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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. 37 minutes ago, Shred Monkey said:

    The problem here is that dead people don't get the benefits of vengeance.  If they did, any self respecting blaster would happily die and wait for the buff.

    Back in the day on live my signature said "My Epic power is debt"

  2. Look, I love the calendar function for the ease of finding WST, didn't use it for much else.  It appears, at least in the near term that it isn't coming back so remember, you can find out what the WST are by going to the LFG tab and find the ones in PURPLE, those are the WST.  Right now (8/11/2024) Trials and Raids tab within it shows Eden and Task Forces shows Citadel and Tarikoss.

  3. MC especially when paired with DP makes for an excellent playing toon.  Di Di Guns is my DP/MC Blaster and she is Glorious fun.  Smooth attack chains and IF she gets mezzed I do pop Inner Will but honestly, I rarely have to because of her defense and as a Blaster I have several powers I can still fire while mezzed (as you well know).  BoS is procced so unlike combat TP is got extra usability and killiness.  BoS is especially useful when tied to a target macro and I don't even bother using it to bounce out.  Such a Secksi attack chain against Mobs.


    BoS (Target Macro) --> Hail of Bullets --> Dragon's Tail --> Eagles Claw the Boss --> BoS Twice (Via Target Macro) --> Back Flip to Clear Stragglers --> Dual Wild --> Bullet Rain = No More Mob (and that is if they weren't wiped before).  GD!  Its making me tingly just writing about it!

    • Like 2
  4. I have the following Dual Pistols:  DP/Rad Blaster (Runeslinger), DP/MC Blaster (Di Di Guns), DP/Nin Blaster (Two Gun Trixie), DP/Kin Corr (Boom Boom Britta), DP/Energy Sentinel (Trinity Six), Time/DP Defender (Mender Oakley)


    DP has always had a damage deficiency to a degree because of being primarily smashing and lethal.  You mentioned using Incendiary ammunition and in many cases that makes a difference.  The trick is effectively integrating your other power set.  For Blasters its the simple fact that in many cases, they play well as blappers.  MC and Ninja is especially true and once you are in there, you hit them with the big melee strikes.  MC is so Sesksi when you BoS in, drop Hail (getting a defense buff as you do it), then Dragons Tail and cap with Eagles claw on the Boss you targeted then flip out hammering whats left with Empty Clips and Bullet Rain.  Glorious.  Ninja has that glorious, big damage Golden Dragonfly!  My Rad is the weakest of the 3 Blasters.  Dont sleep on the high damage capability of suppressive fire (and stick with Ice when using suppressive because the mag of the hold compares to fire rounds.


    Corruptors are going to depend on their self-buff/enemy debuff to increase damage the enemy takes.  I have Kin so its fairly self-explanatory, and thats before FS . . . Beautiful!  You said you are running a DP/Time Corr, I have a Time/DP Defender and yeah, the tools in time aren't as self-helpy for speeding up the arresting.   Time crawl and Slowed Response (used in that order so that slowed is amplified).  Time is about improving survivability (slow the enemy, debuff their to hit, reduce their damage).  But see that's the point really, not every AT, even damage-centric ATs should be able to saw through everything fast.


    This isn't some "enjoy the ride" lecture, let the guy in game who gives his characters annoying, preachy names do that.  All I am saying is that not every set is supposed to mow down the enemy at 4/8 or even 1/1.  The 4/8 Controllers are snowflakes, not the norm.  Good on them, that was their goal.  That is not me, I am a 2-3/4-6 melee, 1-2/1/2 Defender, 2/4 Blaster/Corruptor/Controller/Dominator/Mastermind/Sentinel person.


    As for endurance burn, I have never had a problem on any of them, not when I started playing them and definitely not at level 50 with Set IOs and the other bells and whistles.


    The forum post below is the Blaster DPS rankings so you can see where DP falls there (could be dated a little but likely still mostly correct except for the buff that Suppressive Fire got), but again that purely looking at the Blast set, not how secondary sets interact with it.




    • Thanks 1
  5. Quick Snipe is a blessing and a curse.  Some of my toons have plenty in the attack chain where it would be great to disable QS.  Others it is an integral part of the attack chain and QS is a lifesaver.  I can deal with reduced range and damage but some of my toons cannot deal with NO damage.

