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Everything posted by cotesan

  1. It’s either they think that they are that important and people actually give a crap or they are looking for an atta boy. Par for the course in today’s ridiculous online life. I play and have fun regardless
  2. It would be great if khallisti was completed first. I’d also like more exciting zone events.
  3. Is this really a suggestion. its like that person who expects a ceo position with no experience. instant 40 lol. Play the game. or create pvp or go to beta server for instant gratification with a 50.
  4. Your opinion is fine. Many feel differently. i would ask the mods to lock this topic, thank you for acknowledging my suggestion.
  5. I was being trolled and me having to hear how my suggestion is not valid and should be shut down and on and on is ridiculous. It’s my vote. You don’t like it respectfully disagree. I am here as a player, a donator and if you don’t like it move on and get a life.
  6. It would be nice to convert to pe and maybe use for adding powers
  7. I have quite a few inc 50’s and tons of things I’d like to share to other toons, so I would benefit from this. New players need to build from scratch. Thats a big disadvantage. What you are saying would make farmers take control of the ah, and would be unfairly balanced imo. Whether or not this is implemented one thing I would like to see is having the ability to add multiple attachments to an email. Something to streamline what is already in place.
  8. yep, this user is a huge troll. I made suggestions that are actually not biased and add variety and value, yet here comes the forum savior, along with the mob, as if any opinion of our suggestions means anything. You don’t agree with my suggestion, that’s your right. I don’t mind a good back and forth, but having to debate with someone who thinks they have any power to veto or argue the validity of my suggestion is bad for our community. Kick rocks. The devs are the only ones I’m interested in hearing from or submitting to anyway.
  9. As an OG I disagree. I understand where you’re coming from but it puts new players at a tremendous disadvantage. I can’t tell you the countless times I get the message cannot put xxxx in storage or email, but I get it. its part of character development. I’m ok with not having everything at once.
  10. Thank you all for your opinions. like I said it is a great incentive for many many players and does not effect anyone’s playstyle as is. Submitted and hopefully will be added. closed for me.
  11. Hi troll. I’ll answer you once. There is a difference between adding constructive comments / suggestions and just being a whiner at having to actually play the game and not being spoon fed a trophy for showing up. Grow up.
  12. I appreciate your opinion but this suggestion of mine did not include necessarily revoking auras or capes, it was moving forward with additional costumes etc. this way the instant gratification crowd could continue as is as well as the people who are into the journey that @Zect mentioned, which many of us do enjoy. Anyway thank you again devs for listening.
  13. I decided to reply to your comment and will give you the only example needed. Statesman.
  14. a few suggestions— 1. New accolade minor perks, endurance discounts, damage bonuses, to hit etc. maybe by accumulating certain accolades or harder badges like tarnished star, forged by fire… Something like that. 2. New pool powerset “valor”. With powers available at 500, 1000 & 1500 milestones. Real powers. Like said multiple times already. This has no detrimental effect on anyone’s playstyle and only adds incentive to play and explore content. My vote and suggestion.
  15. youre funny. And you are who? either way I came back after receiving notifications. Wow make a suggestions and the trolls arise. Anywhooo. read my post BEFORE commenting please. I said I’m not advocating taking away anything, I said moving forward… i still think its a good idea, would only add to the game and would not harm anything. Submitting , peace and trollmeat. No more from me. Thanks again devs.
  16. Again, I appreciate your opinions on my suggestion. i still submit this suggestion being it would add much value, incentive and variety without effecting anyone’s playstyle by having optional benefits. Peace
  17. I appreciate your opinions on my suggestion. And excraft if I wanted to spend the time finding countless heroes with not as polished looks as when they matured, I could. i still submit my suggestion and feel it would add much value and would not harm a thing, but be a great addition. Peace
  18. not true at all. Heroes started out wearing hand knit customes, onsies and even pots and pans. I did make suggestions. Thanks for your opinion
  19. Thanks again, but I believe differently like I posted. Badges as a reward for badging do not create as much incentive as could be. My suggestion also promotes dev content being played and additional powers / sets are a great way to add more variety. The accolade powers are a nice perk with small added benefits but that still leaves room for far greater rewards. Again my suggestion hurts no one from their playstyle and adds more by promoting content and additional and optional rewards.
  20. exactly my point. Players should reach a certain level before having access to the more polished looks and pieces of more experienced characters. Like every hero in every comic. It took time. Thanks for your opinion.
  21. Apart from my last posted suggestions about auras I do have one more. all the badges are nice and some offer some perks, but I would also suggest a bigger reward to encourage others to play content. Naturally people can play how they choose, but for those that do attain badges and grind through content, having some real incentive would be a nice touch. My suggestion is at certain badge milestones, whether amount (500, 1000 etc) or multiple difficult acquired accolades maybe giving players additional powers or better yet creating a new power pool for just this. my .02. Incoming
  22. Hey devs, first thank you for doing all this, best game! I am an OG player and one thing that I never liked from back in the day is how low level characters look the same as more leveled chars. I remember when there were level requirements for capes then auras. For some reason that was undone. Honestly I feel part of the incentive of playing is getting these types of things unlocked. Every comic hero had pretty shabby costumes at first. i will prob get flamed at for this, but my suggestion is to not allow low level chars to have the same swag as 50+. I’m not saying to take away capes or auras but am suggesting that moving forward to add content with some requirements and not try to please everyone who whines.
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