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Jiro Ito

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Posts posted by Jiro Ito

  1. 23 minutes ago, KaizenSoze said:

    I didn't think a team could get more than one bomb credit per MSR.



    This is true, unless the griefers are so organized that they all click the bomb at nearly the same time so the interaction bars are timing down simultaneously.


    Vanguard merits can be turned into reward merits, or a nice pet, or extra salvage space, or a piece of incarnate salvage.


    I enjoy going to hang out with my friends when @Apparition and @Anyad run them on Torch.  Not everybody has fun the same way; it's one of the nice things about CoX that there's so many different things to do.  

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  2. 13 hours ago, TheZag said:

    i had a few requests for an AE mission covering my request here (looking at you @Jiro Ito)  so i went ahead and made one.


    its what i would consider the task force version,  finding a way on the ship and then finally attacking.  4 missions long.


    its meant to be hard,  probably a team of 6 or more to be able to kill the giant monster in mission 3 (i did add a timer to that mission so players can advance by running out of time)  All the missions and story are done,  i'll probably polish up the story some but there shouldnt be anything major.  it is available to play


    it is Board the Mothership  arc id: 47119


    Can't wait to play it buddy!

  3. My main toon is an elec/energy blaster and I enjoy it very much.  I've had fire/ and ice/ and they're awesome, and I didn't enjoy water/ at all, but I wanted something different and not so obvious for my main guy and badger, and I never get tired of him.  I don't worry about the end drain effect at all in my build or playstyle as overall it's pretty negligible.  Thunderous Blast does a nice job of draining end and leaving EBs and AVs without much to do for a little bit but I don't plan or count on it as a mechanic to defeat enemies; I just spec for as much damage as I can do, and it's plenty.  The change to Voltaic Sentinel being a toggle was nice, as I went from hardly ever using it and considering dropping it to summoning ol Sparky every mission.  Getting mezzed drops him but some good defense in your build will help that.



  4. On 1/24/2022 at 8:33 PM, Apparition said:

    (No, not the power.)  For the past month or so, I get to the log on screen, look at my list of characters, look over them again... and think, "Meh."  I don't feel like playing any of them, although I'll pick one for the scheduled raids I co-lead and for iTrials with my SG.  I thought maybe I'd try something a little different... make a character to solo absolutely everything in the game, from gold side to red side to blue side.  I must have made and deleted about ten different characters over the past two weeks, all by the time they get to Imperial City.  I make a Brute because I keep reading and I keep being told that Brutes are the way to go for this project.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  Then I make a Mastermind, because Masterminds were my favorite AT back on live and I miss playing one.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Praetorian ambushes are deadly for Masterminds.  You know this.  On top of that, quite a few people I know intensely dislike playing with Masterminds.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Mastermind?" and delete the character.  Then I'll try another Brute, and eventually go back to thinking to myself "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  As I've said, I've done this about ten times in the past two weeks.


    I now realize that I'm burned out on City of Heroes.  I just really feel no interest in playing it other than for scheduled events with friends.  How do y'all deal with that?


    Take a break buddy, come back when you're excited to play.  This is supposed to be fun time; it's not like a job where we're paid to be here or anything.


    And I would always team with you if you're on a MM...like Number Six's bio says, it's the player not the AT.  Wishing you well pal.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Just wanted to shout-out this thread and all the good info in here that helped me to my badges. 


    As suggested, I used:


    Mender Ramiel's arc for Cataclysmic.  My main toon is a blaster and after nearly a year he was almost complete anyway, a good afternoon of gathering up the AVs and setting Thunderous Blast to auto and I had it. 


    A Malta mission from Crimson where I gathered up 2 blue-con Sappers to keep me perma-held.  I switched to an alternate build with zero enhancements and just a travel power to get where I needed to go, and worked like a charm.


    Mercy Island fires.  I slotted Rest and Energize with 4 Numinas just to make sure my regen was capped (maybe unnecessarily as I did not test Rest beforehand to make sure my regen was capped, but I had the enhancements on hand anyway so figured why not).  I also slotted Paneca Chance for Hit Points and Power Transfer Chance to Heal Self.  I used my alt account to create an Empathy Defender to have Heal Ally on auto, and my kids' accounts with a /time pbaoe heal and /rad with Radiant Auro on auto.  I started an AE arc for the team, which kept us logged in (I didn't see that noted as a way to keep yourselves logged in, but it treats the team as a Task Force same as Ouro or regular TF and was easier as there is an AE building in Mercy Island).  I put all 4 toons in the fires so the others could also work on damage and healing badges, at a slower pace, while my main toon I used fly/rest to drop into the fires and take 58 damage per tic.  I did check twice and found myself dead from the fires for who knows how long, so it still wasn't quite enough.  Had I thought to have my kids create a Pain Domination def, I could have probably avoided that.  Immortal took much longer than any other badge, long enough that all 3 healing teammates picked up Empath easily.


