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Everything posted by gilce

  1. Have you ever started a new character and got annoyed because you couldn't go anywhere, since being unguilded? If the answer is yes, this may be useful. I got inspired by this topic and dediced to pick the "transit hubs" and have them in a popmenu, so that whatever the character, whatever the server, whatever the guild, I could fo anywhere freely. Thanks to those base builders for sharing by the way 😉 Feel free to use this, you can modify it to add / share your own base if you like. Don't know whether there are some on Brainstorm (beta) and Shadow (prerelease) servers. If you know of such SG, just tell and I'll add them. Enjoy ! hubs.mnu
  2. Not sure this has to do with the network since though I am experiencing zone loading issues, I have solved them withoutnetwork tweaking. I am playing with my wife. She's on a laptop with wifi while I'm on a wired desktop and I noticed her changing zone faster than me. With the exception of Atlas Park, I am back to the login screen after a long loading time for most zones (sometimes I even have to log out the game to launch it back in order enter the new zone). I noticed my wife is playing full screen while I am playing in windowed mode so I try playing full screen and I have no longer any trouble changing zone. The only problem I have now with playing full screen is when I want to log out, I have to set the game back to windowed or I often get a black screen with no choice other than shutting down the computer and rebooting it. This leads me to a kind of routine when playing CoX : launching the game in windowed mode and when I have to enter my credentials, up to when I am in Atlas, I switch to full screen. And when I want to log out, I switch back to windowed mode else I often have to reboot my computer. I have no trouble whatsoever with any other game, mmorpg or not, older or newer and I often play in windowed mode. This is the only occurrence when I have to stick to that sort of routine. If it was a mere network issue, changing the screen mode would do nothing while in my case it is a fully functional workaround (and I am still able to use my second screen for whatever need I may have outside the game).
  3. C'était effectivement l'Alliance de Paragon, ils avaient dévoloppé un écosystème relativemet bien fait autour de CoX qui semble malheureusement été perdu dans les brumes du temps jadis. Après si quelqu'un de l'Alliance est dans le coin et dispose des archives nécessaires... un petit électrochoc pour raviver la bête pourrait être bienvenue, sinon il faut rester sur les moyens du bord, notamment le canal Vigilance IG. :)
  4. I can't see what's all the fuss about this DFB... I mean, back when the game was live, it was already a matter of grind : you had to grind to level, you had to grind for inf, you had to grind for prestige. And you had to do thiis grind on a large number of characters since testing the various powersets was a game in itself. And the game encouraged this with sidekicks. Let's be honest, very few players never joined a group of 50s to benefit from PLing, even before the AEs. Back then, you weren't a worse player for having grouped with a bunch of 50s, on the contrary, you even could get precious advices. I can't see why doing DFB would be worse than being PLed. Even if DFB players are used to a little number os skills, it's just the begining, they'll have plenty time to learn how to play when they'll be where they want to be. They may just want to PvP after all and don't bother with the background of the game, the stories or whatever. This server has just started a few weeks ago, don't condemn players who are on the verge to get a 50 or are already since they'll have plenty time to learn how to play since Homecoming is here for long (at least, that's what I wish for them). Moreover, I'm not sure players here are real new players who have never played CoX, on the contrary, I'm quite confident most of them are vets from the original game, hence... why skipping a range of content to reach max level would turn them into real noobs or so called "DFB babies" who dunno how to play when they already know most mechanics? Personnally, I run DFB (using the LFG tool, hence I'm not overflowing the chat channels) when I'm alone, when I'm not at exploring the maps to get the badges. When I'm not at it, I am playing along with my wife, or together with the very people I started CoX with, nearly 15 years ago that I met by chance here (and for this, I thank the team) and whom I carry on playing with till the game closed. This being said, I really don't feel like I don't know how to play the game. There are more than 50k players here, that means ther are hundred of players's expectations since everybody has his own, and everybody 's looking for something in the game. As for the "little general" who gives orders to "spoiled children"... He has nothing to do with DFB and I'm pretty sure he's be the same in whatever mission. When I have those comments in a group, I'm used to leaving, and eventually ignoring the person.
  5. Sure, but if you have multiple accounts you'll have an overall played time reduced compared to the one who would have stuck to a single account. Moreover, with multiple accounts, you could be at risk according to the games rules when the server rise in population. Sure... yet if you have a 10, 15 or even 20 character slots per shard, that's 50 to 100 characters to start with. Of you add slots (per shard given the original number is per shard) per time played and per 50ish character that's could be much more. From my personal experience, creating characters was a game, yet deleting them after a few hours was one as well.
  6. I'm not against first comes first served as regards the naming policy. It's been like that for years since I started playing very long ago. Yet I am not against names to be dropped if the characters are not played, though I'd have appreciate the overall time spent playing to come as a "shield"or a booster, ie if someone has played longer than you he'll be given the name, but you'll stick with it if you have played longer even though you have not logged the given character for a while. A side measure would have been to limit the number of characters per shard in order to limit name-camping (10 for instance). Such a rule could be softened by granting new character slots every x played days and/or every time a character hits 50. The more you play, the more characters you can have, otherwise you're stuck to 10 (if I stick to the example I have previously quoted). I feel you have to encourage overall real playing time instead of just logging in and out all of your alts in order to keep your names. If you spawn badge-giving monsters, will we be given the badge like we have defeated them the usual way?
