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Justice Blues

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Everything posted by Justice Blues

  1. Thanks. Will have to see what I can do. Not really crazy about the change.
  2. Coming back in from a long time gone, and discovered an issue with my keybinds. One of my characters has the F key bound like this: F "powexec_toggleon Fly$$powexec_toggleon Hover" In the past, one press would give me Hover. A second would give me Fly, with Hover turned off because the two are mutually exclusive. Now a second press gives me both Fly and Hover activated. Is this a change in the game, or has something changed with the commands?
  3. I don't try for that level of generic. I use the macro in the custom window to load my generic bind file, which has my keys set the way I like them, and I have a key set for each of my characters to load there specific binds, for different travel powers or to set up their toggles and such. I put those on the F keys, like this: F1 "inspexec_name uncanny insight$$inspexec_name keen insight$$inspexec_name insight$$inspexec_name Sight Beyond Sight" ctrl+F1 "bindloadfile .\binds\generic.txt" shift+F1 "nop" alt+F1 "nop" F10 "say $battlecry $$ emote attack" F2 "inspexec_name resurgence$$inspexec_name dramatic improvement$$inspexec_name respite" CTRL+F2 "bindloadfile .\binds\JB.txt" shift+F2 "bindloadfile .\binds\FlameShadow.txt" alt+F2 "bindloadfile .\binds\LMan.txt" If I add or change something for a particular character, I can easily edit the file while playing, then go back to the game and load the file by hitting the key. I had about 60 alts on Live using this. Was probably a bit crazy, but it worked for me.
  4. I use mostly binds. I have a generic file that I load from a custom window macro, then I have character binds for specific powers that I load from that file. I like to be able to work on the binds at any time, then just hitting a key and updating. I always find macros a pain to edit or update. But they are certainly useful at times, especially with the custom window set up.
  5. The way I turn stuff off is /bind <key> "powexec_toggleoff <power 5>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 4>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 3>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 2>$$powexec_toggleoff <power 1>" All the toggleoff commands will run on one key press, so just the quick press and I'm done. I keep my travel powers on F, with alt+F as the shut off for everything.
  6. Thanks, I am having an annoyingly difficult time remembering the attuning stuff for some reason.
  7. I just wanted to check something. I got a PvP IO at level 16. If I slot it without attuning, the Resist/Recharge numbers stay the same all the way to 50. If I attune it now, they will improve as I level. But when I get to 50, I would want to boost it up to the limit (+5?) because it will still exemplar down with me. Is that basically it?
  8. There isn't a hospital per se in Boomtown, but there is a MASH tent there, just like in The Hollows. You rez at the tent if you die.
  9. That works with a Storm/Elec Defender too. Herd them into the corner with the Hurricane while keeping them too debuffed to hit, suck out their End with lightning, and wear down their HP. Couldn't do as much damage as a Corruptor, but she would get there eventually.
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