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Everything posted by LynnD

  1. Becky in Dr. Aeon's SF keeps getting stuck on the blue teleport orb in the second mission of the last part of the Dr. Aeon's SF. My wife and I have reset the SF 4 times and every time Becky gets stuck on the blue teleport orb. Please fix that problem as soon as possible. It would be nice if a GM is on so they could fix it.
  2. I would like to know what are the best shields to have when fighting Lord Recluse?
  3. If they are not GMs like they say they are in the mission, then they should change them to AVs in the missions.
  4. I believe since the Jade Spider is considered a GM we should get Monster Aethers for it when we kill it. Also, GM Celeb should give more Reward Merits and so should Death Surge since we have to kill 100 minions to get them to spawn. GM Scrapyarder is the easiest to get to Spawn so no change on its Reward Mertis. Two more things. If GM Babbage does not spawn during the Synapse TF there should be a default spawn for it to pop up in Boomtown. In the Numina TF last miss we fight GM Jurrasik. We should get Monster Aethers for it and it should auto spawn in Crey's Folly so we can get the Reward Merits for it or make it so we get Reward Merits and Monster Aethers for the GMs we have to kill in missions of Task/Strike Forces/Ouraborous.
  5. Vidiot maps needs another update. The Sentinal badge in Atlas Park got moved to Echo: Atlas Park. The Rookie badge got moved from Echo: Atlas Park to Atlas Park just behind Ms Liberty. The Bicentennial plaque in Kalisti's Wharf needs to be added to the map.
  6. I really believe Kinetic melee and radiation melee would be real awesome and used more if the animation was sped up. The animation is nice but make those 2 powers slow so the player get damaged quicker then using other melee powers. Please, please speed up the animation on kinetic and radiation melee. I would say by about 1 sec to 1.5 secs. Thank you for reading this if you have.
  7. I think after all these years more would be added to the seasonal events. I think a lot players would enjoy some new seasonal event content. Also, add some more Giant Monsters to other Hazard Zones like Terra Volta. Like a radioactive GM.
  8. I install 24 and up and Siren's Call map is wrong. It is showing the old map before HC turned the map.
  9. A player should not have to do MSR more than 10x to get the defeat badge for the MSR GM. I noticed that every time i get the reward merits but no credit towards the defeat badge. The rule you have for the GM badges should not apply to the MSR GM, which is your team needs to do 10% of the over all damage to the GM. MSR's are a different time of raid compared to all the others in game. So, basically your forcing badges to do the MSR more than 10x when there is a lot of other things in game to get done. Example...it does not take 10x or more to get the buds badge from the Hami Raids. This is a problem with MSR that i never seen addressed. I have seen petitions sent for it but no results. This problem needs some addressing. Change how u get credit towards the defeat badge for one. That would be a be help and make a lot of players more happy. I am not saying to just give the badge away but change the rule about the 10% on the GM of MSR.
  10. One i have done that and shared it with them. Second i did not say my ISP doesnt like Asia. I said HC internet provider seems to not like Asia.
  11. Hello HC, Just to let you know I went 2 days with no lag until the Midnight Hami on Everlasting about 25mins ago. The lag is real bad. So, your internet provider is up to it again with Asia again. You really should get a better internet provider. The one you have right now does not like data from us folks that are American but live in Asian countries. That is so sad.
  12. No it would not affect everyone. This problem happened before about 2 years ago. The problem came from HC's internet provider and the DNS server. I also that is what i causing the problem again this time. I have done a lot of testing and analyzing with my internet provider and came up with the same results as 2 years ago. For some reason HC's internet service does not like us players that live in Asia.
