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  1. I've now left, period, But your community is the most toxic I've ever been a part of. And you all can do shit about it. Want to get away from an IP ban? just start up a VPN, you can't block by Mac address header either, I can change that with a few keystrokes. So what's the solution? Just let it burn. Without some stakes to losing your account (monetary, etc), nobody cares, even if they get banned and lose an account, they can have everything they had before within 8 hours, or they just make throwaway accounts. A few weeks ago, I come back to help a friend out with an event, the next day I'm getting sent this shit. with the transphobic comment at the end. This place is a cesspool. And if these people follow me elsewhere I will be making a report to the FBI, because at that point, it rises to the level of federal stalking. STreaming's allowed now, but so is abuse of others. Picking on sick people, people with sick kids, etc. I hope they're *really* fucking proud of themselves, and I hope Tempest is proud of his enabling of it.
  2. I actually had a lot of fun DJing the event and throwing some of Tess's money around. She's a Sharkhead native, so it was like a "homecoming" to her. Definitely would do it again, and Vile's a good friend and has been supportive of HoT-Impulse - so I am happy to make the events more fun for people. Next time, I'll make sure to have over 2 hours of electroswing, lol.
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