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Everything posted by Arc-Mage

  1. Now I want a Heroic Pimp. Super Fly if you will....is a Super Guy. Yeah, Super Fly Guy.
  2. Yes, it sounds like you have the computer set to Energy Saver. It may be turning the HDD off after x minutes of not being used.
  3. If I may suggest an alternate option for those who may not want to change folders in the game? Go to Menu-Options-Graphics and Audio Scroll down to Experimental Graphics Settings and Turn this ON Then Enable Cel Shader This will put a white line around everything in the zone making everything easier to see at all times of the day and in zones with Fog of War.
  4. Anyone else fly past a group of the New Warriors and think it's a Zombie Invasion? They tried to push the new Warriors Costume Changes back on the Secret Server and it was heavily argued against then. It is still a bad idea today. Then changes make them look like Zombies from a distance or a quick flyby.
  5. I can confirm this. Happened to me over the weekend. I was rubberbanding really bad that day so my assumption was it was because of lag.
  6. Not long before the game went F2P there was talk of making a Hero Creator phone app. Create your toon on your phone, then send it to the game and play at your leisure. I always pictured myself sitting back in my chair creating toon after toon on my phone.
  7. Pretty big hole in Croatoa. Big enough to TP through and big enough for small Critters to possibly fall through. This may explain the disappearing Critters during the War in the Vale event, not allowing the event to be reset. /loc [706.2 -35.4 -2123.5] I can TP under the Lake but quickly get placed back at the Tram in Croatoa. Not enough time to take pics.
  8. It’s a different version of Anti Matter isn’t it? It isn’t the Primal Earth Anti Matter in the Keys trial. So you won’t get the badge from him.
  9. What was your alignment?
  10. No. I mean apply to join the closed beta. You can then post and ask questions on that forum.
  11. You may want to join the Beta or Closed Beta to get an answer to this question.
  12. I was just awarded the Task Force Commander Badge with out completing the Sister Psyche TF. I am under the impression that I should not have been awarded this Accolade unless I completed all Six Freedom Phalanx TFs on the Hero side. Excelsior Server Toon name "My Uncle Sam."
  13. With an average team that knows what they are doing and all working for the same end goal you can absolutely get get averages out of every Task Force. Those averages equal the time spent vs Reward. I've been playing this game for almost 20 years straight. Literally run Thousands of Task Forces from lvl 02 to 50+. Every last Task Force takes about the same time to complete every time. Just one example, the first TF, Posi 1 and 2, both should always take about 30 minutes each to run with an average team with Teleport. You may have a outlier from time to time, newb or someone who has a bad build or is just a bad player or no TP on the team. All these things will stretch out the time of course but more often then not you will not have this problem. The vast majority of those playing have been playing for years and know what they are doing. Look, I was on the Secret Server. I know for a fact when they couldn't create new content they spent time on game balance. For years it felt like that's all they did was game balance. The game as it is now is probably more balanced then it has ever been. The last few updates have continued this trend. So this is what it's about? Time vs Reward is absolutely the best and fairest way to distribute reward in an online video game. I have a Def Pure Emp that I have to slog my way through Mishes with, I also have a Tank Willpower/Energy that crushes in every mish. My point is if you have a toon that doesn't crush in every mish/TF, build one. Maybe it's your toon that's as fun as a Happy Day at the Park but it just doesn't give the results you are looking for. Change it up until you find that toon that absolutely crushes the TFs so you get those averages everyone else is getting. Happy Hunting.
  14. Did you level your toon completely before the respec? Not completely leveling a toon before respec has been known to cause some weird things to happen, including failed respecs.
  15. Example why these numbers will be almost useless: Several years back they had a contest to see what team could run +4 x8 ITF the fastest. It was a pretty big event with lots of prizes. Every team started at the same time. Every team was balanced. One thing everyone forgot about was map spawns. The Cysts map in the ITF has several different map layouts that can spawn. The fastest map is the straight (shotgun) map. The shotgun map only spawned for one team. That team blew everyone else’s time out of the water. It wasn’t even close. The newer TF/SF have multiple different maps that can spawn. This can greatly alter the time for completion. You can pretty much judge how long an TF/SF should take to complete by the number of Merits rewarded.
  16. I'm pretty sure this is a known bug. Maybe going back years. May want to do a deep dive into past bug reports.
  17. I'd be interested to know if: 1) it changes back after a few days and 2) what the "info" says it's a lvl 50 or says it's a lvl 10
  18. The Power Suppression Rooms were turned off on the Secret Server, low population and all, it wasn't needed. I remember people complaining about it back then but it was never changed back. Is it really a problem still?
  19. Lvl 50. Incarnate. I was not using Incarnate Pets.
  20. 2nd Defeat in 3 three hours on the same toon. The Reward notification said I received: 6 Merits and 1 Monster Aether. I did not actually receive the 6 merits or the 1 Monster Aether. This is correct. This was changed in the last Adamastor Defeat update. So, the old reward notification for the second defeat was not removed during the last update and should be removed.
  21. It’s probably left over code that occasionally pops up from when Ouro was exclusive to each side. The code is mostly hacks and clever ways around problems. Artifacts pop up from time to time. This is most likely one of them.
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