    Empath was easy as I used Rebirth at a few Hami and MSR raids and knocked it out without much effort.

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  6. I'm writing a mission arc where you start out in low esteem with your contact and they ask you to shadow an NPC hero they trust.   Mission-wise, I was hoping to require the player to escort this hero to a terminal, and once done, it completes the requirement, as the hero does the downloading and retrieves the clue.  I cannot make this work however, as in testing I still have to click the terminal myself in order to complete it.  If I make the terminal an inessential task, it gives me an error.  Is there a way to accomplish what I want?  I know there are in-game missions that have this mechanic.


    Yes the player is able to gain the trust of the contact through the story 🙂

  7. On 12/3/2021 at 9:24 PM, Kyksie said:

    The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year - 45220



    It's Christmas time, and... oh no... Lord Recluse has forbidden Christmas in the Rogue Isles! The contact is Scirocco, who is referred to as "The Sandman" for some reason. He feels that Recluse has erred in doing so and has decided to restore Christmas.


    1) Scirocco has learned that one Westin Phipps, leader of Haven House, is a beacon of hope in the Rogue Isles. The player fights past teams of Family nog vendors and attendant drunks to seek him out, and... whoops. At least we saved a girl and her puppies.


    2) Santa Claus' sleigh has been shot down and Santa captured by Arachnos, so we bust into the prison tower to rescue him, but oh no, he's been transformed into a robot Tarantula.


    3) Scirocco decides to act directly, by stealing the presents and letters to Santa that have been stolen, then casting a great spell to send the presents to the children of Paragon City. But things don't go as planned.


    I'm not going to bother going into detail about the individual missions, because you're all going to play this yourself. The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year is one of the most awesome arcs on Homecoming. It's a perfect example of what happens when you put in 110% effort. The joke density is  so high it's like a ZAZ movie. Practically *everything* is a gag. There are maybe three dozen custom NPCs, all with handmade costumes and funny bios. There are no static mobs, every group is a placed encounter with dialog.


    On top of all that, I'm kinda suspecting that this is a parody of Scirocco's unreleased redemption arc. Before shutdown, the devs were planning a huge arc where Scirocco renounces his evil ways and goes to Paragon City to become a hero, and Ms. Liberty sends him to retrieve the Liquid Computer from the Fifth Column, but Lord Recluse is trying to thwart his efforts to become a hero, so he secretly swaps it for a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper, causing Scirocco to lament his failure and return to villainy. Or something like that. Positron posted the outline for the arc (I forget where) so if this is a really is a riff on the unreleased arc, double kudos for piling meta-humor on top of the usual.


    I might nominate this for Dev's Choice, although I'm not sure if a holiday themed arc would qualify. Nobody wears their Rudolph sweaters in February. Nevertheless, everyone should go play this now.



    This arc was so good it made me feel bad about the one I submitted

  8. Shoutout Liberty, I was in Crimson Island Avengers on characters like Jiro Ito, Highway, Kaji Da, more that I can't remember.   Lots of familiar character and supergroup names, nice to see you all!


    Now playing on Torchbearer, @Jiro Ito  

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  9. That's funny, lately I've been thinking, poor Back Alley Brawler, resigned to a seldom-visited corner of Atlas with not much to do, and have started to write a Back Alley Brawler Task Force.  Cool to see you were thinking we need some more States as well.


    I enjoyed your Statesman arc!  It was nice seeing a little Sister Psyche mention in there too, and of course Flower Knight!  

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  10. On 11/2/2021 at 2:12 AM, Take One said:

    And the results are in!


    Our first runner up is Cranebump's "Match Point", with arc Id 44239. This story is told in a way that is unusual for the AE format, in what can almost be considered a series of flashbacks as you ponder the information you have gathered, leading you up to the final confrontation with... well, you'll have to play it to find out. I found it a little confusing at first, but I won't deny that it was artistic.


    Next runner up is a real heartstring-tugger, in the form of Kyksie's "Your Final Mission", arc Id 44589. Nostalgic, bitter-sweet, maybe even a little sad - but with a not just literal but actual rebirth in the form of the very servers you may play on right now.


    The real winner though is Jiro Ito with "The Defenders of Talos", arc Id 44578. It is not perfect, but I could easily see this arc added to the game with maybe just minor modifications. The story was good all the way through, direct and to the point, and with no unnecessary gimmicks.


    Prizes will be sent out to your in-game email presently.


    Thank you so much @Take One, first for running the contest for the community and, humbly, for selecting my arc as the winner.  All of you are inspiring writers and always give me great ideas to write the next arc!

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