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  6. Interesting question.  For me it depends on two things, my team and my toon.  Well Duh, let me explain.  No that will take too long, let me summarize.


    If the team doesn't appear to be struggling with my loss, or has stated that they are vengeance baiting or whatever, I will wait a bit, ten seconds max give or take.  If they are struggling then I try to get up fast.


    Thus the toon part.  If I am support AT, my buffs/debuffs are needed so I try to get up quickly.  If I am a damage slinger and there isn't a lot of damage slinging, I get up fast.  Otherwise I say, "don't kill yourself trying to rez me, I got it" because I have dozens of wakeys in E-Mail (greatest trick ever).  I often, especially when I have my "Reckless Blaster" hat on will say, don't mind me if I die, I have a plan.  When I am on Blapperella run team, I consider it one of my trademarks to go down once doing something stupid, punching way above my weight class as it were.

    • Like 1
  7. Avoid the Yellow Legs.


    Also in my head canon, I have always placed the Rogue Isles right around that point of the SEZ where @Techwright notes with the raised land masses as well as the Rogue Isles being remnants of Oranbega before they sank it.  I consider the land of Mu (remember they west across the sea west to Oranbega), to be the Azores.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 8 hours ago, lemming said:

    This was '81 I think.  And if I remember right, it was an 82'.  I can not remember the name of the ship.  (Looking up stuff, Point Cutter maybe?)

    I was a Sea Cadet, but we (two of us) were brought along on a cruise to intercept drug smugglers and seas were rough.  (July or August, west coast, starting from Eureka, I believe we went as far south as SF, but 150 miles out. )

    Hardly anyone ate or slept since we were constantly being tossed around.  iirc, all the bunks broke.   Intercepted a couple ships with nothing and a freighter that turned out it was carrying ignored us but a Navy destroyer got them.

    That was the exciting part, then we spent two weeks chipping paint and repainting.

    People think CA is nothing but beaches till they see how it is up north, rough and rocky.  Sounds like you and I sailed in similar seas just different ships.  The gator freighter was temp, comms augmentation.  I was mostly Cruiser and Destroyer and we did our share of counter-narc but in the carrib.  Sucks to be you Coastie !!! 🙂

  9. 2 hours ago, lemming said:

    Coast Guard cutter in 30-40' waves that were crashing over the ship.

    Zoinks, a cutter at state 8.  Yeah baby I think you have me beat because even the biggest ones are like 300 feet smaller that the gator I was on.  foot prints on the bulkheads.  Though I would be willing to be all of your WTDs below the waterline closed.

    • Like 1
  10. Second was having an Egyptian cop point a submachinegun at me and tell me he was going to shoot me in the face if I didn't get on the ground.  Came out of nowhere but he was actually doing his job, I was just too drunk to realize I had dropped my Mil ID and had instead showed him a dollar bill wrapped around my drivers license.


    Scariest was on a flat bottomed gator freighter (USS New Orleans LPH-11) in the nastiest part of Typhoon Justin in 97 and we were taking 44 degree rolls when we weren't slammin the trough and every so often it was man down wherever or flooding in compartment whatever and I was absolutely certain we were going to sink.  8 effing hours of white knuckle terror on a ship barely going 8 knots in the middle of the Western Pacific 130 miles from the nearest land.

    • Like 3
  11. This is one of several powers in MA that I have target macros built for.  while the click and place icons are in a separate tray for strategic use, target macros smooth out the chain significantly and removes issues like this Whitecap thing.

  12. 1 hour ago, lemming said:

    Mine was a Dodge Dart that the brakes fell apart.   Got pretty good with the parking brake going over a windy mountain road...

    The parking brake never worked.


    You know its serious when you have to make the decision as to when you will need to haul the wheel over to the right and plow into the parked cars on the street in order to stop.  If the light hadn't changed at Ulune street that was what would have happened.

    • Banjo 1
  13. Yeah, I too have a money metal Seismic/Earth and I love her but range is her jam.  I like the thematic aspect of having to stay on the ground for certain bonuses, self buffs to kick in.  It gives it a unique flavor that more sets could use instead of being diminished or removed by certain loud voices.

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