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Posts posted by Impact

  1. I have a Tier 2 alpha slot that I'd like to upgrade to Tier 3.  It looks like I'll need shards, not threads, to craft some of the components.  Threads I know how to find, but information on shards is pretty sketchy.  Are they just random and unlikely drops?  Are there other ways to obtain them?

  2. To complicate this discussion a bit farther, suppose you slot an Agility Core in your alpha incarnate slot.  How much global recharge would you need for permahasten then?

  3. As a long time tanker, my advice to you is simple.  If you want to tank, don't play a brute.  They can do it, some, but not nearly as well as a true tanker.  Tanks have more health, can hit the defense and/or resistance caps easier than brutes, and have more and better tools for grabbing and holding aggro.  I'd post your question in the tanker forum, and I'd re-roll your rad/rad as a tank instead. 

  4. Hey all.  I want/need one ranged power in my Brute to drop the Apocalypse set into, but I'm iffy on my two choices.  Hurl has an annoyingly slow animation but hits hard and can knock flyers out of the air.  Laser Beam Eyes is just a generic ranged attack, but a far faster one.


    I'm interested in any opinions you might have!

  5. Enormous, if you've ever been in one of popular AE farm maps.  Multiple packs of several dozen mobs each are wandering around using patrol AI, and there are often ambushes as well.  The server load per farm is much, much higher than on a mission map, where fewer mobs spawn and most of them have idle AI, not patrol.

  6. This thread is a great idea.  I hope many more SG's see it and post here.


    I did....AFTER making a few mini-posts elsewhere. >.<


    So...where's the information on your supergroup? 

  7. Those are great suggestions, guys, and thanks!  It will certainly give me ideas to work toward.  Zolgar, I notice your build doesn't have Unstoppable.  Back in the day, I loved that power, and having it available as much as possible is a big reason I want perma-haste.  Can you fit it into the build you created? 

  8. I left the game before IO's and sets appeared, but I'm back and very curious how to achieve perma-haste with them.  My main used to be an Inv/SS tanker, but I've rerolled him to a SS/Inv brute.  What sets and powers (besides Hasten itself, obviously) should I be looking for?


    Thanks in advance!  And if anyone has a relevant complete build, I'd be appreciative.

  9. Impact here, though I doubt many (or any) remember me.  I was a member of the famous Legion supergroup in beta, but in release most of them drifted away to other games.  I played on Virtue my entire time in CoH, but I left around issue 8 or 9 when the nerfs done to balance the game for PvP became too much for me to bear.  Still, many fond memories of this game, so here I am!

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