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Posts posted by Talesin2

  1. 1 hour ago, AboveTheChemist said:


    I am not sure if it is still available, but The Philotic Knight generated a Rosetta Stone spreadsheet that contained the sound file info for all (or nearly all) sounds in the game. I looked in my local copy and found the following file associated with Stone Armor:


    SOUND\OGG\POWERS\GLOW5_LOOP (listed above)
    SOUND\OGG\POWERS\GLOW6_LOOP (listed above)


    You already listed a couple, which I noted above, but I'd try some of those, starting with the ones that end in _LOOP. I'd start with STONE_LOOP, as it looks like it shows up in several of the toggles for that set.

    You just saved the set for me.  I just replaced all of the ones you listed (except the Granite, heal and regen ones) and it worked!  Thanks so much.  Maybe at some point I will figure out which one is the background drone.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:


    I am not sure if it is still available, but The Philotic Knight generated a Rosetta Stone spreadsheet that contained the sound file info for all (or nearly all) sounds in the game. I looked in my local copy and found the following file associated with Stone Armor:


    SOUND\OGG\POWERS\GLOW5_LOOP (listed above)
    SOUND\OGG\POWERS\GLOW6_LOOP (listed above)


    You already listed a couple, which I noted above, but I'd try some of those, starting with the ones that end in _LOOP. I'd start with STONE_LOOP, as it looks like it shows up in several of the toggles for that set.

    Thanks so much for this info.  I will try and see if any of these work.

  3. All of the toggles in Stone armor share a looping sound that is best described as a low rumble.  I stood in a quiet space in my SG base and then toggled each power on and off.  All except Mud Pots share this same sound.


    I looked through the PIGG files located in the HC folder to find the sound but I could not find it.  I found a few that sound very similar and despite the fact that I used the same technique that your tool uses to eliminate those sounds, I could not get them out of the game.  I think perhaps I have missed the critical sound.  Specifically I replaced all of the following files using the silence ogg file.









    If you know anything that would be helpful I would appreciate it.  Sorry I was not more specific in my last post.  I wish there was a file I could find which would tell me which ogg file is specifically played when a toggle is activated.


    p.s. I just retested and it seems that all the armors are playing two different sounds.  One is a starting noise and then the low rumble power which is in all of the Stone Armor toggles (including Mud Pots) but while the other end their starting sounds, only Mud Pots loops its bubbling sound continuously on top of the low rumble.


  4. 2 hours ago, Snowdaze said:

    Mind you my statistic graph posted by Cypher is also only those who have made it to 50. So it's good enough to play through up to max level. Not good =/= Bad and in need of fixing at this time. I still feel there are other powersets that are in much more need of love then regen.

    Sure.  Other sets need help, but why would fixing this issue even require work to make it happen.  They would literally need to copy one line from the code for Fast Healing and append it to a few other powers in the set.  This is a small job that I think the devs of Homecoming could easily accomplish.  They have chosen to ignore small fixes like this for reasons beyond my understanding.  Another example I posted a while back is that Shred for Scrappers doesn't crit.  Stalkers get the crit, and the code for fixing this one issue would literally take just a min or two to fix in only a single powerset.  Yet, the devs have told me that they don't feel the need to fix it at this time.  In the case of the Shred fix, it is literally a bug fix that the devs are choosing to ignore fixing.

  5. None of you who have commented against my idea are using the precedence set by other powersets in backing up your argument.  All other defensive sets get varying degrees of protection from having their sources of protection stripped by debuffs.


    Pure resistance sets get resistence debuff defense through the way that resistance works in the game. (Examples include Electric, Fire, etc.)

    Hybrid sets get a mixture of defense supports. (Invul gets resistance debuff defense and defense debuff resistance. But it also includes Willpower, Energy Aura, etc.)

    Pure defense sets get a level of strong defense debuff resist. (Super Reflexes)


    Only Regen (and to a lesser extent Willpower) are stuck with such low level of debuff resist (caps at ~26%) with no possible way to enhance it.  They only get that debuff protection through Fast Healing.  I just think that this is an oversight on the part of the devs.  It should be fixed.

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  6. As you know Regen is unpopular to play in the high end game for anything but a sentinel.  I have done some digging and found that the resistence to regeneration debuff is so pitifully weak on Regeneration and Willpower, that against certain debuffing mobs the only survival tool that Regen gets is stripped away.  The devs (from live) solved a similar issue for Super Reflexes with regards to Defense Debuff Resistence.  It is my suggestion that Regeneration (and to a lesser degree Willpower) be fixed in a similar way.


    * Add a small but enhanceable resistance to regeneration debuff to all healing powers such that when you take all (or most) of the powers in the set, it will protect you from the vast majority of regen debuffs.


    There are a couple of counter-arguments that you could make, and I will address them now.

    1. MOG- Mog will raise a regen's def and resist to levels unlike many others, but it is available infrequently and its duration is too short to make it a long term viable survival tool.

    2. PVP- One of the only ways to counter an extremely high level of regen in PVP would be regen debuff.  I propose that any regen debuff function as a resistence debuff in a PVP setting.


    Thanks.  Any thought to expand on this idea are welcome.

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