become sick and unable to attack you momentarily, and dealing psychic damage.  This affect has a slight chance to spread the dizziness to up to two nearby enemies, causing them to momentarily become ill as well.    This power builds one stack of potency if the user has less than 3 stacks. If they have three stacks the duration and magnitude of the illness, and its chance to spread are increased by 50% and all stacks are consumed.  

    Tier 8:  Abject Terror:  You create a cloud of illusions at a targeted location so horrific it instantly terrorizes enemies within range, and leaves their chance to hit and attack speed diminished.  This power grants one stack of potency. AoE Foe Terrorize, -tohit, -recharge speed.

    Tier 9: Radiant Explosion:  Melee AoE Superior dmg, Foe KD.  You strike a foe with a burst of light and sound from your first so powerful, the target is knocked to the ground and suffers superior energy damage. The illusion is so effective that nearby foes will also be knocked down and both they and the primary target will suffer illusory psychic damage over time.  Radiant Explosion consumes all stacks of Focus.  The strength of  this illusory damage will increase with each stack of focus consumed.  


  21. 9 hours ago, Delta said:

    Kinetic Blast - Kinetic Blast grants you control over the power of the kinetic energy around you. This can allow you to weaken and take down enemies using the power of kinetic energy. When hit with a kinetic power, an enemy's attack power is reduced. Some powers allow the user to build up Kinetic Charge, while others consume Kinetic Charge. You can have up to 3 stacks of Kinetic Charge on yourself at a time. Your Kinetic Charge can be released to strengthen your Kinetic Drain, Focused Burst, and Kinetic Overload powers. These powers will consume all of your Kinetic Charge. 


    1. Kinetic Bolt (Available at Level 1) - You release a small bolt of kinetic energy, damaging your target and reducing their attack power. Kinetic Bolt builds 1 Kinetic Charge. Damage: Minor (Energy), Recharge: Fast (3s), Activation Time: 1s, Damage Buff: -10% (Target for 5s) 
    2. Kinetic Blast - Available at Level 1) - You release a strong blast of kinetic energy, damaging your target and reducing their attack power. This power has a chance of knocking down the target. Kinetic Bolt builds 1 Kinetic Charge. Damage Moderate (Energy), Recharge: Moderate (6s), Activation Time: 1.67s, Damage Buff: -10% (Target for 7s), Knockdown (Mag 0.67) to target (30% Chance)
    3. Repulsing Torrent - Available at Level 2) - Repulsing Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and possibly send them flying. Damage: Moderate (Energy/Smashing), Recharge: Slow (12s), Activation Time: 2s, Arc: 45 Degrees, Knockback (Mag 6.23) to target (80% chance)
    4. Kinetic Charge - (Available at Level 6) - You draw kinetic energy into yourself thus boosting your chance to hit significantly, boosting your damage slightly, and granting yourself +3 Kinetic Charge. While active, each Kinetic Blast power will now add the drained strength of your enemies to you. Recharge: Very long (90s), Activation Time: 1.17s, Duration: 10s, ToHit: 50% (Self) for 10s, Damage Buff: 25% (Self) for 10s
    5. Kinetic Spark - (Available at Level 😎 - You quickly release a quick bolt of kinetic energy at your target's chest. Kinetic Spark reduces the foe's attack power and has a good chance of stunning your foe. Kinetic Shot builds 1 Kinetic Charge: Damage: Minor (Energy), Recharge: Slow (20s), Activation Time (1s), Damage Buff: -10% (Target for 12s), Stun: (Mag 3) to target for 11.92s
    6. Kinetic Siphon - (Available at Level 12) - You rapidly drain the kinetic energy from your target, causing Moderate Energy damage, reducing their attack speed, attack power, movement speed, and regeneration ability. You are then healed for a moderate amount of health, as well as a slight increase in your recovery and recharge speed. Kinetic Drain grants 1 stack of Kinetic Charge if you have 2 or less. Kinetic Drain will consume all stacks of Kinetic Charge if you have 3, but the power's heal, recovery, and recharge speed is increaed by 50%. Damage: Moderate (Energy), Recharge: Slow (12s), Activation Time: 1.67s, Damage Buff: -10% (Target for 10s), Heal: 11% (16.5% at Kinetic Charge Level 3), Recovery: 10% (15% at Kinetic Charge Level 3), Recharge Speed: 5% (7.5% at Kinetic Charge Level 3)
    7: Focused Burst - (Available at Level 18) - You unleashed a burst of focused power at the foe. Focused Burst deals High Energy/Smashing damage, reduce the foe's attack power, and can possibly knock down your foe. Focused Burst grants you 1 charge of Kinetic Charge when at 2 or less. Focused Burst will consume all stacks of Kinetic Charge if you have 3, but the power's damage will not only increase in strength, but will also have a better chance of knockdown. Damage: High (Energy/Smashing), Recharge: Moderate (10s), Activation Time: 1.67s, Damage Buff: -10% (Target for 10s), Knockdown: (Mag 0.67) to Target (100% if at Kinetic Charge Level 3)
    8: Kinetic Bomb - (Available at Level 26) - You launch a sphere of kinetic energy at nearby foes. Kinetic Bomb reduces the attack power of the target and nearby foes, as well as having a good chance of knocking down foes. Damage: Moderate (Energy/Smashing), Recharge: Slow (16s), Activation Time: (1.67s), Damage Buff: -10% (Target for 10s), Knockdown: (Mag 0.67) to target and nearby foes (40% chance)
    9: Kinetic Discharge - (Available at Level 32) - You unleash an extreme amount of kinetic power at the enemy, reducing their attack power, as well as knocking them back. Kinetic Discharge causes high Energy/Smashing Damage), slows down the the targets' movement, as well as stunning foes. Kinetic Discharge consumes all Kinetic Charge. The damage, as well as stun length incrases for each level of Kinetic Charge. At level 3, Kinetic Discharge will stun affected targets for 10s. Ranged, Damage: Extreme (Energy/Smashing), Recharge: Very Long (125s), Activation Time: 3s, Damage Buff: -10% (Target for 20s), 4s Stunned (Mag 3) to targets at Kinetic Charge Level 0, 6s Stunned (Mag 3) to targets at Kinetic Charge Level 1, 8s Stunned (Mag 3) to targets at Kinetic Charge Level 2, 10s Stunned (Mag 3) to targets at Kinetic Charge Level 3, -33% Jump Speed, -33% Fly Speed, -33% Run Speed, -33% Recharge Speed for 10s

