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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. On 2/25/2024 at 5:25 AM, DemonSeed said:

    Croatoa is cursed. A piece of terrain is misaligned along the entire riverbank on the right of the map near the next geometry hole.



    A geometry hole with a tree that rotates to follow your camera next to it at: [-2692.4 9.6 1113.1] Slightly unrelated but shouldn't this badge be somewhere...better? It mentions the beautiful view of the lake but you can barely even see the lake from it's location.


    If you scroll up a bit this has been pointed out multiple times. It was like this on live before shutdown. Not sure why it’s never been corrected.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, WanderingAries said:

    Is this an extension of the work from the past couple years or a complete new effort?

    Yes. It’s been finished for a while. I was hesitant in linking it here previously due to the Server not being official and the original forums being owned by NC also.


    3 hours ago, Lunar Ronin said:



    It's the one that Michiyo put up a year and a half ago. - 




    Maybe someone can pin the link for future reference. 

  3. 15 hours ago, sjj668 said:

    I cast the Ourboros rune on the ground and hover the mouse over it and it fails to turn into the blue hand indicating a portal. The T1 support (an individual named Crumpet) said "it was interesting," but was otherwise of no help and left this link to submit a ticket. What else do you need? As far as I can discern the online support is of no help. I would therefore petition some resolution here.

    The Ouro Portal is designed to deactivate after two minutes. Although you still see the "Shadow" of it, you can no longer click on it. I believe this is what you are experiencing. 

  4. Not all the maps in the game are the same because not all instances are the same. Not all instances are game generated instances. Some instances are actually created like a SG Base. The one that is most used in the game for example is the Midnighter Club. It's a SG type Base as opposed to being Generated like other instances. As the Devs moved forward from that issue, issue 12 I believe, they made more and more instances like that. 


    Now saying all of that, I also know that the maps for the SG Base type instances are different then the game generated instance maps.  Is this possibly what you are seeing?


    The game is Twenty years old. It has new on top of old on top of older code. I was once told the code for CoH is like a Pool of Sewage with a clean bucket of water thrown in.  You may just be seeing different code processes from different time periods. 

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  5. On 2/1/2024 at 3:39 PM, Mallador said:

    I don't remember it being like that when I first originally went there (Croatoa) on Homecoming (2022 or something when I first joined), since I like to get all the badges there.  Unless I was just completely oblivious to it on my first few characters when I was getting badges.


    We'll see what happens to it :V

    Nope. Was like that on live. Was like that on the Secret Server. It's like that on Homecoming. It wasn't originally like that. It happened after a update back on live and was low priority to fix. Prolly still is. 

  6. On 1/31/2024 at 3:07 AM, Mallador said:

    In Croatoa, the little river and lake on the right side of the map are lifted up on the edges, which can be seen with that weird gray outline on the edges, /loc -2187.4 -31.7 1059.6


    That's been like that since live. It's been bugged a few times since CoH came back but nothing has ever been done. 

  7. On 1/30/2024 at 3:58 AM, Earth Dragon said:

    I understand the "quick Fix" that was done for players to just have their own base with a depleted player base and to turn all requirements off to allow access to everything, but it would be great to have Prestige gain and Super Group badges back again.


    (and please forgive any incohesive formatting......it's late but I want to get this posted)


    This doesn't have to be the old system.  It doesn't need to be attached to the base components.  But turning SG mode on and gaining Prestige (not necessarily taking away from Infamy, but the 50% metric would still be acceptable) while allowing you to contribute to Group badges again would be great, give groups goals, and bring about a consolidation of the player base, allowing us to organize better!!  And I mean put in plenty of badges.  Ideas for badges could include:


    X Amount of TF/SFs completed

    X Amount of Merits collected

    X Amount of Prestige collected

    X Amount of items sold on the Market

    X Amount of items bought on the Market

    X Amount of Enemies Defeated

    - X Amount of Minions/Lts/Bosses Defeated

    - X Amount of Particular Group Defeated

    - X Amount of Heroes/ArchVillains Defeated

    X Amount of Y Damage Dealt

    X Amount of Y Damage Taken

    X Amount of Health Healed

    X Amount of Levels gained

    X Amount of Pets lost

    X Amount of Radio/Newspaper Missions completed


    Some of these badges could give you new stuff for the base that isn't vital, but looks cool, like guards that patrol the place.  Take out 100k Longbow, and now you can have Arachnos guards in the base.  Take out 100k Arachnos, now you can have Longbow patrolling your base etc.  Smaller groups in the game have much smaller requirements (Blighted, for example, would be like 500, while Arachnos, as I noted, could have a 1k, 10k, and even 100k as a reasonable long term goal).


    To be clear: I'm not asking for everyone to lose their bases for solo play and make them pay for everything again and what not if they want to keep them.  I'm just asking that groups that wish to consolidate get goals and perks they can work for once again which can help build teams to do events, in particular on redside.  And Prestige was just a cool metric as to how much mileage your group had and how much "damage" you had dealt to the gangs and organizations of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.


    Oh hell no.

  8. The game has worked that way since live. The best guess I can come up with is that the game remembers specific location points you have crossed. Example: you are traveling point A to C and just hit the corner of point B along the way, when you log out it won’t remember you crossed the corner of B. 

  9. Not surprised due to the HUGE amount of traffic on all servers in particular Excelsior.  Give it a few days or even try playing at lower than peak load times. 

    I rarely have issues and was having problems with connecting all last weekend too.

  10. 5 hours ago, Marine X said:

    Server: Excelsior

    Mission: "Agree to Rescue young Sybils" from Marcus Valerius

    Map: Cimeroran Cave Map


    If you enter Pools toward the back in large Chamber you go to the bottom instead of floating, even if you leave and re-enter pool. You can then swim under the path from pool to pool, this may be a feature and not a bug, but have never seen this before.



    At one point the Devs on live toyed with water you could swim in. This is one of artifacts left over from that time. 

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