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Everything posted by RobCorell

  1. Install City of Heroes: Homecoming on Mac Catalina (August 8th, 2020) Open a Terminal Window Applications->Utilities->Terminal Install Homebrew (a utility that installs other utilities) /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)" Install xquartz (some video thing) brew cask install xquartz Install wine (a Windows emulator) brew cask install wine-stable Download "Island Rum" (this is an application that downloads the City of Heroes app) http://telstar.eekstudio.com/islandrum-mac.zip Unzip islandrum-mac.zip Copy "Island Rum.app" to Applications Run "Island Rum" It probably won't work. If it doesn't, click Settings->Security->General->Open Anyway That should launch it It will hopefully say "Client not detected. Install or cancel?" Go with "install" Wait a good long while. It will download the game to "/Applications/CoH" Try the "Play" button If it works, you're done, have fun. It probably won't work. Shut down Island Rum Back to the terminal cd /Applications/CoH wine64 "/Applications/coh/hc-bin64/cityofheroes.exe" -patchversion 20200628_1602 -auth -patchdir homecoming Some Windows popup will notify you about wine configuration being updated It will ask to download some "Mono" thing. Let it. It will ask to download some "Gecko" thing. Let it. If you got this far, it should load up City of Heroes! Oops, we forgot to make accounts. Visit https://forums.homecomingservers.com/register/ and make a forum account Then make a game account here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/ Ok, now log in to the game (with the game account, not the forum account) and start "arresting" the bad guys! (Don't be a villain, you're better than that) Note: If the line for the launcher isn't working, there's a launch script in /Applications/CoH called islandrum.sh. The last line should have the right launch command if you remove the "/bin/sh -c" and quotes.
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