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Posts posted by Excraft

  1. 31 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:

    I don't have time for your kind of behavior.


    LMAO!!  Calm down and change your diaper man. 


    DCUO is not City of Heroes Homecoming, so linking what another game does doesn't work.  Following your example, I can link a couple of other MMOs that offer max level boosters and all kinds of other stuff that you've been crying about on here, and since those other games do it we should have them here.  They're all MMOs after all. 


    Give me a break.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Parabola said:

    I think we can safely say that your average farmer and badge hunter are two separate demographics. Yes, the rewards of farming are narrower (although @Arbegla you can run AE for normal drops rather than tickets) but again it is clearly worth doing for financial gain or people wouldn't be doing it.


    Disagree entirely.  I alone know quite a lot of people who are farmers and rabid badgeaholics.  You're also assuming people are farming just for inf.  Lots of people farm up alts for the same reason lots of people run DFB - to skip the lower levels.  I know it's a shock to some, but there are people who don't care for the early game and want to skip it.


    8 minutes ago, Parabola said:

    It's like I said above though, I don't have an objection to people levelling faster than me or making money (I use the copious merits I generate to convert and generate my money that way), my objection is purely on the mechanics of the operation. AE farming stands out to me as a broken part of the whole system, something that wasn't intended to work the way it does. Again as I said before I understand others don't see it that way and that's fine, this is just my opinion. I'm going to leave this conversation there.


    I can build a melee character right now that is essentially immortal for all non-AE content by fine tuning a build.  How's this any different than people creating farms in AE?


    10 minutes ago, Parabola said:

    You don't need an expensive build to farm, and you certainly don't need winters. Capping fire defence can be easily achieved with moderately priced IO's and why on earth would you need winters to chase fire resistance when you have fire armour? Damage output is largely dependent on how quickly you can convert inspirations into reds and chew them down too so I wouldn't consider it really worth going to town on that side of the build either. I've seen the same threads as you where people are spending huge amounts on fire farmers but it seems pointless to me.


    I don't think you're understanding some of the builds you're looking at there.  Winter sets provide much much more than just fire resists.  You're also getting big bonuses to recovery and DEF to fire which does work a lot better for mitigation than straight resists.  You can also avoiding certain pool picks by slotting them. 

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  3. On 12/30/2021 at 2:17 AM, UltraAlt said:

    "Account Actions Taken Today


    Today we indefinitely suspended over 800 accounts for egregiously exploiting a bug introduced in Game Update 119. Pending further investigation, we expect to convert most or all of these suspensions to permanent bans in January.

    This action is not comprehensive. Also in January, and again pending further investigation, we expect additional accounts to be suspended or permanently banned. We also expect to address at least some of the ill-gotten or even accidental gains for everyone, regardless of suspension or banned status.

    We will provide updates as we have them in the new year. No suspension appeals will be entertained." - https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/account-actions-taken-today.320085/


    What's DCUO got to do with this game? LOL


    17 hours ago, Parabola said:

    But not ones that can burn their way through a sea of enemies with impunity (at least since i4 or whenever it was). No-one farms with a granite tank. Being just very survivable inside or outside the AE isn't the issue, similarly being just very damaging, the issue is the ability to create a certain combination of character and mission in the AE that results in extreme survivability and extreme damage at the same time and which is far outside what is currently possible anywhere else in the game.


    Anyway, just what seems obvious to me, I get that others see it differently.


    You can build characters now that can easily solo anything at +4x8 with ease outside of AE with zero risk of defeat outside of sheer stupidity.  There are people posting in this thread who regularly solo TFs at +4x8 meant for teams.  Are they cheating too?


    17 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    But here's a side note that occurred to me while running content with my new dark/stone scrapper. This game was designed specifically to drag out the leveling process as much as possible to keep subscriptions around for as long as possible. I saw it in every "go defeat X# of group A" in a different zone and then go talk to so-n-so in yet another zone, blah, blah, blah and then couple that with no movement powers until lvl 14 (or whatever level it was back then,) no double xp, just slog on slog on slog.


