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GM Impervium

Lead Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Impervium

  1. 1 and 2 star shouldn't be too tough on a well-built tank with IOs, incarnate powers, and a level shift. But 3 and 4 star is when you're going to need team buffs to counteract all the incoming damage and debuffs, as well as defeat the enemy before they can defeat you. And like with the ASF hard modes, there are some things where having the best built tank in the world isn't going to save you if you're not proactively being careful and avoiding danger.

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  2. Had a ticket from a user who, upon logging in, was spawned in behind the counter in the Steel Canyon Science Store (naturally, they were stuck, as you're not even supposed to get in there)

    There's a clickable door there, and I think the game considered it a valid access point (I know sometimes if you log out near a door, when you log back in, you'll be exiting that doorway). Not sure why the game chose THAT door instead of the one in the lobby right next to it, though.

    Loc coords: [-4031.6 -175.6 -2178.2]

  3. Hi

    If you submit a ticket, we can look into this further (Use "Support" at the top of the forum). But I'm going to echo other people's thoughts here: You've either got the wrong account, wrong shard, or the wrong server service. Also, it's not uncommon that people sometimes delete their toons before deciding they don't want to play any more, but wind up coming back anyway.

  4. On 7/23/2022 at 5:19 AM, Battlecruiser said:


    Is there any chance this weirdness is getting fixed soon?


    It's been broken since Page 3 and I don't want to play my character (whose whole concept revolves around this mace model) because of it.






    Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.

    Per the Curator:

    NOTICE: There are a couple database-related changes in Page 4, which means characters transferred to Brainstorm from Homecoming may have some oddities, specifically in regards to the weapon changes. Please verify any weapon-related issues occur on a new character created on Brainstorm before reporting them.


    These will be fixed retroactively on existing Homecoming characters by a database fix that will be applied to all characters when Page 4 is launched on the live servers.

    Make sure this isn't happening on a NEW character made on Brainstorm. If it is, confirm that and we'll add it to the bug list.


    2 hours ago, Ardzog said:

    Hey there,


    I'm not sure if it's a bug or if it's intentional, but

    during last fight VS Romulus in ITF advanced difficulty, I saw that :


    [12:17] Romulus Augustus hits you with their Void Mire for 20353.1 points of Negative Energy damage.
    [12:17] Romulus Augustus hits you with their Void Mire for 20353.1 points of Negative Energy damage.


    Fatal, and hard to avoid ! And that's just in 1-star !


    And even without mentioning the damage, what is "J88QF9JFRU8EYZLAXYTACXWWF2" Some nictus langage, or Romu trying to speak like freakshow ?

    Can you post this over in Beta Bug Reports? It's minor, but I want to make sure it doesn't get missed.

  5. 12 hours ago, BastionWalls said:

    So, honest question here, what constitutes the difference between copyright and homage? I enjoy making "homage" characters and seeing how close I can get in the creator. I am not too concerned with my "inspired by" toons such as Park Knight, my color swapped Plant/Thorn Dom, but I do have some that are closer to "real life", such as Chasseur De Betes, a AR/TA Cor who came out surprisingly close to his House of Mouse inspiration. Is a name change enough? color-swap? power-swap? All 3 required? Obviously understand the need for the policy and don't want to give the dev's busy work monitoring all the reports, but are there specific rules or is it more, "I'll know it when I see it"?


    Well, the GMs monitor this stuff, so the Devs are free to make content for everyone to play 😃

    As for the rest of your comment? I'd hate to say it, but, it essentially comes down to "I know it when I see it". We don't have strict, precise guidelines, only because people would toe the line on purpose just to be annoying. And the GM staff needs to be free make judgement calls on these things. We've seen enough uninspired copycats and delightful homages to tell the difference by this point.

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  6. Hey folks

    So, I just wanted to get ahead of something, kind of an addendum to my previous post here. We've been getting tells/DMs/tickets asking about whether or not a name they want will be freed up once this all goes Live.

