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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. On 5/15/2024 at 1:47 AM, Ridiculous Girl said:

    if you enter the day job location for the crey employee day job, the crey building in nerva archepeligo, upon entering the building the day job timer is not enabled. if you go further inside the day job icon will appear, and if you go back to the same door the icon will persist, indicating that it is working. it does not work only when entering. so, often the case is that i parked a character there, but only just inside the building, after 4 days, no award is given, nor time accumulated. only upon moving further into the room will it enable the timer to start for the whole room.


    NOTE! when i went with a character that has the badge, the DJ icon appears on entering.

    Is that the building with the contact or maybe a trainer in it? I remember on live people bugging it and the Devs explaining it was like that do to the contact being in the same building.


    If it’s the same building you are referring to.

  2. 4 hours ago, WindDemon21 said:

    It's a +end power, to give you endurance, which it does a pretty crap job of at a 3minute rech and the recovery being so low per target and only lasting 15s, but especially with this bug in place as well when you're fighting higher level enemies. (again for only auto levels of max hp, it never made sense they even put it in this power rather than just in temp protection with that regen, that shouldn't factor in and certainly not enough to keep the power at such a terrible recharge) But this bug also just adds that insult to injury 😕

    Yes, I meant that as -End to the enemy. Which as you point out is +End to the player. 

    All the powers that remove endurance (-End) from the enemy had a solid go over on the Secret Server. 

  3. Sounds like you created a new account. Characters are kept on the Homecoming Server. So when you log in the Homecoming Launcher all your toons should appear, but out of order. 



  4. 4 hours ago, Rudra said:

    It was moved to Atlas Park in Issue 27 Page 7. And Silent Sentinel was moved from Atlas Park to Echo: Atlas Park.



    Coordinates for Atlas Park Rookie: 128.5 16.4 -233.0

    Coordinates for Echo: Atlas Park Silent Sentinel: -608, 70, -1890

    Thanks dude


    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. On 3/24/2024 at 7:21 AM, Vic Raiden said:

    AFAIK the Circle was canonically obliterated in the Dark Astoria storyline, and so hard that I can hardly imagine them still be as big a deal as they used to be.


    Also, where exactly is that unused new zone entrance? I'd like to take a look at it myself.

    Sure, Go to the Steel Canyon entrance. As you are facing out into the Hallows with your back towards the Entrance to Steel Canyon. That bit of weird CoT architecture to the left. That was going to be a portal to the "other" CoT zone. You can even see the Portal light going upward. 


    After the game closed some of the Devs would do a "LoreGasm" every year. I'm pretty sure it's talked about in one of those. 

  6. On 3/18/2024 at 12:04 AM, Player2 said:

    I've always been disappointed that there isn't a CoT Behemoth Overlord GM.  They need a big evil to lord its size over them (and everyone else).


    As a side note, I've also thought a sized up Hordeling sized up would also be a good GM model.

    The CoT were never finished. They were set to come back in Incarnate Stories. The entrance to this zone can still be seen in the Hollows. The shut down of course Prevented further storytelling. I'm confident we would have had a Giant CoT monster in that story line however.

  7. Magic Dominator


    Levitate Power


    When used, if critter is defeated while using Levitate power, Levitate will not allow other Powers to Lock onto next Closest Critter. Instead it holds the Lock and you must manually lock onto next critter.


    Now this does not happen every time, but it does happen maybe 9 out of 10 times you use the power. 

  8. Croatoa GM Eochai. Part of the War in the Vale


    League of 14


    The GM was being hit by Tenebrous Tentacles for sure and other powers that were not so obvious. 


    When Leviathan Mastery: School of Sharks was used I would get a pop up saying the GM was above the ground.


    Mutation Sentinel: Water Blast/ Ice Armor 





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