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Everything posted by MagicalAct

  1. Lol, he does kind of look like that but he was actually a combination of Shocker and Vibe for inspiration..Just less jobbery.
  2. Thank you kindly! I've been using the plague doctor piece like crazy to make different looks since it dropped. Here's an another fun toon Quake-Maker, an Earth/Sonic dom, which I've tried several times in the past but finally seemed to click with this one.
  3. Last one for a little while, gotta slow down on the altitis. Trick-Wire, Traps/Elec Defender
  4. Thank you kindly! I've had the same problem with that mask and then when I was messing with his costume I landed on it and thought you know it actually looks good for once. Then I thought we'll if that masks look good, then surely some of the other masks look even better, but nah it looks like it fit perfectly with the character.
  5. My Bishop homage, Return-Fire, an arsenal/energy dominator.
  6. Like I said, I get lots of tells from people saying they hate clowns :x
  7. Thank you kindly! Also been really enjoying Joke Maker. Here's some extra costumes for him.
  8. Two new favorites: Scattered Star, an energy/storm corruptor, and Joke Maker, an Illusion/Elec dominator. Joke gets a mix of compliments and tells of people saying they hate clowns.
  9. Hey all, so recently I rolled a demons/thermal MM, that I took to 50 and has become one of my favorite toons. I was aware of the whole numberpad bind system but looking in the stickied thread at the top just made everything look Greek to me. I did pretty well on teams and solo just managing with the basic macros, and knowing when to bodyguard and when not to. It didn't bother me so much that I didn't have it figured out until I read a post where someone was talking about how if you weren't using the numbpad bind system you were playing sub-optimally and I didn't want to be sub optimal on one of my favorite toons. So for those who are experienced with it, A)How hard is it to set up B) How intricate do you guys get during a fight? Like if there's an enemy I need gone first I'll manually do attack target, then swap back to BG when it's dead. C) What do you hand placement wise? I play on a gaming laptop and do have a gaming mouse with a numberpad on the side however, the numberpad on the side doesn't have 0, so would I have to take my hand off to hit 0 and then back? Any and all help is appreciated, it's put a bit of a damper on playing the toon for me lately.
  10. Hey there, I recently finished took one of my "main" toons to 50 and started my usual altitis trying to find something new to play now that I was done with him. I decided to an Illusion/MA dom, came up with the idea of him being a "Hollywood" style hero since all his powers are special FX, or martial arts training that came with a being stunt-man. Make a bombastic style costume Booster Gold style to reflect the Hollywood bit and he really started enjoying how he was coming around. Then I remembered Superior Invisibility coming at 8. My now over the top center of attention character was cloaked almost completely 24/7 and kind of killed the excitement I had for the character. You could say skip it, but it's a big deal for the set, and helps LoTG slotting for perma dom. Other drastic stealth powers like Warshade's shadow cloak got a no fade option and I'm hoping illusionists can get it too.
  11. Something more silly, Captain Ocean, my unhinged gun toting Captain Planet. Protect our oceans! Or else!
  12. So like I said I loved the alternating colors so much I decided to try on my Jack and made a new costume. I hope you don't mind me borrowing inspiration from your Jaq, but I do like how he turned out. Looks much more harlequinesque.
  13. I appreciate the compliment, but I should be complimenting you! Jaq, looks awesome. Love the alternating red and black.
  14. Demon/Thermal MM Hell-Wrangler, Old west town sheriff made a pact with the devil to try and drive the Circle of Thorns from his town. Spending his days wrangling the souls of those who escaped from Hell, he hears wind of the Circle rising up in Paragon and gathers up a posse of demons he's captured over the years.
  15. With certain events a lot of people have been talking about making Gambit homages and I decided to do one too. Jack of Cards, Staff/EA. Like how the costume turned out and learned about the plague doctor headpiece outside of the mask. Probably going to use it for a lot more costumes going forward.
  16. I do like this idea a lot. It keeps the original spirit of the power while making it look more tier 9 worthy and gives it more utility.
  17. The spiders animation for Cocoon was mainly for asset recycling. The running idea is the more animations they can reuse to put together a powerset the easier it would be to make it/hopefully have it turn into one. I'd have no problem with it turning into something more thematic.