    At this time, the GM Staff will NOT be confirming or denying whether specific names will be available upon the implementation of the Name Release Policy (note that, per the patch notes, it will start in WARNING ONLY mode when it hits Live; names will not be available for some time after the initial patch goes up). Furthermore, we will not be subverting the policy if the name you want happens to be on a level 50 who's been gone for 3 years.

    In short, the GMs are going to be hands-off when it comes to this system. We're not going to lock accounts, or unlock names, or confirm when a name you want is going to be freed up.

    If this changes, we will of course let you know. But for now, please assume that we're not going to be able to assist you in these matters, and that you'll be on your own when it comes to protecting your names/trying to claim names you want. Thank you!

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  7. Yes, please report any copyright names/costumes/bios/etc. From in-game, use Menu -> Support. Make sure you copy/paste their name if possible to avoid weird issues with uppercase i's looking like lowercase L's and so on. Note that filter evasion/letter swapping doesn't constitute homage/parody/fair use and should still be reported.

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  8. In regards to GM intervention:


    I don't know that we would be able to lock the names within an account. And even if we could, what's to stop someone from hoarding a bunch of level 1 names on an alt account, then coming to us and saying "Oh, I have to move out of the country for a few months, can you lock my characters? ;-)" Thus negating the entire reason for the name release policy.


    Granted, in that specfic hypothetical scenario, I'd look at the account, see it's all level 1s created a few days ago, and say "lol no". 😛


    But it's probably a moot point in any case. As it stands, locking an account would currently make names easier to grab, as the player wouldn't be able to log their characters in. As Six noted, the account, and the characters on the account, are handled by separate systems. So that's a technical hurdle.


    As a matter of policy, well, asking us to subvert the rules Cipher put into place probably isn't going to fly. And generally speaking, I feel like this would be a hands-off issue for us.


    If for some reason that changes and we're allowed to grant temporary moratoriums? We'll let you know. However, for now, assume that won't happen.

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  9. @laudwic, Well, remember, confuse doesn't JUST make enemies damage each other: it prevents them from attacking the player(s). Your Blaster nuke analogy only partially fits, because to do so, the Blaster has to put themselves in danger. Confuses (especially AoEs) negate any potential agro or damage taken. It's less about whittling down mobs/AVs, and more about the lack of danger they pose to the PCs.

  10. 2 hours ago, Andreah said:

    I'm hopeful, when finally fully implemented, the name policy will be retroactive to homecoming launch.


    I like this overall.


    However, I think a couple changes might serve the community well.


    First, if the name of a character matches the Global Handle of the account, the name is never flagged regardless of its level. This would let everyone have one name without worry, forever; and won't have to deal with someone else playing the character that matches their own global handle on their preferred server.


    Second. For when this goes live create an account bound token, which is granted once per week and for which only two can be had at any time which allows a player to take a flagged name. If they choose a name which is currently flagged, and which would cause the existing flagged character to lose the name, they will be asked if they wish to spend one of these tokens to do so.  This will limit how fast any one player might take over names that are flagged claimable, and prevent one player from suddenly trying all the combinations of a freshly available name they discovered to just become a new name-camper on.


    This issue is self-correcting, I think.

    Let's say patch day comes, and I manage to create like, 100 new characters and grab 100 old names. A, that would take FOREVER (especially with other people potentially doing the same thing), and B, I'd have to remember to log them all in once a month (playing them above level 5 would mean I only have to do it every 2 months, but, that would involve spending a non-0 amount of time taking them in-game to get leveled up, during which time, other names I might want to sit on will get taken). Someone would have to be super dedicated to sit on a large quantity of names, or keep them for long periods of time. The time limits make it even harder to continue sitting on desired names.

    @Oubliette_Red, yes, transferred characters maintain their "time offline". I just tested this myself to confirm 😃

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  11. 17 minutes ago, laudwic said:

    Just an observation and not trying to derail by focusing on this one area, but what the heck with the 10 Mag Confusion defense? 


