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  1. lol, i went in game and looked at the customization tab for StJ and it is pretty cool. What makes it any different than SS though?
  2. Thank you two for the responses. I wasnt a fan of the aesthetics of the radiation armor but could always change it. I do agree that I can still keep my theme with SS or StJ or even Staff. I really dont know much about StJ, is it kung-fooy or more like SS? I want to make a large bodied hulk and doing pirouettes would look.....odd to say the least. Would either of those be a better choice over Elec Melee? SS, StJ, or Staff? Thanks!
  3. I understand some powersets are better when played as a Scrapper and some as a Brute. I read that Shield Defense and Electric Melee are better due to the way some AOE attacks use pets and that means base damage (which is low for Brutes and High for Scrappers). So, I hope the powersets I am going to list are Brute friendly, please advise if not. My theme is power or energy and when I say this I don't mean those specific sets but those terms as they relate to our normal lives. So, the three sets I like are Energy, Electric, and Radiation for both primary and secondary sets. So which combination of those powers would make for a good end game brute that can do good damage ST and AOE as well as be survivable with good defense and resistance (I will have to take tough and weave). I am not looking for a farmer but a Brute that will do group content and ITFs, etc. Farming is not for me but I don't mind sitting in a farming group as it allows me to spam the help channel and learn more about the game. So, I thought of ELEC/RAD or maybe EN/ELEC....Of note, I have a Rad/Rad and an EN/EN brute already, both in their low 20's. I will probably start an Elec/Elec Brute too just to try and get a feel for the sets....but I feel I am wasting my time in doing this as I won't really get a good feel until I can get their endurance issues under control. Also, I want to stay away from /EN as it is mainly a defense oriented set and it would be harder (I think) to build my resists to high levels from nearly nothing. I believe Elec and Rad have a better starting point for resists; additionally, Defense seems to be easier to soft cap (at 45%). So, there you have it....any recommendations with the reasoning is greatly appreciated!
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