    We don't pay subs anymore. We're all here because a group of people enjoy having a CoH playground to fart about with and share with other like-minded folks. There's just no good reason in pissing off X% of those people because some still get their panties in a wad about farming.



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  4. 1 hour ago, Albion said:

    I am not talking of your opinion or his, just merely stating the fact that without Devs, GM's and the well known organizers of runs, there would be no community, thus yes they are pillars, besides if you and the other poster hold a grudge towards them or not.


    First, I'm not holding any grudges against anyone.  I'm just stating facts as I see them based on my personal experience.  GMs and Devs are people too and that automatically doesn't make them saints to be worshiped. 


    There are a great number of unknown people who aren't GMs or Devs who are helping others, organizing in game events, teams and other activities every single day who don't seem to be included anywhere in your idolizing and hero worship.  The community is made up of everyone playing the game, not just the select few or their fawning admirers.   If you want to put a select few on pedestals, more power to you.  Don't expect others to do the same though and do try to respect that others have a different point of view. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Albion said:

    It is an opinion however, far from facts.


    Can you show me where I said it was a fact?  I know it triggers a lot of people here, but yes people can have and are entitled to their own opinions and some of them aren't going to be glowing praise and hero worship.  I certainly won't begrudge you yours, however based on experience from what I've seen here and in game, that post is spot on describing some of the folks here.  Feel free to disagree.

  6. On 12/21/2021 at 2:46 PM, ShardWarrior said:


    Who exactly determines who is or is not a "pillar of the community"?  I can without question assure you, the few people here who fancy themselves as these are absolutely nowhere near it.  In fact, from my personal experience most all who think they are are as far from being a pillar of the community as one can possibly be.  That includes a few of the GMs and developers. 


    Communities are made up of many different kinds of people with many different views.  Rather than dismissing each other or trying to force others to "fall in line", use empathy, patience and tolerance.  Those are what help a community bond and grow.


    Would upvote this a million times if I could.  Well said.

  7. On 12/23/2021 at 1:50 AM, Brawlin said:

    All modern MMO's have a way to skip to endgame. I fail to see why it would be a bad thing to let people play the way they want. Leveling my 12th character to 50 doesn't add anything new to my experience. 


    But but but.... the story!!  You have to experience the story for the umpteenth time because reasons!!   Joking aside, I totally agree.   I've played through on enough characters now that leveling up normally isn't bringing any new experience for me.  The game doesn't have that great of a variety of mission types either.  The names and levels change, the activity remains the same. 


    I actually like the idea of being able to unlock level 50 tokens through gameplay and badging.  That's a much better idea than just paying inf for it. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. Could not agree with the OP more.  The visual spam from this gets annoying very quickly and makes Master of runs unnecessarily difficult when you lose sight of what's going on.  Were the Suppress VFX when close and other sliders to actually work by actually removing all outside VFX from my character, I would happily use it.  It doesn't work like that and having to turn down my graphics settings so the game looks like complete shit just so other people can use their badly designed powers isn't a solution that works for me. 


    This game is in desperate need of either a Suppress All Buff VFX from Teammates option or a Null option to decline all team buffs.  We're getting buried under layers of color and VFX that make it difficult to see and enjoy what's going on.

  9. 1 minute ago, Solarverse said:

    They used to do that, I seem to recall they would drop an inspiration back at around pre i7? Unless my memory has went bad, that's how I remember it. Also, adding to what you wrote, I would love to see Hazard Zones actually be hazardous. Larger mobs, higher levels than the minimum requirement to enter, more challenging missions, more mobs per square foot, kind of like how Hollows was before the revamp.


    I like the idea of making hazard zones actually hazardous.  Someone made a suggestion a while back to repurpose the old Galaxy City map into a new incarnate hazard zone.  That would be pretty sweet IMO.

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Shadeknight said:

    I mean, I don't believe I've seen anything get a dev response in here in general.


    There's a Dev response in this very thread - one that makes perfect sense btw...


    11 hours ago, Shadeknight said:

    On the hand of 'speak for everyone and/or the devs', it's really down to wording and how one comes off. I'm sure (I could be wrong!) it's not intended, but it happens.

