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Black Orchestra

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  1. First time making a brute was wondering if anyone would share a Axe/Rad build or at least tell me the must/have powers or powers that should be skipped?
  2. Hi I recently downloaded Mids and have started to get to really fine tuning my Hero (BEAM/DEV) and I have question about Incarnate slotting. I'm trying to cap my defense at 45% for smashing, lethal and range. I picked Agility Core Paragon for my Alpha slot and Vorpal Radial Final Judgement for my Judgement slot. With Scorpion Shield, Tough, and Weave Mid's tells me that my Smashing and Lethal are already at 46.6%. All I have left to work on is getting my Range Defense beyond the current 34.2%. My question is am I reading this right? Or as a BEAM/DEV Blaster should I be focusing on something different? Also If I exemplar down to lower levels to help friends with missions do I lose those incarnate slots?
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