  7. How do you select the map outside the base, and what are the available maps?
  8. Have you completed the cape mission? I Haven(t done it yet, hence I'm still 1/3 since visiting Hero 1 Memorial in the Atlas Park City Hall. As for the third one, thought it could be in Crey's Folly where there's a plaque to remember Hero 1 an Statesman final meeting. I tried without success. This made me think it could be Ouroboros where Mender Ramiel's arc has to do with The Honoree. Went ther, tried to speak to Ramiel without success once again. Yet, as I'm only 20+, I can't start his arc, so I can't reject this possibility. Final guess, is in the Rikti War Zone, though I cannot check, maybe with Lady Grey TF where you have to fight The Honoree (Apocalyptic Badge).
  9. Est-ce que ça ne risque pas de faire un peu doublon avec le Discord Vigilance FR sur lequel il y a déjà pas mal de personnes et qui au-delà de l'aspect SG / site d'info sur City of Titans fait un peu office de "consolidateur" de la communauté FR, notamment IG avec le canal de chat FR ? Même si c'est vrai qu'on a un peu de mal à se trouver globalement pour le moment en termes d'annonces, de SG ou autres, mais le temps devrait aider à ce niveau, le Discord ne devrait-il pas être en soutien de l'IG et donc des canaux de chat plutue de s'y substituer? Attention, ce n'est pas un combat pour ou contre, mais j'ai l'impression que les Discord se multiplient (rien que pour Homecoming, j'en suis à 3 sans compter celui-ci, alors que je ne me considère pas comme un utilisateur de Discord) plus vite que les couples forum/TS-Mumble-Ventrilo de l'époque et que l'on y perd en pertinence ainsi qu'en interactions IG, ce qui devrait être la base à mon sens.
  10. How do you remove the pattern ? I mean, I have a room with max height ceiling yet as I previously set a room style to the whole base, I still see the ceiling and not the sky. I was also wondering if there is a way to remove walls or to have a landscape applied to them ? For instance, I want to have a room that would be "outside" the base, like a balcony or a street between two bluidings (with vehicles, citizens NPC and so on), so I want to remove the ceilling in order to see the sky, but I would also appreciate to be able to remove the walls to see an Independence Port background landscape, or an Atlas Park or Galaxy City one. Is this possible?
  11. Maybe a silly question, but yet I have found no answer : when you transfer a character who leads a supergroup, are the SG and the base transferred (or is there a particular order in order to transfer them)?
  12. En l'état actuel, non, rien dans le lanceur ou dans le jeu ne permet de changer de langue. La question a été posée ailleurs, mais n'a pas obtenu de réponse "officielle". Dans tous les cas, la version du jeu en cours est postérieurs à l'abandon de la localisation par NCSoft donc il y a fort à parier malheureusement que cela soit perdu. Et je pense que même s'il était possible de "bricoler" quelque chose avec les DVD originaux, tout serait écrasé au moindre patch, à l'instar de ce qu'il s'était produit à l'époque, donc cela ne serait pas viable je pense.
  13. Same here : my wife doesn't understand English so this is quite harsh for her should she play on her own. Hopefully, as we play together, I can help her. Though I doubt this could be possible, it would be great and let us play in a more comfortable way. I also doubt this could be sustinable in the long run for a small team such as Homecoming's compared to NCSoft's. It would be too time consuming translating everything they could add into the game. This is the reason why I would favour some semi-localized shards (which I actually already asked for in another topic) : everything would be the same as the other shards from a dev's point of view except the communities who would be French speaking or German Speaking players, like we once had Zukunft and Vigilance. No real need for more, since these two communities are the only ones to have their own server in the original game, thus the ones that might be the most uncomfortable with full English speaking servers. This would allow for a more comfortable experience of the game for non English speaking players given their own language would be widely used. It would be much more convenient to ask for help for instance, as it would allow AE mission arcs dedicated to these communities. This could also be the difference between a failed mission and a successful one, particularly for task forces if a non English speaking player is unable communicate with the others.
  14. Je pense qu'on doit être un peu plus que cela, surtout quand on voit qu'aux heures "indues" pour l'autre bout du monde nous avons des files d'attente, mais nous sommes un peu noyés dans la masse, et le fait que le chat soit en anglais ne nous aide pas à nous identifier en tant que FR.
  15. First of all, thanks for letting us wander the streets of CoX again. Given the number of acocunts created these days that lead to the opening of two new shards and given that the original game had Vigilance and Zukunft, respectively for French and German speaking players, I was wondering if you have any plan to add a shard for each of these language since I imagine they would not be overlooked a 2,000-max French or German players shard ? Not fully localized shards, since I guess this would be a huge and worthless effort (at least at the beginning) work both for the UI and the ingame dialogs, uless the original disks could be reused, but these linguistics communities could use their language to chat for whatever they have to say (group, help, recruit...), to use the Mission Architect or Wentworth without bothering the other players or mis(not)understanding what the other players actually say. In addition to this, maybe a side effect would be to somewhat lower the queue by a bit since these communities would certainly queue their own servers.
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