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Jiro Ito

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Posts posted by Jiro Ito

  1. 4 hours ago, biostem said:

    I could see gaining a temp power that summons something like a clothes rack, which you can interact with like a tailor.  My only concern is that I can spend a lot of time in the tailor, so the summoned entity would have to remain available for a good while, at least...


    The IO crafting table doesn't stay in the world for very long, but once you have the window open, you can continue crafting even after it disappears.  The tailor window could function similarly, and stay open even after the coatrack disappears from the world.

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  2. I think shield is just so good that you can pair it with whatever you enjoy for concept or playability and be successful.  I paired it with ice melee because I don't see much ice melee, the slippery ice patch makes me happy and provides some additional mitigation, and the concept of the ice shield paired with ice swords fits my ice golem theme.  

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  3. You could do something like that with bosses, defeat a boss and it spawns another boss, and that boss defeat spawns a boss, and that boss defeat spawns a boss, until you use up all of the map's available boss slots.  You could add ambushes on top of the boss spawns as well.  You cannot add ambushes to ambushes however.

  4. I'd love an event where Requiem found a way to power the giant robots from the third mission of the ITF; perhaps he found a couple of well-drinkers shortly after they gained their powers but before they learned how to use them properly.  Destroy robots before they destroy Cimerora.  This would probably work better as a league trial than a zone event as it jumps out of the zone timeline.


    Alternately, the league could use the defeated Requiem and Romulus as the power sources to boot up the robots and players can operate them with an alternate power tray, like during Deadlock's Personal Story where the player "becomes" the robot.

  5. You can have up to 5 missions in one Arc.  If you need more space, you could write multiple arcs as part of the same overarching storyline.


    As for maps, you could use some of the Cimerora maps for North Africa (under Unique - Cimerora and Unique - Newly Released).  Unique - Outdoor will have a lot of forests and burning or destroyed cities that you could make use of.


    I read in the AMA that part of the reason they never went back to revisit this era (which includes the rise of Statesman as well as Brass Monday and some other interesting things) is the difficulty in creating all new artwork to match the era.

  6. Quote


    At random intervals a war breaks out in the Grim Vale area of Croatoa. The Fir Bolg and Cabal are on one side, against their ancient enemies the Tuatha de Dannan and Red Caps. Large numbers of both groups spawn at opposite ends of the vale in several waves and rush towards each other, intent on wiping each other out. There are 3 - 4 waves total, and on the final wave the two giant monsters, Eochai and Jack in Irons spawn to fight each other.


    The war spawns for each side are generally fairly evenly matched. But given that the Vale is normally populated by large numbers of Cabal bosses, the Fir Bolg/Cabal side generally has a distinct advantage in the war once the native spawns enter the fight. This usually results in the Tuatha de Dannan/Red Caps side of the war spawn being defeated, while a large portion of the Cabal/Fir Bolg side is left intact. This has the effect of stalling the war, since most or all of one wave has to be eliminated before the next wave can spawn.


    This results in the common ability for players to catch the war in this stalled state, and help it along by clearing out the vale themselves of all combatants. This will unstick the war and allow the next wave to spawn. If this is repeated by clearing out each new wave of the war spawn, players can in essence force the spawn of the two giant monsters, allowing players to then defeat the monsters.




  7. Sounds fun, I kind of want one!



    Electric, energy or psychic blaster paired with ninja 



    Dual blades or katana depending on your preference, paired with energy or super reflexes



    Mind or gravity control, secondary would be kind of a stretch for kin, time, emp, force field



    Too Sithy?  Mind or gravity with electric, energy or psi assault



    • Like 1
  8. 18 hours ago, cobie said:


    - Is it possible to earn more architect slots somehow? I published a 3-arc story and am now without any slots to publish anything else.



    I filed an in-game /petition to ask for more story slots and they gave me 5 additional.  Someone told me as long as you're making stories, they will give you more but probably not for farms.

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  9. One thing you can do to affect mob size, instead of setting enemies in your mission, set the map enemy to "empty" and then populate a bunch of boss spawns and set the boss spawn to easy, medium, hard to your preference, and this will affect the number and rank of the spawns.  This multiplies by the team size to set the number of mobs in your group.  This gives you more control over your map.

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  10. I have, sort of, found a way to do it with Arachnos:  all of the signature villains are available to populate a custom group so I made a custom group of only Arachnos Archvillains, then dropped Recluse in a map with his group as my custom group and BAM, Recluse and all his major lieutenants are there waiting.  BUT, I've got 2 Kalindas, 2 Ghost Widows, etc.  Less than ideal, as it kind of breaks the immersion right?


    As for hero side, there's no way to even use this wonky mechanic as the Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators, WISDOM, Paragon Heroes groups are not available to pull from to create custom groups.  Same goes for the Rogue Isles Villains.


    The only way to really make this work like I'm picturing in my head is to create all custom Archvillains, at least 10-12 so they don't duplicate, and my own custom group.  Then Custom Archvillain and his spawn of Other Custom Archvillains can huddle together making Plots™ when Player Hero arrives to save the day.  I guess that's the point of AE, to make our own stories, but I have a sweet arc in my head that I want to torture my friends with and can't make it work.

  11. 48 minutes ago, starro said:

    .....i have wanted this since 2009.... you fixed it in 30 seconds...  I am just not creative enough.


    I should have given proper credit, this is noted in charlie's AE guide that is pinned to the top of the AE forum.  There are lots of fantastic out-of-the-box tricks in here to help flesh out stories.  For example, if you give your boss the "oily" aura and color it red, your corpse is now in a pool of blood.



  12. Currently, when going to the Custom Group Creator, the "Standard" available enemies list has Arachnos on it so you can, say, put Lord Recluse into your group of custom Baywatch lifeguards (lol) but the enemy list does not have the Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators, WISDOM, Rogue Isle Villains or Paragon Heroes factions available to pull from.  Hoping this can be updated to include these groups?  

  13. On 2/2/2022 at 11:43 AM, Milk Sheik said:



    Right now if I want you to find a dead or unconscious body, I have to use a body bag glowie, which doesn't fit in Cimerora missions or other non-modern settings. (I think there's a coffin glowie, too, but how often do we really interrupt a funeral?) What I want is a costume-adjustable prone person like in the later-issue missions. For example, the LRSF has Ms. Liberty on the ground in Atlas Park, the "No One Left Behind" badge mission where all the cops are on the floor overcome by the smoke has, well, cop models, and I know there's a mission out there where you find your clones on the floor, too. This would be extremely useful for the "you're too late" plot twists or "you find them on the brink of death and save or kill them" missions.



    You can make a boss ally with no group and give it the unconscious animation and it will just lie there.

  14. Correct this is for an actual story, not a farm.  XP generated isn't a consideration at all.  I want players to walk into a room similar to Aeon where they fight all of the Vanguard Heroes at once, but I don't want a qty of 3 Incandescents running around, you know?

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