    Sure that can happen, however the same handful of people keep doing it despite being called out and questioned on it repeatedly.  Maybe it's just me, but that speaks to intent other than honest mistakes.

    • Haha 1
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  11. 7 hours ago, Aurora_Girl said:

    Are you just actively turning off reading comprehension or something?


    The community and the devs and the GMs have gone. Over. This. Before. As Oklahoman wisely and succinctly showed you. It's a non-suggestion for insta-50s for a myriad of reasons. 


    To my knowledge, there is no Dev post saying this topic is closed or is forbidden to discuss.  It's a non-suggestion for you and there's nothing wrong with that, just don't try and say it's that for everyone because it definitely isn't. 


    5 hours ago, Troo said:

    Just to be clear, you don't speak for me or for homecoming or for a lot of people.


    ^ What @Troo said.  Definitely isn't speaking for me neither. 


    5 hours ago, Troo said:

    Sure I don't agree with a free level 50 token.  But do I think there could be something, maybe.


    I don't think it's really needed either, but I do agree there are a couple of ideas about it being some kind of an unlock instead of a straight inf cost are interesting and worth discussion.


    5 hours ago, Troo said:

    I'm not gonna stifle ideas or try to shout folks down. You get your o p i n i o n. I get mine, other folks get theirs. Let em toss ideas around.


    It would be great if you'd stop trying to bully people who don't agree with you. ( especially if we are stoopid and maybe not as well informed ) just a sincere request.


    Sadly, more and more this is what's happening on these forums and the forum mods here really don't seem to care or want to do anything about it.  There's a select few forumites (yes they do whiteknight and gatekeep regularly) who've taken it upon themselves to speak for everyone and/or for the Devs.  Anyone who disagrees with their point of view has to be shouted down and bullied.   It's a sad thing to see really.  It doesn't foster any sense of community at all. 



    • Haha 1
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  12. 3 hours ago, Greycat said:

     It gets "little to no use" because it shows absolutely no information that's *of* any use.


    And not everyone comes to the forums. Having people completely forget the forums exist is a thing, going from conversations in the help channel, even with a link right on the launcher. Better to have an in-game resource that's *right there* for people to use.


    What you're suggesting to do doesn't give it any more useful information especially since most of the metrics you landed on are definitely misleading.  Active supergroups who are recruiting are advertising here, in game, on Discord and other social media.  That's reaching a broad audience and those people are much more informative a resource about a particular group than any info screen in game would ever be.  I'd also wager that given how prestige was removed from the game allowing for people to make solo SGs for their alts, these are more prevalent than huge SGs.  I don't have any hard data to back that up, it's just my personal observation so take that with a grain of salt.  

  13. 2 hours ago, Greycat said:


    No. From your comment, you most certainly did *not* read it anywhere near enough to "disagree" with it. Perhaps you saw the word prestige in the subject and stopped there.


    If you *had* read it, you'd see at least half of it is dealing with the SG search window and improving it and the way SGs self-describe and self-select, to make looking for and connecting with SGs better.


    Know how I know you didn't read it?



    Which is the *old* prestige, which I specifically point out as being useless (and have a history of describing as such.)  While, if you actually DO read past the first word in the title, you'll see a wider array of things for a SG to describe itself as - none of which has to do with "pride in the supergroup" or "numbers on a screen people are only going to farm for."


    Unless you'd like to describe how people farm for a button that lists the group as, say, an RP focused group?


    Or farm for showing an SG passcode in the group listing?


    Or farm for being able to resize the window itself?


    You'll also note, where I do mention showing activity, the suggestions go for things over time and percentage of the group actually involved in it.


    So, no. While I don't mind an honest disagreement? Yours is not. Your comment indicates "I saw prestige named, I hate prestige so I'm going to say I disagree." Hint: *I don't like prestige either.* Which you'd be able to tell if you'd read... the second paragraph.


