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Posts posted by sveld

  1. All boots aside from the ones that are explicitly high heels should have a flat option, most especially spectrum. Why would you have giant heels if you’re an energy being? No woman can go into battle wearing some of these shoes.


    This has been asked a million times, but please add all of the Sybil costume pieces.


    For tops with skin, give females the option to have a buff physique. For example, they suddenly get defined abs with the Barbarian selection but make that look possible with all costume pieces showing skin. The Bodysuit Muscled options don’t look real at all.


    Add tattered, leopard-print, and chainmail options for Bikini for Cavewoman, Shanna, Sheena, or Red Sonja type characters.


    Add a “Tarzan” tattered or leopard-print loin cloth for both male and female.


    Allow changing color to items that can’t change color right now like Office Belt.


    For some hats, the hair colors need to be selectable separate from the hat colors. For example, if the Princess Hat is blue, then the hair also becomes blue.


    The Tribal Spikes belt is really cool. Add a Chest Detail version of that and perhaps a Shoulders version too.


    Not costumes per se, but please graphically round out shoulders and breasts, which can sometimes look abnormally blocky.


    Thanks for listening to our input.

    • Like 5
  2. 23 hours ago, DarionLeonidas said:

    I see a real problem with this as it further weakens Scrappers, especially as compared to Stalkers.

    With this change, my main, a Level 50 Scrapper, loses his Alpha Strike Single Target to a Cone; even if it does the same amount of damage, re-classifying it as a PBAoE means that, while my main is able to slot Hecatomb here and Armageddon in Dragon's Tail, any other Scrapper I get to 50 will only have Armageddon in one or the other.

    That's my practical objection to another loss of potential to Scrappers; Stalkers have been improved to the point where Scrappers are already taking a backseat, and MA Stalkers will still be able to slot Hecatomb and Armageddon, making Stalkers (once again) that much better and Scrappers that much weaker.

    And promising that my character who already has it won't be changed isn't the point; I'm not one of those "I got mine, screw everybody else" people, and I have more Scrappers in the pipeline.

    At this point, my only option is to spend everything on Buying Hecatombs and power-level my nascent Scrappers to 50.

    In conclusion: Eagle's Claw is not broken, Please do not "fix" it.

    Please don't do this.

    I don't think stalkers outshine scrappers that much if at all depending on the power sets involved, but otherwise, I agree that this change to Eagle's Claw makes no sense. Eagle's Claw does need love because of its way-too-long animation time, but that can be done just by increasing its damage. Forcing a choice between it and Dragon's Tail to use Armageddon on makes the overall set weaker. And does my level 50 MA scrapper with Hecatomb now keep the power unchanged as ST or does the patch make the power PBAOE and the Hecatomb acts like an Armageddon? If the former, then this "buff" isn't actually a buff because it has no effect on pre-patch characters with the power. If the latter, then the game is misleading me every time I look at my character slotting as my Hecatomb is acting like an Armageddon, which is just confusing and needlessly so.

    • Like 1
  3. Gimme these things in the game!


    Add additional colors for costumes. Let colors be chosen on a sliding scale of 0-255 for RBG allowing for 16 million color gradations for both primary and secondary colors on costume pieces, skin, and powers.


    Spectrum is rightfully a very popular costume option. Please add Spectrum as an option to Flat under Boots so you're not forced to have big heels with it or just get rid of the heels in Spectrum period. If you’re an energy being, you look weird forced to have energy heels.


    Add No FX option to all defensive powers and buffs including those coming from others. The different glows can get overwhelming or just too busy.


    Provide Sister Solaris and Sybil costume pieces.


    Allow the auction house window in the supergroup base.


    Add recipe storage as a base item


    Add a search function for badges.


    Make Practiced Brawler in Super Reflexes a toggle.


    Make the Burn power less bright so people can still see what you're fighting.


    Now that base beacons can take everyone to most zones and Mission Teleport can be purchased for 1 million influence, Long Range Teleport is near useless with its limited zone options and long cast time. It should be improved to include nearly every non-Echo zone including Firebase Zulu and have a 3 second cast time, and if a mission is selected, it teleports you to the mission entrance. That would be worth a power slot.


    On tier 9 powers that drop endurance to 0 when the power wears off, remove the endurance drops and instead double the time it takes for endurance gain to start up again. IOs that allow soft capping defense or damage resistance make these powers worthless when adding the endurance drop penalty on top.


    Martial Arts with some long animations is less efficient than other melee powers. Give Crippling Axe Kick and its alternative animation much cooler new animations (maybe a Chun Li or Cammy style kick) with shorter cast times.


    Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield in Force Field and Sonic Barrier and Sonic Haven in Sonic Resonance should be self buffs in addition to ally buffs. It just seems dumb that I can put these force fields around other people but not myself.


    On the ambitious end, make a Mastermind set called Custom in which the look of each tier of pet can be created with the costume creator and the powers selected just like when creating critters in AE with power restrictions based on tier.


    Add a changeling / morphing class in the vein of Beast Boy, Snowbird, and Vixen that allows you to change into animals. It could have power branches like an Arachnos Widow. Suggestions: eagle, gorilla, rhino, tyrannosaurus rex.


    Add a “Savage Land” zone with dinosaurs. It could be like Cimeroa where you’re traveling back in time to a prehistoric era.


    Add the ability to download characters into a file in their entirety with all levels, powers, enhancements, badges, and gear intact so we never lose them again.

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