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Everything posted by Excraft

  1. This is absolutely true and absolutely proves you're totally wrong with what you're pushing about equality and equity here. The Peter Jackson LoTR movies were huge critical and box offices successes worldwide raking in billions. They did all of that without needing to inject racial diversity in the casting. The films were a smash success without it. If "God" or whatever his name is in Middle Earth wanted everyone to be white, he wouldn't have created the races of men which Tolkien wrote into the story as being diverse in color. You're still not getting the point about Wakanda. There can be regions/places in fiction that are predominantly one ethnic background and that isn't a bad thing at all. It's just what the creators imagined.
  2. You going to continue to try and deflect or are you going to answer the question? I could give a hoot about you and your post history to be honest. I just find it mildly amusing someone who says they don't care about a topic comes to makes posts in a thread about the topic they say they don't care about.
  3. LOL! Then why come here and post a long winded diatribe that no one cares about? Yeah no, fans of a property questioning changes that muck up their favorite show or book should defend themselves when they get called racists and misogynists for asking questions. Creating controversy to generate a buzz about it might be the motive, but if that's all it's got then it's a sign that the show is going to suck in my opinion. What's the problem here? It's the world the author created and the races are how he envisioned them. This isn't any different than Stan Lee and Jack Kirby creating Wakanda and setting it in Africa with all African people with thousands of years of history. It's the worlds as their creators intended. You really seem to be trying to push the race issue here. As others have pointed out, there are peoples like the Haradrim and Easterlings in LoTR. The story just doesn't focus on them as much, but they're in Middle Earth.
  4. By looking at the difference in what was said with regard to the different writers intent on their story crafting and writing in adapting Tolkien's work. One is clearly intending to leave their personal politics and garbage out of it. The other isn't. One is being respectful of the author and his creation. The other isn't. Watch the video again and pay attention. Whether you like it or not or agree with him or not, the man has a point. No, it isn't my second language. You're no more a fan than the next person who likes Tolkien's work and you aren't entitled to anything. Your opinion holds no more weight than the next person on the topic.
  5. You completely and totally missed the mark here. Like you didn't even pay attention to what was said at all. The discussion was about the writers intent behind their changes and he's 100% spot on. His point is about respecting the source material and not injecting any of your own political garbage into it. He's got a lot more credibility as a film reviewer than you ever will for sure. Neither do you. You're no more entitled to the fandom here than anyone else but you certainly sound like you should be entitled to it.
  6. I don't think anyone is suggesting or expecting any of the Tolkien works to get adapted word for word identical to the books. Yeah differences are inevitable, but it's the clear intent here that's pissing people off. That guy in the video @ShardWarrior linked above spells that out very eloquently. I'm watching some of the other videos he's done and what he's saying there about alienating your fan base is spot on.
  7. I think you're willfully ignoring what people are saying to be very honest because it disproves your narrative. What you're arguing against here isn't working the way I think you want it to. You're saying Jackson changed the story and made her using more magic instead of a weapon and it was a great success. Isn't that kind of the point for criticizing her now all of a sudden going from magic wielding ethereal elf queen to She-Ra? Yeah the elves liked to use bow and arrow and sword, but she's not an ordinary elf. If she didn't need to use weapons before and that was a raging success, what's the reason to change it up now other than woke agenda pushing? Which reading what the showrunners are posting, that's basically what it is. I don't think anyone is suggesting Jackson's films destroyed the property either so pointing that out is meaningless. Practicality as an argument doesn't work either. You're dealing with a fantasy novel with magic rings, spell casting, elves and dwarves and giant demons.
  8. No need to get triggered. We all know badly designed game elements are the players fault and shouldn't be fixed. 😉
  9. I'm surprised the usual forum white knight brigade hasn't been in here to crap all over this idea yet or to tell you this is your fault because you can't use your mouse right.
  10. No. Please stop nerfherding with this very transparent posts.
  11. Translation - "The way I play is the RIGHT way to play. Screw everyone else and what they find fun. They MUST play the way I say." Charging tons of inf for stuff is something the devs here have said they absolutely will not do as all it does is drive people to goldfarmer sites to buy inf. No thank you. I have a better solution for you - play the way you like and let others do what they like.
