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Everything posted by Injunuity

  1. it's for this one specific channel, as all suggestions always seem to get the response, "post it to the forums, the dev's will be able to track it there" so, why not do just that, have them all posted here, and alerts in discord. it still meets both to a degree.
  2. just a thought, but lock the channel in discord, and change it to forum post alerts for here. so that any suggestions made can alert those in discord about a new post for suggestion and other players can see that they can come here to make their suggestions, etc. hope this is considered, Rob
  3. sorry, idk why it's pasting in like this but it shows task force only, no mention of trials, itrials or the like. guessing it'd mean strike force for villain side at least tho Achievement Mirror Image - Complete Task Force content on a team that qualifies for Archetype Duplication.
  4. i'm on my main acc't MM, and can see/start these as a Vigilante alignment via Ouro crystal in base., even tho the update link says it's rogue/villain only. is this supposed to be possible? Oo
  5. nw, figured i'd post as well, since i'm doing something i hadn't seen in other posts. ie; clearing shader cache nightly
  6. just saw this, as i was doing the vday granville mission to use cupid's bow. if it's corrupt shader cache, it's happening while playing the game, as i use ccleaner to clear my temp files and shader cache (and to shutdown my computer) every night. yet these still happen. first is to show buildings in the background, 2nd is for the mobs at ground level.
  7. https://midsreborn.com/ to get the app either from the installer or zip archive, to use on your computer. and their discord on the webpage for any help with their amazing app.
  8. when changing alignments please? ie; if i change from rogue to vigi, losing the villain event messages. since we have the means to be coop, and with rogue and vigi, go to any open zone available to players. doesn't make sense removing it because of this.
  9. the +rech doesn't affect pets attacks, cuzz it messes up their 'rotation, and makes em spam their fastest recharge atk the most, and the longer ones will get skipped over because of this. i think it was back on ncsoft live that this was changed.
  10. how valid is this? with all the changes each page release that has come out with new enh's?
  11. there'd be no way to make everyone happy, but alternate red & gold incentives xp to get more in each area. as to not choosing red or blue after starting a gold char, that's player choice really. as gold wasn't ever intended to be an option to go end game content after all, was it?
  12. ok, so red and gold side, but blue's got enough players to not warrant getting any more than the p2w xp bonus. the idea is to get players to try out the lesser populated content. but after hitting 20, gold has to choose either red or blue to exit praetoria. so that makes it kinda iffy to get gold an exp buff to rush to exit to red or blue, doesn't it?
  13. why not offer the xp bonus on the red side, and maybe have it removed if they change alignment to blue or vigi? maybe not like what the current xp buff is going on. but still, to see if helps those level a red side alt to end game levels while it lasts?
  14. tbh, i'd move back to torch, but it's so many alts to do so with lol. i enjoy the game, and the good gamers on Excelsior (ie not the trolls) but i'd rather be able to just play w/o much hassle,
  15. not that i've heard of, the process would be time consuming for sure i think. i've heard there's a way using demo record, but never figured out how that could be done though lol
  16. Why not unlock the server transfer limit (with a forced que to move alts, and save the server from overloading to do so) even having this option only via the game account page here on the website. be like waiting in line to board a plane to travel kind of thing. the sg base is the only real channel i guess though
  17. These are teh screenshots & snippits from the discord chat on this. to help each step make more since
  18. Mute the channel with the link to here, with a message about posting all feedback requests here, would make it easier i think. also have the forum posts CC'd to #homecoming-feedback on discord, so players can click the link if they're interested in providing their own feedback. this way, there's only one place to go to overall. food for thought, Rob
  19. idk that it's just apple, they never state the email, for obv reasons tho. just that it was a throw away lol
  20. can we get this put in one or all the various guides for creating an account DO NOT use a throw away email address. REMEMBER to track the password for email accounts used for gaming purposes i see this come up more often on discord help channels, and think this should be like among the first steps of registering for Homecoming.
  21. weird that it's only 2 out of all the sewer entrances tho. and villains doesn't have any either
  22. Reg Sewer network, shows wrong zone for Cap Au Diable as given in first pic, (yes, i'm set as rogue alignment btw) 2nd is what it should be for Steel Canyon
  23. the functionality still would remain the same, for the most part. all it'd do is make the named recipes appear w/o having to reduce the slider to it's max level range for some recipes. since most know what they're looking for, it reduces the need for that slider movement, just have the recipes visible. and they are all alphabetical as well, so that makes it easier to find.
  24. curious, is there a way to let the merit vendor show all recipes lower than 50 rather than having to move the slider down to lower levels for recipes not 50?
  25. uptop click account > cilck beta account >copy over char you want, tho you can create a new one and insta 50 it too
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