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Posts posted by BazookaTwo

  1. On 10/5/2020 at 12:47 AM, macskull said:

    Generally speaking, yes.


    The more complicated answer: there are certain sets and combinations that are better on a Corruptor than on a Defender, and vice versa.


    I want to ask specifically about pistols/time then because my proctastic (26 dmg% procs) time/pistols defender felt far superior to any of my pistols/ or /time Corruptors I've played. 

  2. 42 and I now have Spirit Shark, Bile Spray, and Arctic Spray. 


    I'm likely going to take Maneuvers and slot it up for the best bonuses, but honestly, this build is not about capping resists and defense. This build is about Damage, Recharge, and Regen for me, with all the handy debuffs that come with Rad and Leviathan pools. The extra ranged attacks help me to keep all the AOE going, all the time, which really softens up mobs. Which I can then finish off the hard targets with ST fillers. It feels good. Definitely makes a noticable DPS difference in a team. Even if I'm not the heaviest hitter, I hit the most targets of any melee on the team. 

  3. 2 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    You and your friends and/or guild and NOT the majority of the player base.


    You're assuming he has friends and/or a guild. I'd bet it's a closer guess he solos and hasn't ever turned up the difficulty settings to see how hard it can be made as is. 

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  4. I'm playing one of these. I don't have a build cobbled together, but here's a mini-guide to how I am approaching it.


    I'm leveling Bum Fight on Excelsior, the old fashioned way. No farming on this guy as it's just too much fun on the way to 50.


    So far I'm level 27, and the way StJ plays early on is you want your AOEs recharging as fast as possible.


    Street Justice:

    I use what I call 'kb rules' on this character. Meaning I slot Force Feedback Recharge as many places I can (currently three. Four if you have Kick from Fighting). Add Hasten and LotG procs to this build later on, and you can really push recharge. I also pepper in 2* the kb set with a smashing proc, for the 1.5% dmg bonus ( 6% damage ). I think stacking these easy set bonuses with Assault (10% dmg) and the Brute AT damage bonuses goes a long way. 


    Once you have uppercut, I imagine you can also make a really good ST chain.


    The level 50 build I'd drop those 1.5 damage bonuses for Rare Melee sets and Brute ATO bonuses. 



    It's all about the Regen and the AOE heal early on as this helps you stay standing. I want that heal to recharge as much as possible, and will frankenslot Heal/Absorb/Recharge so it's popping often. Pre-Hasten, this is my autofire (ctrl+click) power. 


    Beta Decay is super cool. I slap a Stun proc in it early for mitigation, but I see it can take all sorts of juicy procs. Because of that, I wouldn't slap a lot of recharge on this power, but it's great. 


    The rest of early /Rad is really just basic Resist slotting. You can easily slot the 2 +Def Procs in here somewhere. I would probably slot a Kismet for Acc early on in Combat Jumping, and a Scaling Resistance in a second slot. 


    This is a build that likes Regen, so 2 LotG procs *5 is also handy... As well as all the heal procs you can throw at the build. I might even be tempted to focus on Regen/Healing over Defense caps here. Overall it should be no problem stacking a healthy Resist/Regen/Defense combo package here, without resorting to stupid expensive purple set bonuses.




    So far it's looking like:



    Kick, (maybe) Boxing, Tough, Weave, Cross Punch - Cross Punch also does the KB damage bonus/Force Feedback +Recharge thing. K/B/CP = Cross Punch hits Harder. You can also slot some S/L bonuses with Kinetic Combat.


    Speed: Hasten, (maybe) Super Speed


    Jumping: Combat Jumping, (maybe) Super Jump, (maybe) Spring Attack (kb bonuses again a fifth time)...probably not though.



    Maneuvers, Assault, Vengeance. 



    Not really sure here, player's choice. 



    Musculature Alpha

    Degenerative/Reactive Interface

    Mighty/Void/Vorpal Judgement

    Ageless Destiny

    Melee Hybrid

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  5. On 3/8/2024 at 2:56 AM, TheMoncrief said:


    I believe the version I saw was "I'm a Defender, not a kindergarten teacher." Possibly prefaced with "D***it Jim!"


    Problem for me is I am a kindergarten teacher in real life. So I have zero tolerance for nonsense in game. 

    • Haha 1
  6. On 7/25/2024 at 4:12 PM, Digirium said:

    It is probably a better idea to take Whitecap in the mid-20s over when it is available at level 6.


    I completely disagree with this, but then, I always start my blast sets with a ST, then a cone/AOE. 


    By the time you get Tide Pool, you can have 3-4 slots in Whitecap. It's great cheap recharge, and mitigation. 


    I'm playing a Marine/Storm Blast/Soul Mastery Defender. Tide Pool and Storm Cell together are like a mister on a hot day in Vegas. Usually my chain is Storm Cell/Tide Pool, Storm Cell, Chain Lightning, Jet Stream, then Whitecap. Then I Jump backwards and hit Jet Stream and snipe whatever is still standing. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, SableShrike said:

    Will do when I’m off work!


    Water Blast is kinda rough in that the best attacks are gated in the mid-20s.  I built this for teaming at low levels, so took the first three attacks for an actual attack chain on Positron etc.  