  18. Hey all, I've been thinking of a blast set for the last few days mainly inspired by Ant-Man, Red Bee (Who has actually started showing up again) and others and just something to pair Poison one of my favorite sets thematically. I've tried to recycle animations as much as possible to make it quick and easy. The set would be on the lower end for single target damage, but make up for it in secondary effects and it's damage type being toxic which is rarely resisted. Similar to Seismic, as you use your abilities you gain a stack of "Gathering Swarm". The more you attack, the more insect allies rally to your side over time. As you gain stacks of Gathering Swarm, you get a small pbaoe aura, enemies in the affected area are subjected to afraid, a minor slow, and a minor DoT. Each stack increases the slow, and DoT effect. Gathering Swarm could use a mix of aftershock combined with the roach path aura. Tier 1: Bug Bite, Single Target, Low damage, Fast recharge -res, using a black and yellow version of the weaken animation. You send forth several ants that proceed to bite your target. Their corrosive bite weakens a targets armor for a short period of time. Tier 2: Hornet Sting, Single target, Moderate damage, Moderate recharge, low magnitude fear, minor dot, using the Corrosive Enzymes. You command one of your wasps allies to sting your target. It's sting is painful, and weaker enemies may be terrified by the sight of a hornet coming at them. Tier 3: Ant-Agonize, Single Target, Moderate damage, moderate toxic dot, minor aoe component, slower recharge, a slower, heavier version of bug bite. You send forth a bunch of insects to attack your enemy, so many will swarm the target that some insects may land on enemies nearby instead. (Think the minor AoE on blind range), uses Call Swarm animation. Tier 4: Bug Spray, Moderate damage, Moderate Recharge, -res Cone using the neurotoxic breath animation, Bugs aren't just your allies, in some ways they're your teachers. You've concocted this caustic spray based on their formic acid and spray it a cone in front of you coating enemies and weakening their armor. Tier 5: Swarm! To hit + +damage, + Each attack grants an additional stack of Gathering Swarm. This set's version of aim/build up. You summon a wave of your allies to you. Your next few attacks will do more damage, have a better chance of hitting and you'll gain an additional stack of gathering swarm with every attack. Tier 6: Bee-Ware, Cone, light damage, minor dot, low magnitude fear, -to hit. You call forth a wave of bees to sting the enemies in front of you. The cloud of bees terrifies weaker enemies, in addition the cloud of bees is so thick it makes harder for enemies to attack you or your allies. Uses a mix of the Call Ravens animation and the particle effect on Call Swarm. Tier 7: Cocoon, Single Target Hold, light toxic damage, slow. You summon several spiders that cocoon your target. Even after the target escapes from the cocoon they willed be slowed by the sticky web still attached to them for a short while. Uses the summon spiderlings animation+the hold from mace mastery Tier 8: Infestation, location AoE, toxic dot, slows, afraid, -to hit., chance for knockdown You call forth an infestation of bugs to pop out of the ground at target location. Bug continuously pour out of the crack created, swarming nearby enemies causing them to try and run from the infestation. There are so many bugs though it's hard for enemies to escape, fight back, and some may trip or slip while trying to escape. Animation would be a combination of earthquake and the roach animation. With tidal pool existing now I think something like this could be pulled off and look cool in game. Tier 9: The Hive. So for the tier 9 I had an idea to summon multiple copies of The Swarm from devouring Earth for 30 seconds or so, but I have no idea how many need to be summoned or how the numbers would have to be changed to make up for the lack of a nuke. You summon an absolute maelstrom of insects. They continuously sting your enemies, slowing them down, making it hard to escape. Repeated sting in a short time can even paralyze some foes. Uses The Swarm mob and summon swarm animation. I'm not versed enough to know what the damage numbers need to be on the individual attacks but I really would like an insect themed set to pair with things like nature or poison and the chance to use things like the swarm pet would be awesome. Please let me know what you think.
  19. Must be my 50th attempt at a Warshade. I always get them to about level 35 and abandon them. After having a better idea on how to build them though and a costume/theme I like, I'm thinking this one might stick. Void Hawk, my bi-form shade.
  20. I'd love to seem some fur lined jackets with hoods for Norse or Inuit characters. Made a character once that was based on getting his powers from almost dying in the Himalayas. He had one costume that was the exact look I wanted for him, and then nothing else worked for snow jackets.
  21. A quick character dump, Hellborne, a Fire/Fire sentinel and member of the Midnight Squad, Mind-Set, a Mind/Psi mutant dom, and Dr. Mist, a scientist turned to cryogenic vapor in a containment suit Ice/Traps troller.
  22. Been going on an alt binge after not being able to play CoH for about a month there, plenty of toons I'm sure I'll be posting in the next few days but to start, a kind of basic one that I know a lot of people have done but Seventy-Sixer, a Shield/SJ tanker, that has kind of a fun "The Phantom" idea, where there's been a secret society making sure that there's always a Seventy-Sixer to take up the mantle when one falls, but pretending it's the same guy for the last 200+ years.
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