    I like this.  Im a little confused about the tier 9. Is it not an AoE nova type power?  IF so...that would need to change.  A blast set with a single target tier 9 would...not go over well. 
    The only other thing I'd change is altering the tier 9's chance to stun amount with Kinetic charge to increased -dmg per stack.  That would make it a truly unique tier 9 and also give it a great utility as an opener.   

     I would also maybe turn kinetic syphon into "Kinetic transference field" which would be a placed field like water's whirlpool, but that does slow, -dmg and-end, on foes in the patch, while giving allies in the patch +rech, +end., +regen. Have the strength of the buffs dependent on stacks of Kinetic Charge you have when you place it.  It would be a very unique power that helps set the set apart.  


    Overall though, I like the concept here and it's one I could see fill a niche not currently filled.  

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  22. Armor set: 


    Psionic Armor: This would a psy based armor set designed around keeping not just yourself, but the entire team alive. It offers less direct personal projection than other sets in exchange for more "team" protection. 

    Tier 1: Telekinetic Aura: A resistance toggle to Smashing/Lethal/Psy

    Tier 2: Pyrokinetic Shielding: A Resistance toggle to /Fire/Cold

    Tier 3: Precognition: A Defense toggle to Energy/Neg/Toxic/AoE

    Tier 4: Mental Fortitude: a status affect toggle that also offers strong def debuff resistance and moderate psy resistance.  


    Tier 5: Brain Drain: A PBAoE power  where you briefly stun nearby foes and drain their endurance, increasing your own endurance and regeneration.  The more enemies in range, the more endurance and regeneration you'll gain, but the weaker the strength of the stun.  So in a mob, you get lots of end and regeneration but just stun the minions. In a small group less end/regen but stun the luits. One on one even a boss could be stunned.  (Foe -end, stun, self +HP/Regen)

    Tier 6: Feedback loop:  You create a psychic feedback loop with either an ally or an enemy. It's a toggle tic over time.  If connected with an ally, you transfer your own hit points from yourself to the ally, healing them and slightly buffing their damage output (Ally heal, +DMG, self Damage over time);  If looped with an enemy, you drain HP from the enemy, lowering their maximum HP, to buff your own. It would reach its maximum potential on an enemy after 20 seconds and your boosted HP will last for 1 minute after the loop is ended (Foe -max HP, self +Max HP. ) 

    Tier 7: Psionic Field:  A telekinetic field that gives you a nice Absorb layer while active. 

    Tier 8: Astral Projection: You send out a psychic clone of yourself at a targeted location which draws aggro until it's defeated. Its attacks do no damage but will draw aggro onto itself, essentially doubling your aggro cap briefly and helping take incoming enemy damage from the team.  When it is defeated it releases a psychic burst of energy that does minor psychic damage to nearby foes and slows their recharge time.   

    Tier 9: Psychic Empowerment:  You unleash your full psychic potential, surrounding yourself in a psionic bubble that gives resistance to all damage, +tohit, and heal over time to all teammates within range, and adds additional psychic damage to your own attacks. Like old school tier 9s this would have a long recharge and probably leave you exhausted.  





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  23. I love this idea, and to address the concerns above, couldn't you just have it open up all the possible methods you have to craft available and you select the correct one? 
    So you click "core/radial x" and it brings up three options/paths you qualify for to craft it, and you click the one you wish to use. 


    What I think would fix Ice Armor and make it a great set:


    Change Hoar Frost to a shorter recharge, + Absorb power. Honestly this makes more sense thematically, anyway.  And while +HP benefits you more than absorb, because of regen, the shorter duration would be a trade up in my opinion.   If you need to, keep the +HP but make it shorter duration or a lesser amount in exchange for the +absorb. 


    Combine Icicles and Chilling embrace into Icey Embrace.   


    Add a new clicl power called "Cryogenic burst" that grants psionic, toxic, and additional Defense debuff resistance.  The idea is that you can dramatically slow your metabolism to lessen toxic damage, use a cold snap of air to focus or numb yourself mentally,  and the increased coldness makes your ice shields more effective.  Make it a 2 minute duration power that can't be perma (without SERIOUS effort, anyway).  It's primarily meant to be a situational boost, not a permanent one. 

    Then you'd have a much more well rounded set, I think.  

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