  12. Same. Hiding him away in a base just doesn't seem right to me.
  13. The guy fully admitted that the majority of his issues were of his own doing. He burned himself out by playing for hours every day 7 days a week and needed a break. There's nothing wrong with that. Sorry that I don't care about someone I don't know or will ever meet leaving a game for reasons they brought upon themselves. As for other people being pricks, I can totally empathize with him there and no one should have to be subjected to it. Let the guy take his hiatus for a while. He even said it doesn't mean he'll never come back right in the video.
  14. Ok but this doesn't work as an argument. The overall results are the same whether it's content in AE or outside of AE because they're the same mechanics. It's silly to believe that it's a good design outside of AE while being bad design inside of AE. Again, AE could disappear tomorrow and people will switch to farming content elsewhere against enemies who cannot hurt them. Players will build to the weaknesses of whatever NPC group they want to farm and tune their builds to it. I don't think anyone was claiming that lack of badging is what balances anything out. They were (correctly) pointing out that XP and inf aren't the only rewards in the game that have value. No, I don't believe you're understanding the builds you're looking at or why anyone would want to use them. Sure, you can make a cheap farming build, but if you can afford a better one that offers more dps output and skipping pools for more offense, why would you build on the cheap? That's a fair concern to have yet I'll temper it with I've yet to come across any new player who was instantly PL'ed to 50 right after logging in for the first time. I just don't see the flood of first time AE babies that some here are claiming are so pervasive. It's also important to remember that this game is continuing to be developed by the people here and for all anyone knows the next wave of content updates are going to give all our 50+ incarnates something to do.
  15. Sounds like most of his issues are his own doing. There are quite a few bad seeds here though and I can see how they'd be pricks harassing someone over stupid stuff. The rest is his own fault really.
  16. LMAO!! Calm down and change your diaper man. DCUO is not City of Heroes Homecoming, so linking what another game does doesn't work. Following your example, I can link a couple of other MMOs that offer max level boosters and all kinds of other stuff that you've been crying about on here, and since those other games do it we should have them here. They're all MMOs after all. Give me a break.
  17. Disagree entirely. I alone know quite a lot of people who are farmers and rabid badgeaholics. You're also assuming people are farming just for inf. Lots of people farm up alts for the same reason lots of people run DFB - to skip the lower levels. I know it's a shock to some, but there are people who don't care for the early game and want to skip it. I can build a melee character right now that is essentially immortal for all non-AE content by fine tuning a build. How's this any different than people creating farms in AE? I don't think you're understanding some of the builds you're looking at there. Winter sets provide much much more than just fire resists. You're also getting big bonuses to recovery and DEF to fire which does work a lot better for mitigation than straight resists. You can also avoiding certain pool picks by slotting them.
  18. What's DCUO got to do with this game? LOL You can build characters now that can easily solo anything at +4x8 with ease outside of AE with zero risk of defeat outside of sheer stupidity. There are people posting in this thread who regularly solo TFs at +4x8 meant for teams. Are they cheating too? ^This.
  19. First, I'm not holding any grudges against anyone. I'm just stating facts as I see them based on my personal experience. GMs and Devs are people too and that automatically doesn't make them saints to be worshiped. There are a great number of unknown people who aren't GMs or Devs who are helping others, organizing in game events, teams and other activities every single day who don't seem to be included anywhere in your idolizing and hero worship. The community is made up of everyone playing the game, not just the select few or their fawning admirers. If you want to put a select few on pedestals, more power to you. Don't expect others to do the same though and do try to respect that others have a different point of view.
  20. Can you show me where I said it was a fact? I know it triggers a lot of people here, but yes people can have and are entitled to their own opinions and some of them aren't going to be glowing praise and hero worship. I certainly won't begrudge you yours, however based on experience from what I've seen here and in game, that post is spot on describing some of the folks here. Feel free to disagree.
  21. Would upvote this a million times if I could. Well said.
  22. But but but.... the story!! You have to experience the story for the umpteenth time because reasons!! Joking aside, I totally agree. I've played through on enough characters now that leveling up normally isn't bringing any new experience for me. The game doesn't have that great of a variety of mission types either. The names and levels change, the activity remains the same. I actually like the idea of being able to unlock level 50 tokens through gameplay and badging. That's a much better idea than just paying inf for it.
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