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  1. I saw "Than0s" on Mercy island the other day. Looked just like "Thanos", too.
  2. Lol...back when the game was live the forums were full of threads about people cloning known characters. They would go on for pages. I saw a clone of "Storm" in Talos Island once get genericed right in front of me. The player then threw a hissy fit in chat that was pretty funny. (at least to me) Just the other day I saw "Power Girl" (again in Talos). That was the first direct clone I've seen in some time.
  3. I should also mention that some of the names I used like "A.J. Lister, David Rimmer and "Dwayne Dibley" are shout outs to the britcom "Red Dwarf".
  4. I kinda figured there was animation for the MA, but I thought I'd ask people that are smarter than I am. I'll have to go through some other animations to see what works for me.
  5. I've looked but I haven't found it yet, so I thought I'd ask...is there a fight animation for NPCs? Like the one you see with two NPCs "fighting" but they aren't really hurting each other. (and they usually decide to attack you together if you get too close).
  6. Ah, I see what you mean. The idea is supposed to be that she leaves before the player can stop her because the minions are attacking. But her escape won't trigger until the minions are defeated. I did do sort of a fix to that.
  7. Yikes. I should have double checked that. But I fixed it now. I also fixed a few minor dialogue quirks and tweaked mission one a bit.
  8. I'm not sure what you mean. What is it?
  9. I didn't know that either! That actually explains what I "thought" was lag in a few play tests! Thanks for the heads up about King Gold. The servers are down for maintenance, but as soon as they're back up I'll fix that! You should only have to beat him up once!
  10. I remember that. It was pretty fun back in the day to go look at.
  11. Thanks! I'm still going through to fix any spelling errors. (I spent a lot of time doing that but I knew I'd miss a few...guess I gotta recheck my work!) I appreciate the input!
  12. I'll just have to rework my script. Your suggestions are great, but I need to work on the story so it makes a little more sense.
  13. It's been awhile since I used the MA, but I've had this story written for some time. But I've made this as a heroic mission that is sort of an origin story for a red side alt. Love and Robots " Queen Cyborg has been turning ordinary citizens into her robotic slaves. Now she's seeking the scientist that created her. But is she seeking his knowledge to transform more people into cyborgs or something more unsettling? (SFMA Looking for feedback)" Arc ID 58834 I'd appreciate any feedback.
  14. Yeah I just tested it and hilariously, the "dead" person got up and ran out of the door! My original plan was to have the player enter an empty place (in this situation a small Arachnos base) find the body, and even if they can't click on it, click on a nearby object which triggers an ambush of troops thinking the player is the killer. I can make that work, except for the empty map part. It looks like the MA won't let me set up the map with no "enemies" already in it.
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