    No, you didn't read what I wrote and you're incorrectly assuming what I meant and attacking me because I disagree with you, which to be honest doesn't surprise me on these forums anymore.  Instead of asking for clarification or trying to engage in discussion, you took my disagreement as some personal slight against your idea, assumed what I wrote and then accused me of not reading your post. 


    You saw the word prestige in my post and ignorantly assumed I meant the old in game prestige system.  I did read your post and I wasn't discussing prestige as in SG currency at all.  I know your suggestion has nothing to do with the old prestige system.  I was addressing some of your suggestions on what you were considering to show measures of activity.  People with several accounts farming or running alts through TFs isn't going to be an accurate measure of activity.  Those kinds of things can be farmed or can be misleading and arbitrary measures of activity.  Also, bigger/more members doesn't always mean better and doesn't necessarily tell you anything other than the group plays a lot or a little. 


    I also don't think PVP or RP flags are necessary either.  At least to me, it seems like a lot of work on something that in my experience gets little to no use.  The forums here are a much better place to advertise and showcase your SG/VG in my opinion.  Were it up to me - and I personally think this a better suggestion - remove the registrar window entirely.  It doesn't serve much of a purpose and never really has in my experience, even when prestige was a thing.


    Next time, try engaging in discussion instead of assuming.

  14. 3 hours ago, Greycat said:

    I don't like prestige, period. I don't like the current implementation (granted, disabled) where it's basically just an INF counter. It doesn't show how active an SG is (past the first few members,) and one person AFK farming can inflate the number - in other words, it's meaningless.


    If there were any sort of "Non user defined SG rating system" ... well, it'd have to be a number of systems, frankly. Something showing membership, activities, etc. that would be sifted, folded, spindled and mutilated into some sort of ranking.


    ... actually, this may need to be a separate post, because what I'm thinking of could get complicated.


    None of this is needed in my opinion. 

  15. 15 hours ago, Shadeknight said:

    However, on the latter requirement that's...tough to gauge. You can get tough badges by AFKing or getting carried. Could try the damage done (or taken) badges, but I have a feeling someone would find a way to cheese those. Defeat badges, maybe? Hmn.


    Defeat badges can be snagged by defeats from others on the team.  But to be fair, I can't see people cheating these all that much just to unlock a level 50 token when it's easier to just farm it up in the AE.

  16. On 11/30/2021 at 10:32 AM, KaizenSoze said:

    I think you are underestimate the ingenuity of the player base.


    There are already 17 min base settings runs.


    Also, no one is making you do this new content. That is the joy of COX pretty much everything is optional.


    I'm struggling to understand where/how you got any of this from my post.

    • Never said one word about the ingenuity of the player base
    • Never said there would never be speed runs, nor do I care what power gamers can do on base settings as it's not a crowd I run with
    • Never said anyone is forcing me to do any content

    Were you to actually go back and read what I wrote instead of knee jerk reacting to defend this new content from some incorrectly perceived slight, you'd see I made several compliments about it.  I also specifically mentioned running it on higher (as in not base) difficulty taking too long for my (as in me personally, not anyone elses) play schedule.


    Reading comprehension skills go a long way.


  17. On 12/1/2021 at 2:54 PM, Aurora_Girl said:

    We've. Gone. Over. This. Before. 


    Who's "we"? 


    I don't think an insta 50 token is needed nor would it be something available to brand new players.  With that said, the suggestion of making it unlockable after achieving certain things in game like badges and such plus an inf fee isn't such a terrible idea either.  As far as it impacting the market, not entirely sold on that idea either.  People are transferring stuff to alts anyway.



  18. 40 minutes ago, arcane said:

    You are also able to adjust your graphics settings, so no, that's factually not "the only recourse".


    I've specifically said that using the graphics sliders and trying to use Suppress VFX when close doesn't work.  I also said the game looks like total shit when turning the graphics down.  So yes, avoiding teams with anyone using Seismic Blast is my only recourse.  If you want to play a game that looks like shit, more power to you.  My preference is to have some adjustments made to this at some point so it either doesn't obscure the field of view or have the suppress vfx when close actually work.   Feel free to disagree.

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