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  1. I had thought that it would be nice if hasten was an autofire power. Most everyone takes the power and puts it on a control autofire, but thinking that you could use that for another power such as a heal or buff. Another thought is possibly making the fighting pool inherent like they did long ago with the fitness pool. I maybe the only one who hates to take boxing or kick just to get tough and weave. I feel like I'm wasting a power and opportunities. The final idea I had was for kheldians to have the second (squid) and third (tank) forms to have built in 2 or 3 slots for each abilities or form, since it takes so many enhancements to use all three forms balanced. Just to be clear I am grateful and happy this game came back into my life. It may sound sappy, but I have felt a tremendous loss when this game was taken away. Thank all of you for what you do.
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