    At two star boss class enemies have have inherent magnitude 10 Confuse protection

    At three star Lieutenant class enemies and above have inherent magnitude 10 Confuse protection

    At four star all enemy classes have inherent magnitude 10 Confuse protection


    There has been a repeated theme related to the Mind Control power set being less attractive due to lack of a pet, it's top power being lackluster especially compared to a tier 5 power in Plant Control, and the general dislike of confuse among other player because it 'costs' them xp.  (I know the responses to that argument, and there are great threads about how that isn't really your damage and the speed it adds to defeating foes results in a net gain but it is still something that you run into.  The dislike is still there whether correct or not.) 


    Now two powers in that set, Confuse and Mass Confusion, are essentially useless at tier 4, a joke at tier three, and almost pointless at tier one by adding the 10 Mag Confusion Defense.


    I'm all for Mind Control getting a review, I've even made suggestions in the past, but, man, I don't see why anyone would bring a Mind Controller or Dominator in a Tier 4 challenge setting Strike Force with all enemies the 10 mag Protection against not only the tier 4 power but also your top tier power. 

    This was brought up in closed beta. It's basically an anti-cheesing method for higher tiers of difficulty (which, after all, won't be so hard if you could get all the enemies to fight each other most of the time). As @KaizenSoze said, Cimmys have always been a bit tougher against CC, so in this case, it's not so bad. However, there's a bit of a bone thrown towards Controllers/Dominators in hard mode ITF: There's a variation of the Recluse Towers mechanic where MEZZING one of the AV's buffers will actually be a better strategy than killing it. Since details weren't stated in the patch notes, I won't say much more than that.

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  12. On 7/11/2022 at 6:36 PM, GM Widower said:

    2. BE CONSTRUCTIVE. Going on about how the devs are idiots and you have the One True Vision for the game is not helpful; trying to engage with the changes and the reasons given is.


    3. BE SUBSTANTIVE. If you want to say how great something is and nothing else, there's a thumbs up react. On the other hand, if all you really want to say is "this whomps! you suck!", the thumbs down react exists.

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  13. 2 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    Wasn't this done on Live, with Cryptic/Paragon at the helm, with no appreciable effect? I get the idea that people want names freed because of "campers," but when the game had 1000x the population, running the name recovery script freed up so few "desirable" names that it wasn't ran a second time.


    Sure, we have 1000 slots per server compared to the original... I want to say 20. I honestly forget. But how many people are actually sitting on 4k character names each and how does that compare to 300,000 OG Game Players all sitting on 20 names?

    Let's put it this way.

    There are over TWO MILLION characters in our database. Only a fraction of those have been played in the last week. I don't want to get much more specific (such as going into numbers of accounts and such), because Cipher will stab me. But yes, under-leveled, unplayed characters are a huge deal, and I can guarantee a LOT of names are going to get freed up!

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  14. 2 hours ago, Digirium said:

    I assume incarnate shards will not drop either since threads were already mentioned as removed drops.


    Shards and threads should still drop from foe defeats as normal. The only "removed threads" would be the 120 you get at a time from getting Vet Levels (thanks for the clarification, @Digirium!). But, maybe you should test it and find out?

    And look everyone, I know your big take-away is the removal of post-50 XP. But there's a LOT more stuff here that needs attention. Why don't we try making some NPCs that can summon all the pets, or has one of every different blast power, or something fun? Yeah, I know, it doubly wouldn't be worth it since those custom critters won't drop XP anyway... but, if we're to revert the no-xp change, we want to make sure everything ELSE is working as intended.

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  15. Ahem. (Not the two who posted before me, but others who've had their posts removed)

    On 7/11/2022 at 6:36 PM, GM Widower said:

    5. DON'T GIVE FEEDBACK ON OTHER PEOPLE'S FEEDBACK. You're here to discuss and debate the changes with the devs, not each other. The devs are big people (Huge, even) and can stand up for themselves.

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