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Dark Juggernaut

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Posts posted by Dark Juggernaut

  1. I've got myself an Elec/Time blaster I am very happy with in terms of powersets and concept but my build is a bit... Shit.


    I'm pretty much finished slotting sets into it but I still don't feel I am where I want to be.


    So could someone please design me a well rounded build for both solo and team stuff please?


    My only stipulations power wise are that I'd like stealth, infiltration and hasten. As for the rest of it, pick what you think would be the most well rounded result for most content. I don't particularly care about psionic/toxic resists though.


    Thank you!

  2. 46 minutes ago, Astralock said:



    Pretty much this.


    Leadership powers are very expensive endurance wise for how little they do because they affect your entire team and not just yourself.


    They only real reason you want them on a blaster ever is if you are going something very specifically focused which needs either the small defence boost from maneuvers or the slots on it. Assault will give you like 10 damage per attack at best and tactics isn't usually necessary on blasters due to most of the sets they go for having accuracy bonuses. That being said, Gaussians 6 slot on tactics can be useful in some builds because of the defence boost and build up proc.


    The fighting pool (Tough and Weave) however is generally worth taking because the benefits are much higher vs endurance cost.

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  3. Lots of people seem to be asking what I value as 'better'. This wasn't really the point of the poll. I know very well the strengths and weaknesses of each of the classes.


    The point was if you solely focus on developing the weaker points of each class, which ends up better off in your opinion?


    Brutes were intentionally left out because there's too many people arguing about how Brutes are/aren't good at anything in particular right now and I didn't want that whole mess coming into another thread.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, biostem said:

     Also, depending upon the sets, the increased AoE size for tankers and their inherent taunt may actually make fighting groups of enemies (vs single more powerful ones) a lot easier...


    This is a very interesting take to be honest, I didn't even think of the increased AoE size but it's a very good point.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    My vote is going in based on if the primary/secondary of one is the same as the secondary/primary of the other and that Soul Mastery/Dark Obliteration is off the table, because that's an insta-win no-kill-me for the tanker, imo.


    Idea is the exact same powersets, whatever they may be.


    I deliberately left the question open ended because I wanted to see the reasoning people came up with.

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  6. So I used to tank back on live but I haven't done anything tank wise since then.

    I had a crack at making my own build but I have no idea if its decent or not. From what I can see, the Negative Resists are going to be an issue but I am hoping to mitigate some of that with my pretty much soft cap Melee Defence.


    Can you guys have a look and see what you think?







  7. With everyone saying Invul is strongest, I'm leaning into that. Primary wise I'm looking at Staff because of the resist and defence buffs plus I think I have a theme idea.

    That being said, from a game perspective are you able to comfortably main tank on a Brute?

    Taunt wise, back on live I remember pretty much always needing the Prescence taunt as well, is this still the case?


    Are there any Staff skills that can be skipped except for the first one without sacrificing too much?


    Of course, if you want to go one step further and suggest a build it would be greatly appreciated.

  8. So I am pretty much out of the loop with everything. I came back like a week ago and have been playing a Dark/Energy Dominator but I want to make a tanky character... except I prefer the idea of a Brute rather than a straight up Tanker.


    I don't really want a Dark theme again because I feel I will be rehashing the same design as my dom however out of curiousity, if you believe a Dark build is the tankiest then feel free to post it. Realistically I am just looking for some base builds to develop into my own 🙂

  9. 3 hours ago, Yellowjacket said:

    A ghost with two giant semi auto pistols is a strange sight, but totally rad


    Still working on the backstory a bit but the idea is likely revolving around being a reaper that became trapped or escaped to the mortal realm with limited access to his previous powers. Realistically, I always liked DP from MM on the live servers but I didn't enjoy playing redside or MM so I never stuck with it. The MA side was just because I wanted a decent knockback for the fun of going back to Atlas Park on max level and assblasting a low level mob into orbit and the theme kinda fit together with DP lol.


    Eventually I want the Corsair pistols I've seen knocking around but I am only level 14 at the minute and I have no idea how to get them yet lol.


    2 hours ago, Robothenri said:

    I thought that initially but the more I look at it the more I like the idea, opens up the barriers of our minds! 🤪. However most of my characters are talking robots or a space monkey, so I'm probably not the best judge of normal, haha.


    I made a huge SS/WP brute in a boxing outfit and an american flag type cape called Redbull. He has a bright red minotaur head too. I really like the design but I'm too busy with Bullet Phantom at the minute to play him.


    1 hour ago, Shocktacular said:



    WOW!  These look AMAZING!

    Also, welcome back! 😄 


    Thanks a lot. I've spent days switching outfits before I finally went ahead with the theme. I'll maybe post some of my unused ideas here in a day or two once I've got my uni crap outa the way.

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