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  1. you realise they PUT in a pvp exploit into TP self with patch to match this where you become phase shifted if you tp 3x then you can use long rang TP to leave zone as i read it :P
  2. Never understood why people 'fix' things that aren't broken (then onto of removing that, you put in a long range teleport accolades for mains/badge hunters, so the main excuse of making people run to tram is void anyways) (don't even get me started about the 'levelling' out and making generic all the powers to same same them all, might reduce my urge to make alts though since its mostly just animations that are different in a lot of cases now) Base teleport wasn't stopping ANYONE running the long way if they wanted to, it was just making the game a lot more enjoyable for a pile of people who like me will probably play a lot less in future and when i do since ill need so much cash to buy all these stupid temp powers i wont be fire farming random people asking for help levelling on fukashima or yellowcake for free anymore because ill be needing the cash for my alts because for some reason you decided you would make it 10,000,000 to buy SG base access for a char:(, not 100,000 or even 1,000,000 I have 70+ chars and convenient base access now costs as much as it costs to equip them with IO's but i know whats more annoying having to run about the place or having non enhanced powers ill go with non enhanced powers every time ill ill probably patch back up a few games and be a little less obsessively immersed in coh :P
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