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  1. The range on Sentinel attacks has always been a sore spot for me. Now, I will say, I think recent tweaks to the class have indeed improved it from the original version, so a heart-felt "Thank you" to the Devs for that. None-the-less, I still think their attacks should lean more towards the standard 80ft of other AT's, rather than the current 60'. I've heard all of the arguments for why they were given the anemic range, and find none of them credible or compelling. Just one guy's opinion. It doesn't make me right.
  2. I don't object to it. I DO object to it, if we don't get a ridable stick-horse to go with it. Don't half a$$ it, mang. Just sayin'. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Well, some people enjoy knockback as a form of attack mitigation, not purely for it's visual effect. Of course, Greycat may have other reasons besides this. Regardless, some people will object because knockback is part of their play tactics/style. Which, of course, is a totally legitimate reason to object to limiting the effect to triggering on mob deaths only.
  4. The Superspeed power, itself, is fine IMO. I do think that Flurry is an incredibly lame implementation of a superspeed punching power, though. It's utterly skippable in almost every respect. As for wall-running, I actually do like his animation suggestions, except for the fact that I don't think it's possible to code for it. Unless I'm misremembering, running up walls and on water have both been suggested before, and it isn't possible due to issues with the game code (much as web-swinging and wall-crawling travel powers aren't possible for the same reason)
  5. C'mon, the posters forum name is Major_Decoy. How can you give a thumbs down for this reply? 😁
  6. This really says it for me, too. You could possibly apply this to any MMO or even pen and paper RPG that I've ever played. Apart from that, when I want to imagine myself as a comic book super hero in a video game, this is really the only game besides Freedom Force that has ever properly scratched that itch for me.
  7. It should be added now (assuming I submitted correctly). Sorry. I meant to do this earlier, I just kept getting sidetracked.
  8. Ah, yes. That must be it. I just didn't have all 10 slots anchored to teleport points. I did not get to tour every square inch of this massive ship, due to having to log and tend to some house chores, so I missed the captain's quarters and ready room. I'll certainly return to explore some more when time allows, though. 😎👍
  9. There's a ton to see in this one! I really love your custom air-hockey and ping-pong tables on the reck deck! I'm also impressed with how you are able to put your zone teleporters so close together without getting the anchors to cross-pollinate. I've never been able to figure out how to prevent that, so I tend to space my teleporters relatively far apart. Looks like you also have plenty of room for expansion. Several decks looked like they had access points for crew quarters or some such. Will be cool to see what you do with these! 😎
  10. My wife and I watched the 1st four episodes last night and plan to watch the rest of it over the weekend. We both enjoyed it quite a lot. Definitely not my favorite series of all time, or anything, but I can say that it (to me, at least) does the game justice in portraying the setting pretty accurately and it's got good actors, fun action sequences, and moments of humor as well. It's also quite gory, as one would expect from a show true to the source material. I'm totally fine with that, but folks that haven't played the game might be a bit shocked by it.
  11. I play a TON of Sentinels. You will never make a Sentinel that is mainly a competent melee toon, because the Sentinel is a ranged combat AT. However, like you, I want to play Sentinel characters that engage in melee some portion of the time. For this purpose, I like to take Air Superiority from the flight pool and Knockout blow from Leviathan mastery. These are both fun melee attacks that can be decently useful. Air superiority hits and knocks down the target almost every time, making it a solid attack mitigation power, in this regard. Knockout Blow is slow to fire and recharge, but looks very cool and does respectable damage. Beyond this, you just have to look at epic pools that give you the most melee attacks. I don't know that there's all that much to choose from here. Certainly not enough that you're ever going to run a Sentinel primarily as a melee attacker. If that's your bag, you just need to pick a scrapper or brute, IMO. Now, if you want a solid mix of rng and melee, you're probably looking at either a Blaster or Dominator.
  12. I'm not sure there are any pitfalls, necessarily, except for the extra work involved. As far as I know, you could theoretically build all the way up or down or across, within the build space, though there's a maximum number of objects you can have in a base, so you're going to run up against that, eventually. The size and shape of the rooms set limitations on the build space too, of course.
  13. *Starts to write a reply about the SS power Hand Clap. Realizes the post is actually about Thunderclap. Slinks off in shame*
  14. RP'ers will always have a good reason to join a supergroup. If you're not an RP'er, there are probably still plenty of reasons you might find to join one. Other people may never want to belong to a SG, and that's okay too. I'm not against the idea of being able to belong to more than one at a time. The pessimist in me wonders if it might not be a herculean task to code for, though.
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