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  1. Hi M, The lead-in was a tad long but alright, the powers list was a fun read, thank you. Some of my own brainstorms once I had heard of this concept and then after I read these powers: - what is concentrated strike's animation were a melee attack? I know it'd be an outlier for a blast set to have a melee attack, but sometimes a unique thing is cool. Would it be a massive one-hit to make up for the long wind-up, like a 20 or 25 or 30 second recharge attack? Might be cool. Maybe it's somewhere in the 10-15 sec recharge and just makes those who love playing blappers go "dag, I'd get some PBAoEs *and* another melee smash!" Maybe fun. - what if sweeping burst, using irradiate's animation, were a little longer on the recharge, to justify adding in some damage, and give it a really nice, vertical knockup? Like an attack some of the controllers get that's single target, seems like it takes forever for them to sail up, then down. As a PBAoE, might be neato. (The name sweeping burst kinda makes me think of a cone attack, but not sure what a better name would be. Sky burst? Vertical burst? Lift burst?) - what if a power that uses the animation for burst, was the nuke? I think it's slow/laborious windup justifies it being a nuke in the hands of blast-set users. It'd be cool for it to have a chance of causing knockdown I think. - what if not-burst, were a mini-nuke instead of an old-school one? Would fit the sub-theme that many powers in the set are light, and recharge fast. Would it be fun or a chore for the mini-nuke to be even faster-recharging than full auto/rain of arrows? For those that enjoy runnin' into packs to toss a heavy-hitter, it may be really cool, like a recharge that's 15-25 % faster than the established mini-nukes? I dunno, I'm not much of a blapper lover. - what if during the wind-up animation, enemies inside the radius get gradually dragged (up to) 5ft. closer during the 2.67sec. wind-up, then on the punch-down hit, all enemies get hit with a 4ft. knockback? - what if sweeping burst's recharge were closer to this nuke or mini-nuke's recharge? May be really fun to run in, not-burst, then into a sweeping burst. - what if instead of a targeted AoE, the set had another cone? If it did, one way I might do it is with electron haze's animation, and some clever way of using visual effects that travel outward along the ground at a similar speed to electron haze, in a kinetic-y way. I'd have it do do a small knockup, so that when fired through a group of enemies all at different ranges, you get a wave-like cascade of enemies getting knocked up and falling down. - what if one/more of the ranged blasts did reverse-direction knockback? Maybe it would have a less-than-1 value for it, so that it would do knock-down, but if someone slotted KB enhancers to it, it would do knockback *toward* the blasting character, so uh, knockfront? Just some thoughts, I don't desperately need these to be in-game, wanted to share. I think a Kinetic Blast set would be great for the game, the damage debuff aspect is very underrepresented in-game.
  2. Hello all, Returning today, and wondering: where are these two servers located geographically? What other differences are there between them?
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