    My experience with Water is that mainly you’re just waiting for a buffed Geyser to recharge.  Steam Spray is great, but it comes really late in the set.


    Similar with Water Jet; it’s a better Aqua Burst, but comes so late you won’t have a rotation on Positron.  I also tend to prefer saving Tidal stacks for Water Burst AoE.


    Tide Pool is crazy good.  Even on DFB it’ll trivialize the Vahzilok mobs.


    Forgot to mention this:  Toroidal is natively set for Recharge right out of the box.  It comes already perma, so I just autofire it and hang in the middle of the team.  Helps decrease some of the micromanagement.


    Ideally you want to be aggressive with Marine.  Defeating enemies in Tide Pool is what triggers the knockdowns and damage buff/debuff.  You won’t see this effect if you’re just standing around spamming the heal.


    I think I ran Posi 1 with you yesterday? I'm running a Marine/Storm Def

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  8. All things considered. And I know that's broad. Generally what's the MM combo known to clear maps the fastest? Is this a ridiculous question? Maybe. Just trying to fish for opinions and data. How would you design for such a build? 

  9. 17 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    Skipping AS because of the long version root? 

    Not sure why you're skipping your knockdown protection being a melee toon.


    You can always work in Kick and Jump Kick from fighting and Leaping for extra kicks if you need, although they aren't the strongest attacks you'll find.


    I get kd protection from Steadfast/Zephyr. Skipping Assassin's strike because there's NO KICK ANIMATION. 


    I took Spring Jump, and Kick/Boxing/Cross Punch (to maximize Kick, and some Bonuses).  even muled Brawl with Kinetic Combat. 


    My Melee Defense is 47.5 with Defensive off. But my damage Bonus with all Adaptations off is 28.50. 

    I have loads of regen/heal happening. End isn't a problem anyway, but I might run Efficient adaptation anyway. 

  10. I'm now building a MA/Bio stalker on test. Getting stupid and skipping Assassin's Strike and Environmental Adaptation. Taking Placate because Crits from Hide are still handy. 


    We'll see how it plays on Test. If it's fun at 50, I'll give it a go. 

  11. On 6/17/2024 at 11:18 PM, Herotu said:

    Does Foot Stomp count as a kick?


    Technically, but it's not leaving a lot of other options. 


    I should add that any power that has a kick animation is welcome to be considered. 

  12. Beta server building method...and tis is a new approach for me, but I liked it. 

    • Using auto level, step to milestone levels for the character. Ymmv but for me that's 7, 17, 22, 35, 44, and 50. 
    • Outfit the enhancements the best you can along the way, saving screenshots. 
    • You now have a roadmap, and an idea of the pain points as you build out 

    Just last night I did this with a Pistols/Devices blaster. Early on I made the decision I wanted to prioritize End Recovery Bonuses, then Damage, then Def/Resist. I made these decisions by exploring slot bonuses and sticking to my arbitrary "flavor rules" for this character. In this case that meant no "super" travel powers outside of Infiltration and Combat Jumping. It Ended up being very AOE centric as well. 


    This morning I joined a PUG in PI and said toon is now 22. I need to kit him out, but I know if I exemp down, what I can go for as essential for making it workable. 


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  13. On 6/6/2024 at 6:51 PM, Ukase said:

    I can understand the frustration. It happened to me. AND - what makes it laughable, is a fellow on the help channel just put out a psa about manually installing, and I'm just saying, no - the app will now do that for you. And they say, yeah, you do that and you'll have to uninstall and reinstall it to get it to work. 

    Silly me, I just assumed it was a problem he was having and I wouldn't have it. But I did. 

    Still, it's not like I use mids daily. Just once a week or so. I make the build, then go about ensuring I have the IOs for that build in a bin to just grab as needed. I don't play as often as I used to, (By play, I mean actively play - not market or afk-farm) so a week is about right for me to get to 50. 

    I remind myself - these folks built this for free. They try to improve it for free. They fix their own mistakes for free. It must be something they really like doing! 

    If nothing else, just go to brainstorm and try the random builder, now that's as scary as some of the rng costumes! 


    There's a random builder?!? Cool. 

  14. 15 hours ago, Lunar Ronin said:


    It makes perfect sense why Mids still remains a standalone program instead of a web app.  Because the developers are Windows programmers, not web programmers.


    Look at you, completely missing my point. Go you. 

  15. On 6/3/2024 at 11:56 PM, Azari said:

    Leave farmers alone. This is a 20-year old game supported by donations. Let those old geezers be! They’ve done nothing wrong.  Also nerfing procs is a terrible idea for the same reason. This is the game we grew up with—we’ve spent a lot of time learning the system, tweaking our characters, testing them… So many hours of trial & error. To throw all that away would just be cruel. Just make more hard content, finish Kallisti Wharf, make a Galaxy City Hazard Zone, buff Spines ST damage😻—stuff that really matters.  Fix Kinetic Melee & Staff Fighting. 


    I still think most of the people who want farming nerfed into oblivion are just jealous. 🙄Make your own damn farmer if you “hate” farming so much. I bet that would magically cure your hatred.  XD some of y’all just need expo$ure therapy 🤑.


    Agreed, leave farmers alone. Don't like it don't do it. Don't like incessant requests? Ignore the person. Easy 

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