  13. I have talked with a lot of players in game, and they have noticed something that i have noticed since the May 2nd, 2023 update. That update has caused the game to lag more and cause more map server disconnects. This problem also happened about 2 years ago from an update to the game. I and others report the lag issues and map server disconnects, and the rubber banding. You always say it's our internet companies' problem to fix. Well, I have to say not always. The problem 2 years ago was from HC and its internet provider. This new problem since May 2, 2023 most likely is the same problem that happened 2 years ago. I have done a lot with my internet company about this. Most likely it is coming from COH Home Coming end again. HC please thoroughly check your DNS server. It probably needs a refresh or a reset. That was one of the problems 2 years ago. HC is going to get more players this summer, but it will not last long with this lag, map server, rubber banding problem. Most of the players that get affected are overseas players. Most likely the problem is not COH HC but HC's internet provider. I seriously hope you look into the problem, and it gets solved soon. I have been playing HC since it went public but might have to move on because of this problem like others are about to do. I know the game is not free because it takes donations to run it, but it's a shame that this problem is happening, and the players get the blame for it by HC saying its your internet provider when sometimes it's actually HC's provider may be causing the problem. DNS servers are important to maintain also. Thank you for your time.
  14. I have a Storm Blast corruptor. My SB is enhanced out. I am lvl 50+. The damage SB does is terrible, below par compared to other Blast powers. The SB damage out put really needs to be up higher then it is. Also, why doesn't it tell you if the individual powers does, light, minor, moderate, high, exemplar, or superior damage. Over all SB has potential but the damage is just not there. Plz look it over and fix SB damage out put.
  15. I would love to have a water melee attack for all melee archetypes. Like water fists, face splash, chin tide, and etc. I would also love to have winged arms as a costume piece. Winged arms look so cool.
  16. If HC had its service provider change their internet speed to a slower speed, they need to have the service provider adjust the proxies so us players that live in other countries that play COH don't have this rubber-banding problem. Also, toons get frozen from attacking for almost a full minute then sometimes get rubber-banded back a good distance from where they started to get non-attack frozen. You move ur toon around in that minute time but you can use any attack powers and any powers at all.
  17. Radiation on blasters is very week and needs to be fixed. My Atomic Blast is at 539 damage and it does hardly any damage no matter what lvl I play at. You make all the other blast powers strong and just nerf the hell out of Radiation Blast, which is beyond saying. I should not have to load a power up with procs to get it to do more damage. By the way you can't 6 proc any power. Not happy about Radiation Blast.
  18. Master Midnight in First Ward is to close to the door. When you have to click on Master Midnight the player gets kicked from the mission because the game recognizes Master Midnight has the door so when you click on him you exit the mission like you would if you click on a door to exit a mission. Please move Master Midnight away from the door, like at the bottom of the stairs he is standing on top of. His body is parsley in the door so that is what is causing this bug to happen. Thank you.
  19. I have noticed something in the game about the earthquake power. If a player uses earthquake then dies the earthquake power also goes away, but if a Ruin Mage uses Earthquake and then dies the earthquake power still functions for a minute or more. Why is it made that way? Does not make sense. Also, your targets can shoot through many walls and the players can not. Does not make sense either. Please explain or at least fix the Earthquake on Ruin Mages. If they die so does their attack.
  20. My Mids Reborn is not working at all. I did a repair on it to see if that would work and it repaired it but still not working. If there was an update there is no way of updating the program and the modifier did not help either. Any suggestions beside uninstalling and reloading.
  21. I would like to see a SG banking system. So i don't have to email influence to my sg members or my other toons. The SG banking system could also be used as SG members can have a percentage taken from their influence earned to go into the SG Bank automatically. Like 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 percent of influence earned.
  22. WL Event in LFG Windows: The WL event is not working correctly. When a league zones in, the leaders change and the teams get scattered. If a league of 24 or more players zone, most of the players get kicked from the teams and league. Also, who ever ends up getting the leader star for the league after the zoning problem they sometimes can not give the league leader star back to the original league leader so they can fix the teams like they were before we try to zone into the WL Event.
  23. U don't explain how to export your toon to use this badge tracker for your toons. This is not a simple app. to use. Not everyone knows how to export or import their toons. Where to go to export or import the data required. I thought this was a automatic app for badge tracking but does not look like it. Not happy about this.
  24. U need to fix Lightning Field. U need to change damage/recharge with Chance for Fire Damage i believe.
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