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About BafflingBeerman

  • Birthday November 5

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  1. If you ever wanted to live on Mars, that was a good trial run!
  2. This thread turned into r/wallstreetbets so gradually, I hardly noticed. Rapidly opens and closes Robin Hood app to check stocks
  3. Can we get Agents of Deke? Can we revisit that timeline where Director Shaw begins the Avengers Initiative?
  4. During this whole shelter-in-place thing, my wife and I decided to invest a little personal money into the market, because of all the talk of how it is crashing and hence, an optimal time to invest. We are having a little competition about who picks the better stocks. She's going mainstream (Disney and Apple) and I am going little-heard. She is, of course, winning. We are using Robin Hood and Wealthfront, which picks stocks using an AI. So I hope before the robots kill us all, they at least make me a little money. It has become something of a surprise hobby for me, reading earnings reports and various books. I am currently reading a book first published in the early 90s and it is a good laugh anytime the author recommends a business or strategy that the next 20 years disprove as being viable (i.e. stay away from anything that is advanced technology). Anyone else doing retail investing?
  5. Check out Peteypedia for some great worldbuilding and background on some of the Easter Eggs in the show!
  6. Used to love the big old episode recap threads back on the old CoH/V boards. Shoutout to McBeast. I definitely think it would worked better as a limited series, wherein their original plan of a rotating cast would have been allowed. I still yell out "Dammit, Mohinder!" anytime I see Sendhil Ramamurthy in another project, most recently, "Never Have I Ever".
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