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Jiro Ito

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Posts posted by Jiro Ito

  1. On 6/24/2022 at 4:43 PM, Techwright said:

    Hmm, there's the concept that's used in some of the instanced missions of The Old Republic, which is, depending on your archetype, there's certain shortcuts and beneficial effects that can happen in the instance that only one of your archetype can do.


    So, here, in theory, add content where mission/task force functions alter how the scenario plays out.    Example:  your team reaches a level where a large fire started by Hellions blocks your path.  To your right is a stairway but the Hellions have placed a magical ward on, blocking entrance in hopes of forcing you through the flames.  To your left is a custodian's closet that they didn't put a ward on.  Do you:


          A.  Brave the fire and take notable damage

          B.  Have a magic origin teammate attack the ward on the stairway door (melee or range strikes) shattering it and allowing you a means of circumventing the fire.

          C.  Have a science origin teammate McGuyver the chemicals in the custodian's closet to create a primitive fire-snuffing foam to create a passage through the fire.


    These kind of adventures would offer several points of decision making encompassing all 5 origins.


    This would mean you'd not have any power creep, nor the potential of one origin outperforming another.  You wouldn't even have to form a team with all 5 origins.  You could always muscle through either taking extended damage, or possibly having a longer path, etc.  And you might have multiple origin options at each challenge point.  Hey, you might even have two origins working the same problem:  how does that flame-retardant foam get delivered to target?  The tech origin jury-rigs an extinguisher.


    Dr Aeon has a neato version of this with technology-origin villains, who can do a little optional content that, while very cool, isn't required to complete any piece of the SF.

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  2. What about origin-based buffs that adds a little something based on your origin?  In the form of temporary power buffs granted from above-suggested origin Tips, or even unique IO set proc?  A small amount, up to maybe 2% of additional damage or damage resist based on origin:


    Magic - dark energy

    Mutant - lethal

    Science - fire

    Technology - energy

    Natural - smashing



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  3. 19 minutes ago, El D said:

    I like the idea, though I'm curious as to how the Stealth IO would work for a Purple set - there's usually some kind of 'enhanced gimmick' to the uniques for them, after all. Is it just a higher radius of +Stealth? Does it last for longer when procc'ed? Provide an aura of +stealth to allies near the user?


    I would think greater than the other IO set stealth ratings, Pool Stealth power, and Super Speed, but less than Pool Invisibility and any AT concealment powers like Illusion, or Stalker Hides.  My data search puts that about 45'.


    Speed of the Olympian

    Your speed is the stuff of legends.  You move faster and farther, recover endurance faster, and are harder to see and more difficult to hit.


    Movement speed

    53% run speed

    53% jump speed

    53% fly speed

    33% tp range


    Movement speed/endurance reduction

    33.1% run speed

    33.1% jump speed

    33.1% fly speed

    26.5% tp range

    33.1% endurance reduction


    Movement speed/endurance reduction/endurance modification

    26.5% run speed

    26.5% jump speed

    26.5% fly speed

    15.9% tp range

    26.5% endurance reduction

    26.5% endurance modification



    Unique, cannot be used with other stealth IOs


    Set bonuses

    2-slot: 4% recovery

    3-slot: 20% resist -fly, 20% resist -speed, 20% resist -recharge, 20% jump height

    4-slot: 2.5% defense melee, ranged, AOE

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  5. 2 hours ago, Greycat said:



    Special mention (as it's not a "zone") to the underground caverns in the Eden trial. They almost look painted. Nothing else like them in the game. (And then there's the giant bones...)


    looooovvvve the Eden Trial atmosphere.  wish there was more to do in there

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  6. On 5/24/2022 at 7:42 PM, Apparition said:

    and at this point they're playing on that shard because they don't want to move.




    Quoted for emphasis.  More people doesn't necessarily mean a better playing experience for everyone.  


    If servers are merged, what happens to our stacks of FAT LOOT we have in our sg bases?  What happens to things on the auction house?  Not being snarky, genuinely curious.

  7. Great suggestions.  Also, it's good to announce how many merits it's worth (hovering over the TF in the LFG list will tell you), and announce it's the WST if it is, and that it's double merits and gives a Notice of the Well for incarnates.

    • Example: Kill most. Yin TF. Level 20+ required. LF6M.  20 merits
    • Example: Kill most. Yin TF. Level 20+ required. LF6M. WST, 20x2 merits, notice of the well
    • Like 4
  8. Quote


    Since the conclusion of the global special event, Rikti Invasions can now be triggered by the completion of the Lady Grey Task Force. Depending on the make up of the team completing the task force, one random Paragon City zone and/or one random Rogue Isle zone will be invaded.



    Completing the last mission of SSA2 Pandora's Box will trigger a Nemesis invasion in a zone matching the arc's alignment.  SSA2 is Pandora's Box Episode 5 (Levels 40-50). Not Pandora's Box Episode 2 (Levels 35-50)


  9. 22 hours ago, Krimson said:

    Time for another one of my dumb ideas...


    What if we removed Architect Entertainment from ONE Shard, like Torchbearer, and then advertised said Shard as being a Farm Free Zone. Do you think Torch would see an uptick in players from the Big Two?


    As someone whose idea of a good time is writing actual AE stories, and who plays only on Torchbearer, I can't get behind this idea.

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  10. Back in ye olden timeys, playing as a Kheldian or inviting a Kheldian to your team would often offer the surprise of Void Hunters and Shadow Cyst Crystals appearing in your missions.  I always thought the Shadow Cyst Crystals were chaotic good fun and offered a dynamic change from the usual and expected missions.  Can these be brought back?


    As these were often difficult challenges and a Void could do extra damage to a Kheldian, perhaps as an option that can be enabled/disabled by Mr. Gull.


    Not be left out, though Villains often are, VEATs could be hunted by these new Hero Corps Vigilantes we've been teased with?  Also an option to be enabled and disabled by our pal Null.


    I don't think all situations call for them to appear, for example I don't think Hero Corps will jump your team while they're saving the world from Praetorians or Rikti, but they definitely would while you're running LRSF.  Void Hunters would probably strike at any point though.  Have a Keld AND a VEAT on your team at the same time?  Let chaos reign!

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